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Author Topic: 7 Year old dies of gunshot to head

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Originally posted by glassman:

in any case, these guys should have been in jail- who knows why they weren't?
we have plenty of laws restricting people like them from having guns but people find ways around them.

criminals in particular.

Weird thing is nothing was ever mentioned about how they got their firepower, whether legally or illegally. Not as far as I know at least. If someone got it for them etc.

I'm a true crime buff so such things interest me.

Let the world change you... And you can change the world.

Ernesto "Che" Guevara de la Serna

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Originally posted by glassman:
deserved to die? because they chose to put themselves into that situation. they also chose to use high power rifles on civilians and cops.
the cops choose to go there with the crooks, thatmakes them heroes,
the civvies are colateral damage they are there by accident/chance.

i don't see what Christianity has to do with it.

God Judges peoples souls, my bet is those two had none

Still shouldn't wish death on anyone regardless of good or bad and yes they probably didn't have souls...

Let the world change you... And you can change the world.

Ernesto "Che" Guevara de la Serna

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Originally posted by jgrecoconstr:
Ret....Back when I had those troubles with that gun I tried everything, it was always clean so that wasn't the problem. A gunsmith I knew told me to use pistol powder which is finer grained, that wasn't it either, someone else told me to go to straight black powder and not pyrodex, that didn't work, varied the loads too. it wasn't my ability to shot consistently because I can do that. The gun was deadly for a few years then it just went crazy. Honestly, 25 yards and miss a sheet of plywood. I used to just shot a paper targets and when I wasn't hitting them consistently I got pissed and set up a sheet of plywood to see where the hell the slug was going. What do you think my reaction was when I totally missed a 4 x 8 area. I couldn't trust hunting with it. There is no worse feeling hunting than losing an animal. As far as the primers go, I know I'm not traditional blackpowder but I'm trying to keep it somewhat close. I'll never put a scope on it unless I get really shakey in the years to come. One of the reasons they set up the blackpowder seasons in new York was to have somewhat of a traditional season. Then they kept tweaking it and now most people hunting muzzle loader season are just as well fitted as regular season with a 30.06 which I don't agree with. I'm suprised you get so many deer per season in Michigan. I thought they nearly killed the whole herd off a few years ago due to CWD.

Well it sounds like maybe your barrel ended up damaged or bent...I really couldn't tell without looking at it...I have been shooting my AH for about 8 years and it is still dead nuts accurate...

If you really want a "traditional" hunt for deer, then bowhunting is by far the most challenging...
If I had to pick only one season, it would be with a bow hands down...very up close and personal hunting method...

Our deer herd in Michigan is still very healthy at approximately 2 million animals. The problem that we had a few years back was a few cases of TB (not CWD,) and that was only found in the northeast section of the lower peninsula...

Two years ago I could legally buy 1 doe license per day for the entire season which runs from Oct. 1st to Jan. 1st...YES, I could legally shoot 90 deer if I wanted...As of now, we can legally shoot 2 bucks and 3 does per year...


It's all in the timing...

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Originally posted by The Bigfoot:
Your precautions are good retiredat, but the fragments that I am talking about could only be found by X-ray.

Concerned by these findings, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources then studied the fragmentation of bullets in deer and sheep carcasses shot with different types of lead bullets.

The results were terrifying. On average, each carcass contained between 60 and 141 lead fragments; one had nearly 500. Most lead pieces were so small that people could not detect them without X-rays or chemical analysis. Fragments also were often far from bullet exit holes -- in some cases, up to 14 inches away. Lead levels unsafe for children were detected up to 18 inches away from exit holes.

This is a very good source page for the information I am pseaking of but it is a positional statement. Just an FYI.

Well BF...I have been eating venison shot with lead bullets 3 to 4 times a week for the last 20 years, and I have never been treated for, or experienced any symptoms of lead poisoning...


It's all in the timing...

