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Author Topic: Your Pal T e x

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Colonel Sanders has nuttin' on Tex!

Hmm, a new flavor, Nutt'n Crispy?

Buy Low. Sell High.

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T e x

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well, normally I wouldn't post about this, but because so many were interested...

I went back to work today. Got a call for an install that required somebody with electrical/neon experience to get in the attic for a new restaurant. So I wound up working the second half of the day. It's dark in there and somewhat cramped, but it went real well.

Felt real good to have my tools back on, climbing ladders and using my agility. Still not 100% but dadgum, I did it. Very happy about that...

And still so terrifically grateful for all you guys' support.

Thanks again...

Nashoba Holba Chepulechi
Adventures in microcapitalism...

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Icon 1 posted      Profile for *Mag*     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
nice bro; work like that possesses its own therapeutic value. Congrats!


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T e x

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I gotta tell ya a lil inside: because of the tender skin on my left hand, I had gotten myself some of those work gloves without fingers (CAT brand, in this case). Man, alive. I used to think they were sissy stuff--now, I wish I had been using them for years. I would've saved myself many a nick, slice and scrape: working inside those transformer boxes, you almost can't help slicing or nicking some part of your hand.

lol, live and learn...

Nashoba Holba Chepulechi
Adventures in microcapitalism...

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The Bigfoot

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[Big Grin]

No longer eligible for government service due to lack of tax issues.

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T e x

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.... a-n-d...just found out a while ago, I'm working again tomorrow.

what a long, strange trip...

Nashoba Holba Chepulechi
Adventures in microcapitalism...

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T e x

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uhh... No harm, no foul?

Nashoba Holba Chepulechi
Adventures in microcapitalism...

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The Bigfoot

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Don't piss into the wind when standing right next to electric fence?

No longer eligible for government service due to lack of tax issues.

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T e x

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Count yer chickens before the circus comes to town...

Nashoba Holba Chepulechi
Adventures in microcapitalism...

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Originally posted by The Bigfoot:
Don't piss into the wind when standing right next to electric fence?

It's not that bad.... [Big Grin]

Buy Low. Sell High.

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I'll take you word for that.
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T e x

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will explain later [Wink]

Nashoba Holba Chepulechi
Adventures in microcapitalism...

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Ok...later has come and gone...

I can't stand the suspense...spit it out man!


It's all in the timing...

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Ace of Spades

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Originally posted by retiredat49:
Ok...later has come and gone...

I can't stand the suspense...spit it out man!

I think Peaser got electricuted again!
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T e x

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OK, gals 'n guys...

After an *incredibly* complex chain of events that I would not believe myself had I not lived through it, I have finally closed on my new place today.

More details, later...

BUT...please recognize that all your loving support here is one thing that kept me going.

I never will be able to thank you enough.


It's a great place...

Nashoba Holba Chepulechi
Adventures in microcapitalism...

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wow, that's great Tex.

Don't envy the happiness of those who live in a fool's paradise.

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Originally posted by T e x:
OK, gals 'n guys...

After an *incredibly* complex chain of events that I would not believe myself had I not lived through it, I have finally closed on my new place today.

More details, later...

BUT...please recognize that all your loving support here is one thing that kept me going.

I never will be able to thank you enough.


It's a great place...

Great to hear! As they say, "Home is where the heart is". Hope to hear more about the new digs when you have the time.

It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenious.

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way to go Tex happy for you.

Wise men learn more from fools than fools from the wise.

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It's all in the timing...

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Bob Frey

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Great news Tex!
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Good to hear Tex, happy for you!

A million unemployed comedians and you are trying to be funny, have you no shame?

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Couldn't happen to better guy. Congrat's.

Let's Go METS!!!

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Ace of Spades

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Congrats Tex! Im happy for you!
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wtg tex
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T e x

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Ya, thanks, gang...

OK, so here's the background...can't remember whom I've told what, lol. Between the crooked mortgage companies and either incompetent or malfeasant attorney that my family hired while I was unconscious, I got a bad, undeserved hickey on my credit report, which left me unable to get a mortgage on a new house, even though I was able to pay more than half down.

So I had to find private money, which I was able to do only because of my standing in the community, not because of any special business acumen. We made a deal that had my "white knight" offering to NOT profit from securing a house for me...IF he could buy my burned house at a nice discount...the idea being that he would make his money by rehabbing the burnout in such a fashion as to sell it for a profit.

Handshake deal, alla way. No contract...and we're off to the races, with me eventually looking at literally hundreds of properties since Oct/Nov. In fact, in one two-day period around the holidays, I looked at 102 properties. As we all know, lottsa foreclosures out there...

Well, we kept getting outbid. Finally we figured out that I was competing with many, many investors throughout North Texas, and perhaps beyond. If you recall, I started hunting about the time the "bailout" news was in full swing.

