In February 2008 a lawsuit was filed by a man who arrived home to find emergency vehicles parked at his house, Upon asking what was going on, the man was beaton, cuffedm falsely arrested and later released with the charges dropped. Being sued are Allen County High Sheriff Dan Beck, Sgt Randy Mason of the American Township Police, and Chief Ben Kehres of the Elida Police.
In January 2008 the Racist SWAT Team killed and innocent woman and almost killed her one year old son in a drug raid for her boy friend. Sgt Joesph Chavalia has yet to be charged while racial tensions simmer. It looks like a police cover up has been effected by a department long known for racism, beatings, false arrests and corruption. If it wasn’t for the church leaders, there would have been a major riot. But that influence can only last so long, and it’s time to arrest this killer cop and put him on trial like any other criminal. The Ohio AG, Marc Dann has promised a thorough investigation, while the FBI is involved. Do you really expect the cop to held in account for murdering a innocent woman in front of six children?
I'm sorry PM.. you were saying? That's right.. nothing important as usual. I am left to only imagine that you are in fact not a property manager. I am left to assume based on your complete lack of awareness that you are really a twelve year old boy/girl living out a fantasy life here online with adults. This premise clearly explains your inability to listen as one of the symptoms of puberty is rebellious behavior towards adults. I know things are strange for you now. Your body is changing. Parts you never thought about are now tingling. Your emotional state has gone from rittalin controlled to bi-polar. You are seeking a place where you can belong. A place where you are taken seriously and not talked to as a child. Unfortunately for you. The reason people talk to you as though you are a child is not merely because of your cavity chest, your cancer riddled canary voice, your adoration of your Brittany Spears lunch box, nor your predilection for brightly colored hair bows. No no little girl. It is your sesame street perspective of the world that does it. Since it is already too late in the day for you to change. Do us all a favor, instead of playing on mommy's computer tomorrow, watch the news, read a book, read the newspaper. Do this every day after you get home from school and then after a while you can come back here and hang out with the grown-ups. Deal puddin?
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To PM, and to a lesser degree SF, who decry that socialists are overtaking our country, I have but one response. It pretty much describes the last 8 years of our govenment. The quote is from a Nobel Literature Award winning U.S. author: Sinclair Lewis
“When facism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.”
-------------------- It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenious.
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I was saying that the police work for us and don't normally target innocent Ohioans - which is still absolutely true. In the videos you posted, I believe that the police acted appropriately. One was a woman that was COMPLETELY OUT OF CONTROL. She deserved to be tasered. Another was a woman that was also out of control and who implied that she might hurt herself. If the police hadn't stripped her and she had killed herself, the police would have been blamed for that. You put the police in a situation where they can't win and then you complain about them. I'm not surprised, that's the wacko left in a nutshell.
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Monday, December 31, 2007 Another Day in Court! I am actually off today as I have been for most of the past week or so. However, I had to make an appearance in court today for a lawsuit I have against a previous tenant. This lawsuit was originally scheduled earlier in the month, but my attorney had a sick child and the court proceedings were rescheduled.
I normally don't sue tenants for damages after we evict them, but these tenants made me angry. Therefore, I'm suing them just to make their lives miserable. They spread tacks and nails throughout the house to make cleaning the carpet difficult and the intentionally made a BIG mess of the place. The straw that broke the camel's back was that they abandoned a little kitten outside in freezing temperatures. Fortunately, I found it in time to save it, but these tenants were just real scumbags and I wanted to make a point.
The tenants didn't show up in court today and I received a judgement for almost $3,000. I probably won't collect it, but I will try to make their lives miserable for the next few years. In addition, they will have a judgement on their credit report and an eviction on their record. That should make it impossible for them to buy a house and make it difficult to find places to rent.
quote:Originally posted by Propertymanager: I'm with you Mach. We should NEVER move oil from one place to another. It could spill. We should NEVER use nuclear power - there could be a radiation leak. We should never use wind power - that could ruin the view in Ted Kennedy's sailing area. We should never use coal - the mine could collapse and hurt the union workers.
What kind of power is it you like Mach? I can't remember which one is 100% safe.
I don't recall me saying I'm against any of those energy sources... Again I will say it that I am for all those as long as safety features are put in place... much like we are for preventing future reliance on foreign energy sources and high prices in the future we should also be for preventing accidents at the same time like Exxon/Valdez, Chernobyl, Three Mile Island etc. Not only will it cost alot in tax money but also lives and such if something happens... but since you care nothing for safety features in such things why don't we put a nuclear power plant in your backyard PM or near your rental properties perhaps oil drilling or oil barges in rivers near you with no regard for safety...
