quote:PM, ya can't hide from us. We can see ya there with ya voodoo monkey's foot on a brass chain hangin over his head makin glass post yer mean nasty crap. Whoever sold ya that thar invisibility cloak seen ya comin.
Sorry, bdgee, but that was all Glass. Some of us have to get something done during the day. I was out working (attending a couple of Section 8 inspections and trying to find oil based floor paint. It seems you lefty environmental wackos have managed to get it pulled from Lowes.
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quote:PM, ya can't hide from us. We can see ya there with ya voodoo monkey's foot on a brass chain hangin over his head makin glass post yer mean nasty crap. Whoever sold ya that thar invisibility cloak seen ya comin.
Sorry, bdgee, but that was all Glass. Some of us have to get something done during the day. I was out working (attending a couple of Section 8 inspections and trying to find oil based floor paint. It seems you lefty environmental wackos have managed to get it pulled from Lowes.
Actually, that is the result of allowing the freemarket mentality to invade the paint manufacturing business, simply because they make a heck of a lot more money with latex paints. There is a fundamental flaw in whatever it is you use for a thinker.
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quote:Originally posted by Propertymanager: Nope, it wasn't the free market - it was the voc's in the paint - in other words - it was the environmental wackos at work!
You are too dumb to be considered human and you certainly show no human characteristics, i.e., humanity.
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quote:Originally posted by Propertymanager: Nope, it wasn't the free market - it was the voc's in the paint - in other words - it was the environmental wackos at work!
so do you understand the science behind it or not?
oil based paint was less than 20% of the market before the new rules were enacted... but i can still get mine
-------------------- Don't envy the happiness of those who live in a fool's paradise.
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Paint-wise I am stunned! I was afraid it will stink for months so i went to local stores to check what they have in odorless paint area. I found that most of them stunk anyway. Worse was Benjamin Moore - plain stench. Olympics - the one that they advertise at Lowes was also kinda strong smell.. Best was sherwin W. so we went with it. Indeed it smells a bit during painting but nothing close to normal paint and with every minute there is less and less smell... Hmm...
oil based paint smells for weeks to the average person and months to people with sensitive noses..
some people even have asthma attacks because of it environmentally concernend people are not wacko.. people who don't give a chit about OUR environment are wacko.
people who would leave the world a mess to make quick bucks are immoral.
-------------------- Don't envy the happiness of those who live in a fool's paradise.
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Yes, oil based paint smells for a few days. However, it provides superior durability, especially in rentals where tenants often live like pigs.
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quote:Originally posted by Propertymanager: Yes, oil based paint smells for a few days. However, it provides superior durability, especially in rentals where tenants often live like pigs.
i'm trying to remeber the last time i had a painted floor in my home... can't come up with one since we had the civil war era farmhouse that had a secondfloor sunporch with a painted tongue and groove floor... we tore it out and replaced it with tile.
doesn't it make you feel all important cleaning up after pigs?
it's such a zen-like rewarding process gettin' on your hands and knees and cleaning the backsides of their toilets
where do i sign up for such a humility inducing passtime?
did you read the blo g i posted the link to? i mean people actually want paint that doesn't stink... can you beleive the audacity of that? i mean plenty of babies have grown up just fine huffing oil based paint from the first day they came home, right? i bet you did yourself huh? and you are just fine right? so why would they worry.. must be whackos... as long as they don't practice birth contorl or have abortions, they are OK in your book but the minute they start caring about their child after they are born? they must be socialists or whacko environmentalists or even commies...
-------------------- Don't envy the happiness of those who live in a fool's paradise.
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quote:did you read the blo g i posted the link to? i mean people actually want paint that doesn't stink... can you beleive the audacity of that? i mean plenty of babies have grown up just fine huffing oil based paint from the first day they came home, right? i bet you did yourself huh? and you are just fine right? so why would they worry.. must be whackos... as long as they don't practice birth contorl or have abortions, they are OK in your book but the minute they start caring about their child after they are born? they must be socialists or whacko environmentalists or even commies...
You've got a vivid imagination! Who said anything about a new baby? Believe it or not, I don't wait until the tenants go to the hospital to deliver a baby to paint the floors. I paint the floors when I'm rehabbing the rentals (when they're vacant). The smell lasts a few days and then it's gone.
The good news is that Menards still has the oil based floor paint and I was able to get plenty to paint the floor tomorrow morning.
