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Sleepers Picks


I really love days like this. The consumer expects a recovery, analysts
expect a decent market turnaround, and FLEX and ORCL are VERY oversold.
FLEX picked up today at (17.00)
ORCL picked up today at (12.54)
Still long on ENGY.
Long on ISWI.

Good luck,



Been a while. Out of IPAR at 7.90 a while back. Out of LFP at 5.
Picked up AKLM at about 4.00.
Picked up ENGY at .09
ISWI in at $5.
Got a penny or two I am looking at, waiting for a good dip.
Good luck all.

Jan. 30,
What a day today. Bought TYC at 29.50 today. Up $5 dollars in a couple
of hours. Good hold. Some analysts are talking $90 if you hold after
the split of the company. I'll take $50.
LFP!!! Finally. Good news and strong movement lately.
IPAR Interesting company. Huge growth in revs. Great earnings.
Picked it up at $7.25.
It is hard to pull away from the small caps. I have done so well
picking these little ones out. The pe's are low and the stocks move. I
don't get a chance to list them all here. ENN, RAC, and some others I
have bought and sold in the last several weeks. Look at the 2-10 dollar
stocks on etrade. They list the biggest winners and losers and update
them regularly. They channel well. But i tend to look mostly at those
with increases in revs and already have earnings. With low prices and
lots of volatility, it has been easy to make 15% on a stock in a couple
of weeks or less. Multiply that times maybe 10-20 trades in a year and
it gets pretty big.
Of course the big caps like TYC, FLEX, AMAT, IBM, HD, PFE, are part of
the long term big picture. Buy these on big dips and just hold. Esp
money you don't want to get risky with.
Good luck and do the dd.


Hello everyone,
PVN- think profit taking is in order here. Showing a loss next quarter
or two, will probably get a little cheaper at some point.
PDSG- Still holding. Looks very strong.
AAME- Light vol. good stock. Should continue a slow up trend.
USXP- not got all the way out on this one. The chart is starting to
look a little better. I have seen some analyst come out with a price
target of .50. Maybe. I think i will hold on for a good while just in
I like the pull back in Flex. May dive a little deeper this dip.
The market is looking weak on the big caps past couple of days. But i
have enjoyed the small cap run for a while now. The pe's are very low
on many of my stock picks. When they reach 15 to 20. Time to go
somewhere else.

Good luck.


Hope some folks caught a good run on PDSG today. Nice jump on the news
of the 19.1 million settlement. Should have a nice run up for a few
days. Plus, Vegas has returned to a more business as usual mode. With
all the deals, no wonder people are starting to travel more.
PVN still looks good, and AAME has been moving up on low volume.

Happy holidays.



Hope everybody had a great turkey day.
(AAME) 2.25 Very undervalued. Stock is one selling at less than the
cash on hand. Have growing revs and earnings. Several insider
purchases over the last six months.
(MCLD) .89 This company is making a turn around and is seeing an
increase in institutional buying.
(PDSG)2.95 Improving the bottom line by changing the business focus.

Good luck,


PVN- (2.98) on Friday 11/09. I made an addition to my 11/9 posting and
it didn't get in. My fault since i had already sent an 11/9 posting
in. Up to 3.50 or so today. This one has a class action suit against
it. Even if the suit wins the damage done would have to be nothing
compared to the over selling seen on this stock. P/E of less than 2.
citi group or am express have P/E's around 20.
DD and good luck.


Nov. 12
PVN Just found an interesting stock. With a bood value over $8 and
positve cash flow and good earnings, and good history, this stock is
very under valued. The ratings on the stock are low. Take a look at
the longs list on this one and you may agree that it is a good long as
well. I intend to get a good peice of this one before the ratings turn
around and it goes back to where it belongs.

Good luck,


Nov. 9

Flex, out at 21.32 looking for another dip after picking it up from
14.30 and 21.00. Made for a good average.
Cell, out at 3.65 looking for a good dip. Probably see 3.05 soon after
the earnings release.
LFP, still holding, looking for a product release. Great product, just
need a little patience here.
AXL- new pick. PE at 7-8 range with better earnings expected in the
future. Still below its 90 day high of $21. Picked it up at $17. 80.
Would like to see about $24 on this one.
Palm- I hope this one goes to $6-$7. The balance sheet looks pretty
The market appears to be holding back right now. Everybody seems to
think a pull back is in store. Probably true. That is why i picked
the low PE with AXL. Good place to sit out the ride.
DD and good luck.


Oct. 18.

Just an update.
Bailed out of USXP today at .04. What a disaster. Reviewed the company
reports and found no reason to hold out any longer. Hope you can
atleast appreciate the honesty. That is what i get for being so preoccupied.
Looking for any dips on RFMD, or CSCO.
Will continue to look for a good penny. Need to get some of that money
Good luck.



Well, things have been a little rough lately. No outstanding news to
report, no bad news to report. The good news is that we are still in
business. Talk of investors walking away from bonds, shorts covering
thier positions, etc.. This is all good news. So why have stocks not
behaved any better?
Lots of people seem quite content to hold what they have. Very little
new money jumping in, just trickling. We all know that it is coming.
The question is when.
Do more attacks drop the market more? I believe the downside is
minimal. The upside is considerable. Any great news and this baby will
go up 15% in a week, IMHO. No, I don't normally try to pull a Cleo on
anybody. If I were psycic, I would still do this stuff. And my ideas
wouldn't change about what I want out of my picks. My picks remain the
same. Untill further notice.
CELL- $2.78. A real bargain here. Expanding on every front.
LFP- $2.90. Volume is up a little, price is good for an entry point.
Risky, but a possible double over the mid term.
FLEX- Very strong, lots of upgrades. Bought more at $14.30. Very good
growth company.
USXP- Very risky, but the upside potential is really good now. I am
still looking for news on this company that will take it to the .50
range in the next few months. Will be picking up more soon(in the