-------------------- Let the world change you... And you can change the world.
quote:Not only will it cost alot in tax money but also lives and such if something happens... but since you care nothing for safety features in such things why don't we put a nuclear power plant in your backyard PM or near your rental properties perhaps oil drilling or oil barges in rivers near you with no regard for safety...
I would be perfectly happy to have a nuclear plant, a drilling rig, or a wind farm near my house. In fact, I actually co-op'd at the Goodyear Atomic Plant while I was in college. It was the only facility in the United States to make weapons grade uranium at the time. So, I am not only comfortable with a nuclear power plant in my back yard, I actually worked IN THE PLANT and never had any concern for my health or safety. Safety is the number one consideration at these facilities and the companies have an EXCELLENT safety record.
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never had any concerns? "any concerns"? that shows a distinct lack of imagination
now if you could just find 20,000 people just like you? we could put a nuke power plant in your neighborhood...
BTW? if you look in the right places you'll find that thousands of people working in the industry have died horrible deaths as a result of "minor" accidents.
that's the price of nuke power. it'll always happen, just like barges will alawys have accidents on the river
-------------------- Don't envy the happiness of those who live in a fool's paradise.
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quote:Originally posted by Propertymanager: So, I am not only comfortable with a nuclear power plant in my back yard, I actually worked IN THE PLANT and never had any concern for my health or safety. Safety is the number one consideration at these facilities and the companies have an EXCELLENT safety record.
That could explain your mental illness of paranoia lol You were exposed to radiation Anyways as for you not minding such plants in your backyard... personally i think your lying... for one thing history has shown that excellent safety record or not accidents happen... either intentionally or not intentionally... if you don't care about yourself that is fine... but there is 2 things I am sure you care about the hold dearly to you... your family and your property values... not that we care if your property values go down on this board... we would invite it...
-------------------- Let the world change you... And you can change the world.
quote:never had any concerns? "any concerns"? that shows a distinct lack of imagination
BTW? if you look in the right places you'll find that thousands of people working in the industry have died horrible deaths as a result of "minor" accidents.
People die in every human endeavor. Every year, about 44,000 people die in traffic accidents. Do you lefties stay locked inside your homes so that nothing will happen to you? RIDICULOUS!
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PM, if you read old posts here? you'll find i am not only for nuke power? i have studied "safer" ways to store the waste. i personally have little interest in working with, or around it, but i did work with it when i was in the service. being "unconcerned" would make you a liability in the business. the business requires concerned people willing to acknowledge all aspects of the danger and to plan accordingly...
i loved my 4cent/KWhr nuke-juice when i lived in NE...
it beats the crap outa the 28% increase i just got this month that puts me into the 12 cent KWhr i am paying now
-------------------- Don't envy the happiness of those who live in a fool's paradise.
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This Kid already had a broken back and broken heel. He was tasered after his injuries...19 ****ING TIMES!!!!. Cop's excuse? He was muttering incoherently "shoot cops... kill cops" Did he have a weapon? NO Did he lunge at the cops? NO These pansy cops could not subdue a KID with a broken back and broken heel. Instead? They torture him by electrocuting him repeatedly. Your government and every denominator within is the true manifestation of evil if there ever was one.
quote:Originally posted by Propertymanager: So, now we've heard the bleeding heart, pro-criminal, leftist side of this story. However, it looks to me like the truth might just be a little different. It looks like the entire family is a bunch of druggies and criminals who are well known to the police.
Here's my idea. If you don't want to be tased, don't be a scumbag criminal; don't resist arrest; and do follow police instructions.
One more druggie off the streets - I don't have a problem with that!'s not one more druggie off the streets, he's off the face of the Earth
Do you know what this means? He's dead! He's not comming back!
And it was all for no reason! Yet theres murderers and drug lords living nicely in prison! To bad he wasn't white
Even if he was a drug addicted loser....he deserves a chance in life to over come his addiction and become a better person!
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She was rushing her son to school. She was eight months pregnant. And she was about to get a speeding ticket she didn't think she deserved.
So when a Seattle police officer presented the ticket to Malaika Brooks, she refused to sign it. In the ensuing confrontation, she suffered burns from a police Taser, an electric stun device that delivers 50,000 volts.