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2 million!!! They must have high auto insurance rates there, your odds of hitting a deer run pretty high I would think. Used to bowhunt years ago until I got tendonitis in my elbow. It was enjoyable but a tad painful trying to practice. It's hanging right here in front of me with a half inch of dust on it.
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Icon 1 posted      Profile for glassman     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
Originally posted by jgrecoconstr:
2 million!!! They must have high auto insurance rates there, your odds of hitting a deer run pretty high I would think. Used to bowhunt years ago until I got tendonitis in my elbow. It was enjoyable but a tad painful trying to practice. It's hanging right here in front of me with a half inch of dust on it.

i lived in NE for five years and we had a deer hit a very five miles or so year round.

i moved to the MS Delta wher the deer are almost never on the road. we have huge tracts of swampland her for them to stay in cover and they just don't get on the raod, but the trophy bucks here are absolute monsters.
anyway, my insurance doubled with the same company just for moving here, the reason is that our average household income is like 25 grand and half or more drivers have no insurance, so those of us that have insurance pay more..

kinda like health (un)insurance [Wink]

it's been a very strange experience living in an area where 60% plus of the people live on foodstamps, and people think they are wealthy for making 50grand/year in their household.

Don't envy the happiness of those who live in a fool's paradise.

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Originally posted by Machiavelli:
Originally posted by glassman:
deserved to die? because they chose to put themselves into that situation. they also chose to use high power rifles on civilians and cops.
the cops choose to go there with the crooks, thatmakes them heroes,
the civvies are colateral damage they are there by accident/chance.

i don't see what Christianity has to do with it.

God Judges peoples souls, my bet is those two had none

Still shouldn't wish death on anyone regardless of good or bad and yes they probably didn't have souls...
Mach, i'm going to assume this is another case of language confusion.

wishing somebody dead is entirely different from making a logical statement about their right to life.

if i set up a ladder on a power pole and climb up it to attach my workshop main for free power and i get fried? i deserve it.
plain and simple Darwin rules.

you seem to have this habit of (IMO) intentionally misinterpreting/misrepresenting my statements if English is your first language.

Don't envy the happiness of those who live in a fool's paradise.

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Originally posted by glassman:
Originally posted by Machiavelli:
Originally posted by glassman:
deserved to die? because they chose to put themselves into that situation. they also chose to use high power rifles on civilians and cops.
the cops choose to go there with the crooks, thatmakes them heroes,
the civvies are colateral damage they are there by accident/chance.

i don't see what Christianity has to do with it.

God Judges peoples souls, my bet is those two had none

Still shouldn't wish death on anyone regardless of good or bad and yes they probably didn't have souls...
Mach, i'm going to assume this is another case of language confusion.

wishing somebody dead is entirely different from making a logical statement about their right to life.

if i set up a ladder on a power pole and climb up it to attach my workshop main for free power and i get fried? i deserve it.
plain and simple Darwin rules.

you seem to have this habit of (IMO) intentionally misinterpreting/misrepresenting my statements if English is your first language.

No language confusion because I said in a reply to your post if you meant survival of the fittest as opposed to anything else then that I understood what you meant. Reason i said such a thing is because i recall reading a post or two of yours in some thread where you make a comment where you wish death upon a human life. So wanted to clarify it. If you wish I could paste the comment I said survival of the fittest in this thread?

Let the world change you... And you can change the world.

Ernesto "Che" Guevara de la Serna

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WASHINGTON -- Frustrated liberals are asking why a Democratic-controlled Congress and White House can't manage to close the Guantanamo prison or keep new gun-rights laws from passing.

After all, President Barack Obama pledged to shut down the military detention center on Cuba for suspected terrorists. And Democratic control of the government would suggest that any gun legislation leads to tighter controls on weapons, not expanded use.

Even as they grouse, however, liberal lawmakers acknowledge that no one factor explains last week's disappointing back-to-back votes in Congress.

The Obama administration is focused on other priorities, they say. Party leaders don't want to endanger Democratic lawmakers from conservative districts by stressing divisive issues such as gun control.

On Guantanamo, many say, Obama and his allies were caught napping as Republicans stirred public fears about relocating suspected terrorists.

"I think it's one of the few times that he didn't think it all the way out," said Rep. Elijah Cummings, D-Md., an unabashed admirer of the president.

As for trying to keep loaded guns out of national parks, Cummings said, "I don't think he put a lot of energy into it." Issues such as national security and the distressed economy deserve greater attention, at least for now, he said, adding that the president "picks his fights very carefully."

Such explanations provide small comfort to left-leaning Democrats after eight years of George W. Bush's presidency and nearly a dozen years of Republican control of Congress.

"We'll probably end up passing more gun bills" that expand owners' rights "than we did during the Republican administration," said Rep. Carolyn McCarthy, D-N.Y., a leading gun control advocate. "That is what surprises me."

She placed less blame on the White House than on ordinary Americans and advocacy groups that are consistently outflanked by gun owners' groups, especially the National Rifle Association.