Good luck

Sept. 17

Tuesday morning someone said to me, "Hey, you are heavy into the stock
market arn't you?" When I discovered what he was talking about, I can't
describe what I felt. But it wasn't coming from my pocket book. It had
to do with all those families that were shattered, the scar on the face
of this nation, and the dirty and dull blade that cut through us all.
Since that time, i have made a donation to the Red Cross and decided to
focus my attention on national intersests, by staying informed and being
supportive to those around me.
Naturally, I will not be selling stocks on Monday or any other day in
the near future. And I have absolutely no short positions on anything.
I am sure several companies in the airline, financial and insurance
industries will be under pressure. I can understand anyone wanting to
protect themselves from severe losses. I don't understand someone
taking advantage of those hurt by this attack on our Country!
I do think it is possible the US markets will overall go up on Monday,
and the foreign exchanges could rebound as a result.
As I have said before, I have a 10 year horizon. I also have a great
deal of faith in God and country.
I know you do to.
Best wishes, to all of those families who have suffered so needlessly.
And a heart felt thanks to those who have contributed so much.


Well, i hope everybody survived this last week. I can't say i expected
this much of a drop, but i am not very surprised either. Lots of stocks
getting hurt.
All the more reason to be picky.
(CELL) You have to like the way it has done better than hold its own in
this climate.
(LFP) Doing well. no selling pressure here.
(FLEX) Ouch. 20% loss. However, this one moves very high on my list
of stocks that make me want to dig a little deeper into the pocketbook.
Interesting the way Flex held on Friday.
(USXP) Would like to see this one go to .10 to .11 before grabbing up
more. Still have a core holding, cost at about .08. I figure my gains
on the stock into the cost. Also, i have a method to my madness of
looking for a dip of about 20-30% below a current average selling
price(over 3-4 days). Odds are that the volatility will drive the stock
into my range at some point.
I have my eye on some other prospects, will get back to anybody
interested in a few days.
Anybody willing to take a bet on Nasdaq 1580 by Monday afternoon or
Tuesday morning? How about Dow 9,300?
Several people i know think the s&p or nas 100 is the way to go now. I
happen to agree. It doesn't matter what the indices do this next week.
Or next month. My horizon is 10 yrs. My index fund investments will
increase over the next several months.
Sorry, a little off topic vote for the system. Keep a little faith,
have a plan,
set a course and good luck(AKA, due diligence).


(USXP).15 Lots of hype around the stock, the company continues to use
news releases to promote the stock. The trading volume remains good and
I continue to jump in and out on the dips and runs. As I have said
before, this one is a trading stock for me. I do have a core holding
however, in case this one continues to make progress toward collections
on the judgement of 389 million. I still believe they will get some of
the money. Shorts are very heavy on this one. If a significant seizure
is made, the shorts should get squezzed out. If this happens, look
out. Could have a very big return. Very Speculative.

(LFP) $2.84 Just got the yearly report. I am very impressed with the
potential of the impact test system. The applications are extensive.
There seems to be two chances for this stock to make a big move. Upon
the launch of their product, and the possible FDA approval for the
Impact system for medical use. Being in the medical field myself, I
have a good appreciation for what Impact could do. Moderate to high

(CELL) $3.50 No real changes or updates here. This stock is a good
long. Moderate to low risk and good return potential, IMHO.

(FLEX) I mentioned getting in on FLEX earlier if the price dipped to
$20. I lied. Got in at 23.20. This company is growing fast.

Please do your own DD. Invest at your own risk tolerance.
Good luck.



Just an update.
Things are looking pretty good for the previous picks.
(CELL) Showing good results on efforts to reduce inventory, and reduce
debt. Revenues are holding up well considering the current
environment. Acting like a true survivor.
(USXP) Latest news claims 500,000,000 of assets available for seizure.
Like I said, it would only take a small portion of this for the company
stock to take a big pop. Picked up more at .10 and .12. Looking for
about .50 cents.
(LFP) Two analysts initiating coverage with a buy rating. Recognizing
a strong market demand for the product launch scheduled for Sept.
Picked up more at 2.95 on 8/16.
Flextronics is looking pretty good. If it drops with the Nas to 20 or
under, i am all over this one. Like CELL, Flex is also an outsourcer
and should hold up well as the growing revenues they have reported has
Remember to take my word for nothing and do the dd.
Staying long and strong, good luck.



There are a few ways I like to pick stocks.

Strong companies in growing sectors, usually number one or two in the

Value stocks, oversold on bad news, or as the result of a bad sector

Emerging companies, good products with some good financial backing.

Trading stocks. Typically pennies, very speculative. Up and down on
news, with good daily volume.

Here are a few ideas.

(CELL) 3.50 Brightpoint inc. Outsourcing is on the rise, the telecom
sector is down. This stock appears to be a good long. This is a 3-5 yr
hold. Looking for a 200% return. The company has lots of business, but
currently running on a narrow margin. Margins improve, and this will
fly. Solid investment
(LFP) 3.00 Lifepoint tech. Very interesting product, patented.
Versatile product with lots of public and private interest. This
company has had little trouble getting the needed funding. Product is
in field trials and should launch in the next quarter or so.Risky
(USXP) .18 Recently won a court decision granting 380,000,000. If
they get even 50 mill after the lawers are done, this could be an easy
$1 stock. Very speculative. I have been buying and selling this one.
Currently have a cost of .12. Will pick up more on a dip to .12 to .14
or so.

Always do the DD! Good luck.


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