"Probably the worst thing that ever happened to me," Brooks said, in describing that morning during her criminal trial last week on charges of refusing to obey an officer and resisting arrest.
She was found guilty of the first charge because she never signed the ticket, but the Seattle Municipal Court jury could not decide whether she resisted arrest, the reason the Taser was applied.
Brooks, in her testimony, said she believed she could accept a ticket without signing for it, which she had done once before.
"I said, 'Well, I'll take the ticket, but I won't sign it,' " Brooks testified.
Officer Donald Jones joined Ornelas in trying to persuade Brooks to sign the ticket. They then called on their supervisor, Sgt. Steve Daman.
He authorized them to arrest her when she continued to refuse.
The officers testified they struggled to get Brooks out of her car but could not because she kept a grip on her steering wheel.
And that's when Jones brought out the Taser.
Brooks testified she didn't even know what it was when Jones showed it to her and pulled the trigger, allowing her to hear the crackle of 50,000 volts of electricity.
The officers testified that was meant as a final warning, as a way to demonstrate the device was painful and that Brooks should comply with their orders.
When she still did not exit her car, Jones applied the Taser.
In his testimony, the Taser officer said he pressed the prongs of the muzzle against Brooks' thigh to no effect. So he applied it twice to her exposed neck.
Afterward, he and the others testified, Ornelas pushed Brooks out of the car while Jones pulled.
She was taken to the ground, handcuffed and placed in a patrol car, the officers testified.
She told jurors the officer also used the device on her arm, and showed them a dark, brown burn to her thigh, a large, red welt on her arm and a lump on her neck, all marks she said came from the Taser application.
At the South Precinct, Seattle fire medics examined Brooks, confirmed she was pregnant and recommended she be evaluated at Harborview Medical Center.
Brooks said she was worried about the effect the trauma and the Taser might have on her baby, but she delivered a healthy girl Jan. 31.
Still, she said, she remains shocked that a simple traffic stop could result in her arrest.
quote:Originally posted by Relentless.: This Kid already had a broken back and broken heel. He was tasered after his injuries...19 ****ING TIMES!!!!. Cop's excuse? He was muttering incoherently "shoot cops... kill cops" Did he have a weapon? NO Did he lunge at the cops? NO These pansy cops could not subdue a KID with a broken back and broken heel. Instead? They torture him by electrocuting him repeatedly. Your government and every denominator within is the true manifestation of evil if there ever was one.
now the police are admitting that the kid fell off the bridge after being tasered too...
In an interview with KOMU on Friday police said they don't regret the second shot that caused McDuffy to fall from the bridge. The police Taser protocol states, "Officers shall not use a Taser on someone that is in a potion where a fall would likely cause serious injury or death."
just what do hurricane grants have to do with tasers, gee, this makes sense:
Gautier Police buy Tasers and cameras
Associated Press - July 28, 2008 7:54 AM ET
GAUTIER, Miss. (AP) - The Gautier Police Department has ordered Tasers and in-car video cameras.
City officials say an $84,000 hurricane grant has allowed the department to purchase 19 Tasers and 15 cameras.
The Tasers cost $1,200 a piece and each is equipped with a camera that records whenever the device is used to subdue a suspect. Captain Jason Pugh said that each use of a Taser will be reviewed to make sure the action was warranted and followed department policy.
Pugh says the Tasers are expected to be delivered in late September. Officers must complete a training session before they can use one on duty. Pugh says some officers have already been trained as instructors.
quote:Originally posted by Relentless.: This Kid already had a broken back and broken heel. He was tasered after his injuries...19 ****ING TIMES!!!!. Cop's excuse? He was muttering incoherently "shoot cops... kill cops" Did he have a weapon? NO Did he lunge at the cops? NO These pansy cops could not subdue a KID with a broken back and broken heel. Instead? They torture him by electrocuting him repeatedly. Your government and every denominator within is the true manifestation of evil if there ever was one.
now the police are admitting that the kid fell off the bridge after being tasered too...
In an interview with KOMU on Friday police said they don't regret the second shot that caused McDuffy to fall from the bridge. The police Taser protocol states, "Officers shall not use a Taser on someone that is in a potion where a fall would likely cause serious injury or death."
oh? hmmm... i wonder how i linked them? there's just too many to keep track of? COLUMBIA - Columbia Police say a Taser played a role in how a man fell from a bridge while he threatened to jump.