"Until the American people say enough is enough, and get active in it," Democratic control of Congress and the White House will not be enough to turn the tide, said McCarthy, whose husband was killed by a gunman in 1993.

Two votes in Congress last Wednesday dismayed many liberals and exposed the limits of their influence even with Obama as president and Democrats holding solid majorities in both houses.

The Senate voted 90-6 to join the House in blocking the transfer of any prisoners from Guantanamo. Harsh treatment and indefinite detention of suspects there have sparked worldwide criticisms of the U.S. government and helped al-Qaida recruit volunteers, said Obama, who pledges to close the prison early next year. Lawmakers say they want more details on where detainees will be sent.

Also Wednesday, the House voted overwhelmingly to join the Senate in letting people carry loaded guns in national parks and wildlife refuges. More than 100 House Democrats and 174 Republicans voted for the gun measure, which was attached to an Obama-backed bill imposing new restrictions on credit card companies.

Earlier this year, gun-rights supporters derailed a bill to give the District of Columbia voting rights in Congress by adding a provision that would repeal the city's strict gun regulations.

The gun votes were less surprising to many Democrats than were the Guantanamo developments. The NRA remains among the most powerful lobbies, and many lawmakers take care to stay off its political enemies list.

"People do not want to be on the wrong side of this particular cultural divide," said Rep. David Price, D-N.C., who supports tougher gun controls. "It's too bad there's not a more responsible national organization" to counteract the NRA, he said.

In some ways, the gun-control lobby is choking on Democratic success in congressional races. "The seats we're picking up come disproportionately from those more conservative areas," Price said, where linking the Democratic Party to gun control can be dangerous at re-election time.

Rep. Lynn Woolsey of California is another Democrat frustrated by the gun debate. When she asks colleagues why they don't support tougher restrictions, she said, they reply, "You just don't get it, Woolsey. You don't have our districts."

"It has to do with being afraid they'll lose their election if they stand up against guns," she said.
Guantananamo is a more pressing issue for the administration.

For months, congressional Republicans and conservative commentators said Obama's plan to close the prison would place terrorists on U.S. soil, even though the locations presumably would be prisons. By the time the administration offered more details and reassurances, congressional Democrats were backpedalling, voting to block funds to relocate detainees.

"I'm not sure they realized the opposition they were going to come up against," Woolsey said.
Many Democratic lawmakers predicted that Obama will resolve the Guantanamo problem and eventually turn to gun issues, where he has advocated ownership rights with "common sense" regulations.

"I do believe that down the road the president will start working on some of the gun violence issues," said McCarthy, the New York Democrat. "But let's face it," she said. "We've got an awful lot of issues on our plate right now."

It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so.

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Reason i said such a thing is because i recall reading a post or two of yours in some thread where you make a comment where you wish death upon a human life.

really? you seem to have some erroneous recollections.

you claim to remember somewhere where i wished someone dead in the past? and you wish to challenge my religious or philosphical beleif system with bullcrap now? at some much later date?

actually you are just making excuses for being wrong again.

in any case? you are beginning to become mildly annoying with the personal chit. i assume that's your goal. if it is? you should try harder cuz this passive aggressive stuff is so feminine.

i can be alot worse than i have been if i so choose, you ain't seen nothing.

Don't envy the happiness of those who live in a fool's paradise.

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Originally posted by glassman:

in any case? you are beginning to become mildly annoying with the personal chit. i assume that's your goal. if it is? you should try harder cuz this passive aggressive stuff is so feminine.

i can be alot worse than i have been if i so choose, you ain't seen nothing.

I'm not making this a personal chit at all but looks like you are making it out to be. I say you shouldn't wish death upon anyone because it is a human life and that is making it personal chit?

I don't make anything into personal chit til someone else makes it so. If you throw an insult at me I will reply in kind. Simple as that. If you talk civil to me without the insults then i do the same. But lately you been an azz to me so i have done the same. Ball is in your court, want to be an azz or talk civil even if we disagree on things?

Let the world change you... And you can change the world.

Ernesto "Che" Guevara de la Serna

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I say you shouldn't wish death upon anyone because it is a human life and that is making it personal chit?

exackly that IMO- esp. when i didn't do it. you bring it today and then say i did it some other time? that's lame. it's real passive aggressive...

what are you lookin' for here? i'm curious.

go back thru the thread to the beginning,th every first sentence... you began it with a chip on your shoulder you asked to be told off in the first sentence.

you are making all of this personal.

you are choosing to find a fight and i'm happy to oblige you, just trying to figure out how much you want.