So many peeps who had yanked out their dough from stocks have been looking to recovery by buying real estate cheap...EXCEPT, they're not real estate pros, either. So they didn't mind paying $4, $5 even $6 grand over a reasonable distressed price. I lost one property about 4 months ago to someone who was willing to pay above ask, which would suggest they were hot to move in as a primary residence. Yet, last time I drove by about 2 weeks ago? nobody's in it, yet...sheesh.

Anyway, very frustrating...

Meanwhile, my attorney had bungled negotiations with the mortgage company so poorly that they still owe me about $7 grand. And up until a coupla weeks ago, I *still* had not gotten my Notice of Release of Lien.

In case any of you or your friends are going though similar circumstances, lemme tell you: your attorney fighting foreclosure MUST get your release of lien when you pay off a mortgage.

In my case, I had realized that not only was the mortgage company was at fault but also that I was probably going have to sue my own attorney. So I requested a copy of my file, which produced documents that allowed me to secure my release of lien in one, 10-minute phone call...

...something he had not been able to do in 8 months.

Securing that document broke the log jam. I own a 3-bed, 2-bath home with a nice kitchen layout, a killer-diller fireplace, a separate space for an office (so I don't have to take a bedroom for the office), and space underneath for a root cellar or additional storage...PLUS truck/trailer access to the back for equipment, and land left over for a small workshop and a garden large enough to prolly feed 2 or 3 families.

Sure, it needs work. But at the price I could afford, anything I got would need work. And, of course, I can do the work...or call in friends who can.

Moral of the story for me: no matter how much I *thought* I wanted those other houses we got outbid on, the universe held back for me the best match for my needs and abilities.

And once again, I thank all of you and the few linked/related from iHub who have been so incredibly supportive. To this day, I have been able to get back on line only because of the laptop y'all bought me. Sure, once I got going again, months after getting out of the hospital, I could have bought replacement machines for my former network, cuz I know how to buy them cheap. And the outright donations have been crucial, too, because of not being able to work a full work-week...

As far the laptop goes, in the motel and my current lil duplex, I have had no room for my former setup. So, my very nice Dell Studio has kept me in touch, allowed a few trades, and brought in some business. Not to mention dealing with the legal, mortgage, and medical issues...

My daughter ("Nina de Tex") is planning to be here for my birthday in a few weeks. So I'm thinking I'll schedule the housewarming for then. If all goes as planned, I'll be able to post some pics for anybody interested.

To end, I will say this has been the most humbling experience of my life...



Nashoba Holba Chepulechi
Adventures in microcapitalism...

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Pics please....


It's all in the timing...

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T e x

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will comply, as soon as I get a camera.

Am looking on CNET lately for a budget-minded dig-cam.

I need one to document my jobs, anyway...

Any suggestions?

Nashoba Holba Chepulechi
Adventures in microcapitalism...

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Icon 1 posted      Profile for IWISHIHAD     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
I don't check the board for a few days and news breaks out.

Sounds like things are slowly working out for you.

When's the open house?

I like my steak medium rare!

Glad to see things are finally looking up for you... congratulations

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T e x

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Originally posted by IWISHIHAD:
I don't check the board for a few days and news breaks out.

Sounds like things are slowly working out for you.

When's the open house?

I like my steak medium rare!

Glad to see things are finally looking up for you... congratulations

oh, man...

much slower than I ever could have imagined. But? once I secured that release of lien, BOOM, things started happening, quickly.

lol, I'm with you: medium rare--maybe I can get Upside to send some more of that premium beef? Ohhhh my gawd, that stuff he gets is unbeeeleevabley good.

But, ya... thanks: I feel like I've had a breakthrough, for sure.

Nashoba Holba Chepulechi
Adventures in microcapitalism...

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Icon 1 posted      Profile for jordanreed     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
we endeavor to persevere....

I think I heard that somewhere.

My best to you Tex...I think of you often.

Thanks, back to you, for your kind words.

p.s.......we need to upside back. I wonder how he,s doin.


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Originally posted by T e x:
will comply, as soon as I get a camera.

Am looking on CNET lately for a budget-minded dig-cam.

I need one to document my jobs, anyway...

Any suggestions?

Good news is great too hear in these times.

The most fun is fixen up the house the way you want it. I always found it the easiest work of all.

Camera you say. 4 megapixel is probably the lowest out there now a days but do not go lower than that. 4 meg pics still blow up OK for clarity but you can find higher megs with a bit of a zoom for very cheap. Also look at the memory card to see if it fits in your computer. If not a card reader is cheap but something else to carry around. I have an 5 meg HP Photosmart for taking out on the boat, dirt biking and ATVing. Tough little camera.

There are lots of cameras in the pawn shops. My favorite place in the USA.

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T e x

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pawn shops: good idea [Smile]

Nashoba Holba Chepulechi
Adventures in microcapitalism...

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