The department says the suicidal man, 45-year-old Phillip Lee McDuffy of Columbia, was threatening to jump from the Providence Road pedestrian overpass. After an hour and a half of negotiations, McDuffy moved towards the south side of the bridge away from I-70. Officers deployed a Taser when he was in a spot on the bridge that would prevent injury if he fell. Captain Zim Schwartze says that deployment did not work. McDuffy moved quickly over the highway when the Taser was deployed a second time. By that time, he had moved away from a secure area and fell onto the concrete. He was taken to the hospital. McDuffy suffered two broken arms, an orbital fracture (eye socket) and a possible jaw fracture.
i like that "played a role" part... yeah they shot him off the bridge with a taser..
-------------------- Don't envy the happiness of those who live in a fool's paradise.
IP: Logged |'s not one more druggie off the streets, he's off the face of the Earth
Good riddance to bad rubbish!
quote:Pregnant woman 'Tasered' by police is convicted
So, justice prevailed AGAIN! I know you lefties don't like that, but one more criminal is convicted.
you subscribe to a very odd branch of the Christian Faith...
The officers testified that was meant as a final warning, as a way to demonstrate the device was painful and that Brooks should comply with their orders.
comply or be tortured?
did you see that she was convicted of refusing to sign a traffic ticket? and not of resisting arrest?
-------------------- Don't envy the happiness of those who live in a fool's paradise.
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Well, I'm not thinking about moving back to Canada anymore.. More like north Europe. Really, there is no limit to the evil of police.. Nor is there seemingly a limit to what they can get away with. Another thing that has yet to be mentioned is that in most of these cases there is some sort of juducial ruling. The wonderfully moronic thing about our system is that it functions primarily off of precedent. All these cases are setting precedent that torturing "Civilians" is not a violation of any law.
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Brazil looks good to me, except i don't speaks da portagee yet...
Iceland has the highest literary rate in the world..
wait till they deploy the microwave crowd control devices... * 17:06 03 July 2008 * news service
A US company claims it is ready to build a microwave ray gun able to beam sounds directly into people's heads.
The device – dubbed MEDUSA (Mob Excess Deterrent Using Silent Audio) – exploits the microwave audio effect, in which short microwave pulses rapidly heat tissue, causing a shockwave inside the skull that can be detected by the ears. A series of pulses can be transmitted to produce recognisable sounds.
The device is aimed for military or crowd-control applications, but may have other uses.
Lev Sadovnik of the Sierra Nevada Corporation in the US is working on the system, having started work on a US navy research contract. The navy's report states that the effect was shown to be effective. Scarecrow beam?
MEDUSA involves a microwave auditory effect "loud" enough to cause discomfort or even incapacitation. Sadovnik says that normal audio safety limits do not apply since the sound does not enter through the eardrums.
"The repel effect is a combination of loudness and the irritation factor," he says. "You can’t block it out."
Sadovnik says the device will work thanks to a new reconfigurable antenna developed by colleague Vladimir Manasson. It steers the beam electronically, making it possible to flip from a broad to a narrow beam, or aim at multiple targets simultaneously.
quote:you subscribe to a very odd branch of the Christian Faith...
The officers testified that was meant as a final warning, as a way to demonstrate the device was painful and that Brooks should comply with their orders.
comply or be tortured?
What you lefties don't seem to appreciate is that the police must have some method of making people comply. When they tell someone to get out of the car and they refuse, what do you want them to do? Let the criminals go? GET REAL! They could have fought the woman or used nightsticks. However, instead, all they did was shock her with a taser. She got off light in my opinion.
did you see that she was convicted of refusing to sign a traffic ticket? and not of resisting arrest?
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You are yet again assuming that we the people are bad. You are assuming that we the people need to be controlled by the government. You are a pretty lousy Christian... You are a horrible Conservative. You can pretty safely label yourself as an Atheist Fascist.
quote:What you lefties don't seem to appreciate is that the police must have some method of making people comply
quote:Originally posted by Relentless.: Throughout the history of man, it has been governments that have destroyed individual freedom. And we are now watching yet another do it again.
quote:You are yet again assuming that we the people are bad. You are assuming that we the people need to be controlled by the government.
You're kidding, right? Obviously, there is a percentage of the population that is simply evil. It is not a high percentage, but in a country of 350 million people, it's still a LOT (millions) of people. Yes, these people do need to be controlled by the government. More precisely, they need to be thrown in prison by the government, to protect the rest of us.
Along with freedom comes responsibility (although I know that's something the left doesn't understand). Freedom doesn't mean that some criminal scumbag can violate my rights.
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