Don't envy the happiness of those who live in a fool's paradise.

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myabe i am not being clear, it's not the arguing that annoys me it is only the passive aggressive stuff that does, does that make sense?

in other words, changing around what i say to mean something else is passive aggressive. then to call me out on it? that's wierd IMO.

if it's a language issue then say so. if it's just your deabte style? then i'll just ignore you from now on, cuz it's not worthy IMO.

Don't envy the happiness of those who live in a fool's paradise.

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I like to moo

It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so.

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Don't envy the happiness of those who live in a fool's paradise.

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Originally posted by glassman:

if it's a language issue then say so. if it's just your deabte style? then i'll just ignore you from now on, cuz it's not worthy IMO.

Sowwwy, wasn't home. Went to CVS Pharmacy on a errand. But if you feel like you need to ignore me Glass, then please do. We used to have pleasant convo's even when we didn't agree til lately especially with your ego's need to be right all the time and I don't mean with just me. But please ignore me then if your going to take things personal even when they are not. Like you said it's not worth it.

Let the world change you... And you can change the world.

Ernesto "Che" Guevara de la Serna

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But please ignore me then if your going to take things personal even when they are not

this is stupid Mach

you chided me for wishing death upon people then you say it's not personal..

that's personal in my book, you are trying to score points with airballs.

Don't envy the happiness of those who live in a fool's paradise.

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Agreed, stupid. I've moved on, you can too.

Let the world change you... And you can change the world.

Ernesto "Che" Guevara de la Serna

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Icon 1 posted      Profile for Robot     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
but some of the guns that show up against the regular duty officers on the street are scary.

there is no such thing as a scary gun, just scary people. guns are simply machines. all cops choose to be cops for personal reasons, just as all repo men do, bounty hunters, and crab fishermen, the most dangerous job in the world. they LIKE danger. it makes them fell alive [Big Grin]

too many movies have portrayed gun use in Rambo terms.

most guns on the street are the same basic guns cops carry just cheaper, less reliable and accurate models because criminals will drop them into the drink after they use them- i already posted the most common guns on the street.

I think you know what I mean.

"The RFID thing is good though."

not. you want to be chipped? you want ANYBODY with a scanner to ID you?

Your asking the wrong person. About twenty years ago I started to provide my passport every time I crossed a boarder. I get asked to verify my finger prints and or an eye scan every once in a while. I'm a good boy and never have a problem. I understand what your saying regarding privacy.

It is a long way off but chip the criminals so the chipped guns don't work. Kinda like an ankle bracelet used today. You could also chip the house so that a gun used to defend a home, only works for that house.

GM OnStar can shut down a "stolen" car. Might not be legal yet but they can do it.

you are forgetting that the most comon victims of violent crime ARE poor people who cannot afford the extra cost. unfortunately? they are the most likely to have their gun stolen too,

i return to my original argument that the best way to lower all crimes is to provide headstart to everybody and make it mandatory for welfare moms.

Absolutely Not! Welfare moms are the end recipient of violence caused by a poorly managed gun toting society, IMHO. No offense to anyone in the poor sections of society, but welfare does tend to be related to education.

You want to mandate weapons to the undereducated. Wow. Even people with education can't always figure out how to keep their guns under control. Yes I did note your reference to them (moms) being at higher risk of having their guns stolen.

If you arm 100% of all who are Willing, you will only increase the number of guns stolen (proportionate) and used against others unless you also look at your "safe storage" laws, of which I don't know if you have any. I have no idea if any of your states require weapons to be locked up when not in use. Yes, As I Have Stated, I agree this causes other conflicts with other points of view and also the 2nd amendment.

If you give weapons to welfare moms, most are gona sell em or trade em.

then pay the headsart teacher professional wages so that we don't have worse people "warehousing" the kids.

early childhood development studies prove that children are taught how to learn (or not) at very early ages. sure, genes have alot to do with it, but little kids are blank slates and if left in front of the TV all day cannot develop into functional adults. esp. considering how awful alot of the cartoon network crap is now [Wink] ever watch ed ed and eddy? just plain disgusting. it's nothing like the three stooges which i assume it was intended to mimic.

I noticed education was touched on in more than a few posts but does anyone remember when the study came out on who was the "smartest race" and I think the Japanese and the Chinese scored higher in comparison to many others. Most people were very offended, but didn't have a clue as to what a child in China or Japan has to endure growing up in their school system. Discipline and Respect, ten times greater than what we got away with. Punishment was also greater than ours.

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Ace of Spades

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Originally posted by T e x:
Originally posted by The Bigfoot:
So what are you suggesting to prevent these types of incidents Pagan since it is the people and not the weapons that harm and kill? How do you propose to stop the bloodshed?

Authorities should have been out there before hand, to check out wackos based on their posted "sign."
Yeah....I gues they thought having a sign saying "tresspassers will be shot" would protect them legaly.

But any redneck that puts a sign like that know they were probably waiting everyday for a chance to shoot a tresspasser.

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T e x

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"here's yur sign!"

Nashoba Holba Chepulechi
Adventures in microcapitalism...

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You want to mandate weapons to the undereducated. Wow. Even people with education can't always figure out how to keep their guns under control. Yes I did note your reference to them (moms) being at higher risk of having their guns stolen.

OK, headstart is not guns. if you thought that has something to do with gun ownership.

as for arbitrarily increasing the price of guns? it would be discriminatory which is my original point.

headstart is prekindergarten formal education.

it would make a huge difference for the children of welfare parents, said children being out of control of their destiny and having their destiny in the hands of other uneducated people is a handicap to them and to society.

getting kids into well designed age-apropriate studies at an earlier age would decrease crime across the board. it would increase thei chances of being able to compete in society in the way that society wants them to compete, rather thna leaving them out on the street. sure some will still choose the street, but for alot of the kids on the street? it chose them

as for Asians being smarter? that's not what the tests indicated. education and smarts are two different things.

i am very well aware of Asian cultures. I am much more familiar with Japanese culture than Chinese, and i know that they score higher on pure science math and literacy tests. However, they are not nearly as good at the Artistic side of the sciences. They take American technology and refine it all the time, but the American system consistently develops more brand new technology than they do.
thier population test scores tend have higher averages, not higher scores, there is a difference their to. and i agree that it come down to work ethic. however, Americans by overall consensus have a better way of life, indicating more reward for said work and more play relative to accomplished work.

Don't envy the happiness of those who live in a fool's paradise.

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Originally posted by glassman:
Americans by overall consensus have a better way of life, indicating more reward for said work and more play relative to accomplished work.

I wouldn't say more play... all we do is work and work with less play compared to other parts of the world... and our salaries definetly do not go up proportionally with the cost of living...

But anyways as for the poor children and early education... nice and correct in theory but alot of it gets blocked by right wing interests who do not believe in social programs, increased education costs to the poor etc. imo...

Let the world change you... And you can change the world.

Ernesto "Che" Guevara de la Serna

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all we do is work and work with less play compared to other parts of the world... and our salaries definetly do not go up proportionally with the cost of livin

shhesh that's ridiculous; you just want to argue, you don't even care what the truth is as long as it's and argument.

i don't see people emmigrating to the Asain countries because of their standard of living.

America enjoys a great standard of living compared to all of east Asia the few countries that can claim a better standard of living are far western asian countries that are oil rich, .

Don't envy the happiness of those who live in a fool's paradise.

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OK, headstart is not guns. if you thought that has something to do with gun ownership.

My bad. Not familiar with your headstart program. Sounds like a great idea.

as for Asians being smarter? that's not what the tests indicated. education and smarts are two different things.

Yes there are different ways to look at the data. Bill Gates did a fantastic job of creating designing 80% of each software release and then selling it to millions, following up on each one with "updates".

The Asian country's will continue to improve on other peoples products until there wages match ours and it's not profitable.

Education needs a lot more attention to bring us back to the focus and respect our parents had, and were taught to have for their teachers and elders.

Americans by overall consensus have a better way of life, indicating more reward for said work and more play relative to accomplished work.

For now. With all of international trading going on that is going to change. There is no way any country can help a poorer country with out giving up something.

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Originally posted by glassman:

shhesh that's ridiculous; you just want to argue, you don't even care what the truth is as long as it's and argument.

i don't see people emmigrating to the Asain countries because of their standard of living.

America enjoys a great standard of living compared to all of east Asia the few countries that can claim a better standard of living are far western asian countries that are oil rich, .

I'm not looking for an argument. Jus stated my opinion and you already down my throat. You should re-evaluate whose doing the arguing. [Wink] And what truth? The truth according to Glass? lol

Why do people not immigrate to Asian countries? I been to Thailand and there are alot of expatriates there from around the world. Yes, most likely due to the girls but it is cheap to live there for westerners.

But anyways back to the topic, the reason imo why people do not immigrate to Asian countries is cultural differences as well as language barriers and peoples' own prejudices. Us Americans do not like to immigrate to any country that is not Western in culture or has english as a primary or secondary language. That is just is. We do not go out of our way to learn other cultures and languages but we expect everyone to do so ours.That is just a fact about Americans. While people from other countries are more willing to learn english as well as other languages.Most Europeans imo know 2 and sometimes 3 or more languages. Can you say the same about Americans in general who do not have immigrant families/parents here?

Westerners not immigrating there due to standard of living is not true. We like to visit the Exotic East but because it's a strange place and experience for us we do not move there. How many whites and such do you see living in the Chinatown's of America? lol In some of these places we can live much richer then we can here because our $$ goes a long way in their countries. In Thailand (where i have been and stayed at a friends place) you can live in a decent apartment for around $200 USD per month. Not extravagant but decent.

But anyways another thing i want to touch on is that i was not only talking about Asia, Glass. I do not know where you get the idea I was. I meant all different parts of the world. For example it's not always dollars and cents unlike you make it out to be. You think our standard of living is better due to money? We die of heart attacks, obesity, cancer etc. due to our wealth I would say much more so then in other parts of the world. Because we can afford more luxurious foods we can eat meat for example more then 1 time per week and we do so. Which leads to all sorts of health problems. We also have some of the most obese people on earth which leads to diseases as well.

While in the Mediterrean area the people live longer healthier lives due to their diet which is very plant based and because they cannot afford meat as much as we can so it's more for special occasions then a constant like us in the West. If you don't believe me go look it up on Wiki, books etc. I been reading up on it because I have my own health problems that my doctor told me I have to change my eating habits to reverse my condition.

Here's a link but you can look it up in other sources:

So how do you measure standard of living Glass? Who can buy the next version of the Ipod, Iphone, HDTV?

Or who lives healthier and longer lives (excluding accidents, wars, crime related deaths etc.), spend more time with their family and not their jobs, etc.. etc.. Because I'll tell you right now it is definetly not us.

Standard of living is not always measured by $$ though it is with Americans because we live in a money culture. All we care about is $$ and what it can purchase us.

Here is what our standard of living has done to us healthwise at least:

The United States life expectancy of 77.8 years at birth[149] is a year shorter than the overall figure in Western Europe, and three to four years lower than that of Norway, Switzerland, and Canada.[150] Over the past two decades, the country's rank in life expectancy has dropped from 11th to 42nd in the world.[151] The infant mortality rate of 6.37 per thousand likewise places the United States 42nd out of 221 countries, behind all of Western Europe.[152]U.S. cancer survival rates are the highest in the world.[153] Approximately one-third of the adult population is obese(must be all those gun owners LOL) and an additional third is overweight;[154] the obesity rate, the highest in the industrialized world, has more than doubled in the last quarter-century.[155] Obesity-related type 2 diabetes is considered epidemic by health care professionals.[156] The U.S. adolescent pregnancy rate, 79.8 per 1,000 women, is nearly four times that of France and five times that of Germany"

Let's talk about holidays too. In other countries people get more holidays or longer holidays as well as longer vacations then us. In some countries they even take 2 or 3 hour lunches.I also attribute this to lesser deaths and life longevity in Asia and Europe. Hell, some countries you get 2 or 3 hour lunches while here 1/2 hour to 1 hour if your lucky.They have less stress in those places. Btw in CR whatever your 1 months' salary is you get paid that as an additional bonus in the month of December according to national law. Do we get that here? lol Imagine being paid a $10,000 bonus in December if that is your 1 month salary here ($20,000 total). Wouldn't that be nice and appreciative of the company worker. Again who has a better standard of living? [Big Grin]

So again, what were you saying about standard of living? Oh yes, who can buy the next version of the Iphone while clogging their arteries & other "pretty" things declining our bodies. [Big Grin]

As for your mind thinking the U.S. is #1 because of standard of living and other issues, I think Bill Maher said it best (this is a old clip but so true):

Let the world change you... And you can change the world.

Ernesto "Che" Guevara de la Serna

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i was not only talking about Asia,
this what i'm talkin' about Mach.

we were talking about Asia.

as in me and the person i was reponding to were talking about Asia. you can't just cut into the middle of a converstaion disagree with something and then tell them you were responding to something else.

fact. i told you i was simply going to point out the problem rather than getting into some long extended debate about who did what, you asked for it a couple weeks back, i been doing it. now you say i just what to argue? i am avoiding arguments by doing this.

but i'm simply giving you what you asked for.

as for Thailand? that's laughable to compare tehir lifestyle tours.
the only comparable in East Asia is japan, and it impossible to make a straight comparison cuz they don't have any natural resources like we do.

Don't envy the happiness of those who live in a fool's paradise.

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For now. With all of international trading going on that is going to change. There is no way any country can help a poorer country with out giving up something.

the global economy is too dependant on chep oil right now.

in the future? if we come up with better ways to use energy? the global economty can become a real leveler.

what happened over the last two years is just as much a function of too much dependence on one single energy source as it was to bad lending practices.

when you can build a wooden frame for a couch in China using chinese wood, ship it to North Carolina for upholstering using fibers from all over the owrld and then ship it back to China and sell it to the retail customer at a profit?
transportation is way too cheap.
that's just plain insanity from an efficiency sense.
the only way it really works is that China has nothing like a free market. Once they go freemarket? the North American worker can easily compete with the Chinese.
I see chinese glass products for sale here cheaper than i can melt glass that's already made.
in other words? somehow they can make glass then form it and ship it here at wholesale prices and then somebody can take a retail profit on it;
all for less than it costs me in electricity to simply melt glass that's already been made. how does that work? govt manipulation of currency for starters. take that away and no amount of cheap labor will overcome our productivty here.

Don't envy the happiness of those who live in a fool's paradise.

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Originally posted by glassman:
i was not only talking about Asia,
this what i'm talkin' about Mach.

we were talking about Asia.

as in me and the person i was reponding to were talking about Asia. you can't just cut into the middle of a converstaion disagree with something and then tell them you were responding to something else.

fact. i told you i was simply going to point out the problem rather than getting into some long extended debate about who did what, you asked for it a couple weeks back, i been doing it. now you say i just what to argue? i am avoiding arguments by doing this.

but i'm simply giving you what you asked for.

as for Thailand? that's laughable to compare tehir lifestyle tours.
the only comparable in East Asia is japan, and it impossible to make a straight comparison cuz they don't have any natural resources like we do.

Speaking of Asia. I visited Singapore a few years back, and the immigration requirements there are extreme. You have to have property worth over 500k in country, and verifiable assets of like 500k as well. That's pretty strict.

They have some strict laws there as well. For instance, you can be arrested for dropping gum on the sidewalk. And the real killer diller is this one: If you commit a crime, and they can't find you, they take your next of kin as a substitute! I'm sure that's quite a crime deterrent!

It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenious.

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yeah, i wouldn't want to live there.

Korea? great people, i have many good friends from there, and they work very hard and play very hard.

the friends that i have that have moved here have no intention of moving back.

they are all devoted Christians and they love the fact that they can buy and own a home here. in Korea? even wealthy people have hard time buying a home with a yard. they are all research scirntists and in Korea? research scientists are treated like rock stars. i have seen this first hand.

i think that highly conforming societies have a difficult time raising independant thinkers.

i assume we will eventually get that way here too, but we do not have to. it's only inevitable if we do not regulate growth and immigration with forethought.

i invite anybody that's against environmental protection laws in favor of big business to go highly industrialsed areas of China and other parts of Asia.

Don't envy the happiness of those who live in a fool's paradise.

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Originally posted by glassman:

i invite anybody that's against environmental protection laws in favor of big business to go highly industrialsed areas of China and other parts of Asia.

If ya go, just don't forget to take your respirator with ya! [Big Grin]

It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenious.

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Originally posted by glassman:
i was not only talking about Asia,
this what i'm talkin' about Mach.

we were talking about Asia.

as in me and the person i was reponding to were talking about Asia. you can't just cut into the middle of a converstaion disagree with something and then tell them you were responding to something else.

fact. i told you i was simply going to point out the problem rather than getting into some long extended debate about who did what, you asked for it a couple weeks back, i been doing it. now you say i just what to argue? i am avoiding arguments by doing this.

but i'm simply giving you what you asked for.

as for Thailand? that's laughable to compare tehir lifestyle tours.
the only comparable in East Asia is japan, and it impossible to make a straight comparison cuz they don't have any natural resources like we do.

Of course I can cut in the middle of a conversation on a forum... this isn't owned by Glass and his rules lol plus you cut into conversations all the time... what did you say to me to long ago pot and kettle?

And yes I can include Europe or other parts of the world because you are stating the U.S. has the best standard of living in the world << key word that you opened to include other areas other then Asia.

As for Thailand, it is obvious that you know nothing about it other then the stereotypes of it. Just with your mention of "lifestyle tours".Alot of people go there not in lifestyle tours. I seen alot of families there especially at the beach areas.

I been there so at least I can say i know more about it. So don't bother to look up thailand in wiki and pretending to know about it. But here's some economic facts on them:

"Thailand is an emerging economy and considered as a Newly Industrialized Country. After enjoying the world's highest growth rate from 1985 to 1996 - averaging 9.4% annually "

"Thailand exports an increasing value of over $105 billion worth of goods and services annually.[27] Major exports include Thai rice, textiles and footwear, fishery products, rubber, jewelry, automobiles, computers and electrical appliances. Thailand is the world’s no.1 exporter of rice, exporting more than 6.5 million tons of milled rice annually."

Tourism is only 6% of Thailand's economy, Glass. The only reason Thailand hasn't grown as big as it should be is because of the Asian Financial Crisis of the 90's and it's current political instability. You should check out their new airport in Bangkok. Makes alot of our own airports look like nothing. Thailand is now a major stopover and such due to that airport and that country's growth. Here is the airport:

Anyways as for other Asian countries/areas I would include Singapore, South Korea, Japan, Taiwan and China(in the near future if they fix their sh*t) to having good standards of living. Just their healths' are better then us as well as education imo.

But other then that the U.S. is overrated in standard of living Glass whether you like to admit it or not and i'll say it again I include Europe and other areas of the world and not just Asia. Again it's not about $$.

Let the world change you... And you can change the world.

Ernesto "Che" Guevara de la Serna

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And yes I can include Europe or other parts of the world because you are stating the U.S. has the best standard of living in the world << key word that you opened to include other areas other then Asia.

this is where the issue of language subtleties comes in again Mach i clearly stated that "Americans by overall consensus have a better way of life,"

that doesn't mean i agree with it for starters, but it does mean that if you asked a million people, 501,000 would say so.. and they would. you hate America so much yet you choose to live here. it's sad.

As for Thailand, it is obvious that you know nothing about it other then the stereotypes of it

as for Thailand? once again you are FOS aqain. been there done that, along with most of the eastern caost of Asia both as a civvie and in the militiary. don't you get tired of this crap?

Don't envy the happiness of those who live in a fool's paradise.

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Originally posted by glassman:
And yes I can include Europe or other parts of the world because you are stating the U.S. has the best standard of living in the world << key word that you opened to include other areas other then Asia.

this is where the issue of language subtleties comes in again Mach i clearly stated that "Americans by overall consensus have a better way of life,"

that doesn't mean i agree with it for starters, but it does mean that if you asked a million people, 501,000 would say so.. and they would. you hate America so much yet you choose to live here. it's sad.

as for Thailand? once again you are FOS aqain. been there done that, along with most of the eastern caost of Asia both as a civvie and in the militiary. don't you get tired of this crap?

I could care less about consensus. That is not reality.

And I don't hate America per say but I won't overrate it based on perception.

As for Thailand, I been there more recently then you. But I do believe you are FOS most of the time in your claims of you did this or u did that or you know this person or you know that person. There is nothing that isn't mentioned on this board that you haven't done and that is where the FOS part comes in my mind about you.

But anyways I will humor you since you ignored the economic facts that i gave you about Thailand including that tourism is only 6% of their economy. When did you go to Thailand? Where in Thailand? How long were you there? are you still in contact with people there? Do you know anything about present day Thailand without looking it up?

Btw other then me being there in recent times (I do have photos of me in thailand do you?) I am constant contact with two thai native friends of mine and an American friend of mine from Chicago who divides his time between the Philippines and Thailand (btw include the Philippines in my list of asian countries with good standard of living)... and before you say you know the Philly's and been there the Gf who died was Filipina and I am still in constant contact with her family. Suppose to visit them sometime but i have no time as of yet. Have issues to deal with here and in CR.

Let the world change you... And you can change the world.

Ernesto "Che" Guevara de la Serna

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I could care less about consensus. That is not reality.

And I don't hate America per say but I won't overrate it based on perception.

actaully you attack most everything about America if i post it,

and the funny part is that you tend to contradict yourself.

an' yeah i have begun to ignore most of your rants and will continue to do so because you keep trying to personalise everything.

i can go to othe boards to share personal crapola.

Don't envy the happiness of those who live in a fool's paradise.

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