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You've got a vivid imagination! Who said anything about a new baby? Believe it or not, I don't wait until the tenants go to the hospital to deliver a baby to paint the floors. I paint the floors when I'm rehabbing the rentals (when they're vacant). The smell lasts a few days and then it's gone.
i think you suffer cognitively. i posted this just above:
Paint-wise I am stunned! I was afraid it will stink for months so i went to local stores to check what they have in odorless paint area. I found that most of them stunk anyway. Worse was Benjamin Moore - plain stench. Olympics - the one that they advertise at Lowes was also kinda strong smell.. Best was sherwin W. so we went with it. Indeed it smells a bit during painting but nothing close to normal paint and with every minute there is less and less smell... Hmm...
people actually want non-oil based paints. they are not wacko.
furthermore? thy might smell to you for only three days but to some people they smell much longer.
they also contribute to the ozone levels and ozone at ground level is hazardous to humans, i do science projects with my kids involving high voltage- the sparks also produce ozone and we can actually smell the ozone. we are always careful to limit our exposure but we do not avoid it completely we do avoid becoming part of the high voltage dancing tho ...
as you noted? menards still keeps them. as do my local hardware stores. so your complaint about the whackos is off-base. it's about marketing. limits have been placed on production of them, but they are still abailable. maybe Lowes gets a higher profit margin on th eother stuff.. oil is fairly cheap paint.
for superior durabilty? i go with two part epoxy paints. they last much longer, but i can't use iton my shop floor cuz sometimes hot glass (1500 F) hits it...
painted floors in homes is pretty low grade stuff
-------------------- Don't envy the happiness of those who live in a fool's paradise.
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quote:painted floors in homes is pretty low grade stuff
You got that right. Low grade floors for low grade tenants!
Most low income tenants aren't smart enough to have carpet, vinyl, laminate, ceiling fans, screen doors, sink sprayers, garbage disposals, dishwashers, storm windows, or many other things. This is in large part the fault of the socialists who insist on giving these deadbeats everything, instead of making them work for things. The lefties have stripped them of all pride and dignity. That enslaves them in poverty and they live like what they are.
So, the fact that I paint the wood floors with oil based paint is YOUR FAULT - all you lefties. YOU turned these people into deadbeats and you are responsible for their behavior.
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quote:painted floors in homes is pretty low grade stuff
You got that right. Low grade floors for low grade tenants!
Most low income tenants aren't smart enough to have carpet, vinyl, laminate, ceiling fans, screen doors, sink sprayers, garbage disposals, dishwashers, storm windows, or many other things. This is in large part the fault of the socialists who insist on giving these deadbeats everything, instead of making them work for things. The lefties have stripped them of all pride and dignity. That enslaves them in poverty and they live like what they are.
So, the fact that I paint the wood floors with oil based paint is YOUR FAULT - all you lefties. YOU turned these people into deadbeats and you are responsible for their behavior.
You are a really sick and crude azzhole. You areen't fit to be socializing with humans.
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quote:painted floors in homes is pretty low grade stuff
You got that right. Low grade floors for low grade tenants!
Most low income tenants aren't smart enough to have carpet, vinyl, laminate, ceiling fans, screen doors, sink sprayers, garbage disposals, dishwashers, storm windows, or many other things. This is in large part the fault of the socialists who insist on giving these deadbeats everything, instead of making them work for things. The lefties have stripped them of all pride and dignity. That enslaves them in poverty and they live like what they are.
So, the fact that I paint the wood floors with oil based paint is YOUR FAULT - all you lefties. YOU turned these people into deadbeats and you are responsible for their behavior.
You are such a raging hypocrite. And you call yourself a Christian? Guess you forgot about this passage from the bible. Among many other verses:
"A saying from the Bible's story of Cain and Abel. After Cain had murdered his brother Abel, God asked him where his brother was. Cain answered, “I know not; am I my brother's keeper?”
Cain's words have come to symbolize people's unwillingness to accept responsibility for the welfare of their fellows — their “brothers” in the extended sense of the term. The tradition of Judaism and Christianity is that people do have this responsibility."
-------------------- It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenious.
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PM has proved over and over that he isn't capable of appreciating those things normal humans are born with in their souls in order to be human. Pointing to the Bible won't change his sort of scum.
I must question even the idea of allowing consideration of him being human. That means we should not allow him the privileges that one human grants to another as a matter of course and courtesy. He's not worthy of the thought we grant to a mangy rabid skunk. (We should be thinking of the protection of human kind and that leads to a definite if unpleasant conclusion.)
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It's sad that you socialists won't accept responsibility for what you've done to the millions of poor people in this country. YOU have taken away their incentive to work. YOU have enslaved them to government handouts. YOU have killed millions of their unborn children. YOU have taken away their pride and dignity. That is a true disgrace, but you lefties don't have the integrity to take responsibility for your actions.
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quote:Originally posted by Propertymanager: It's sad that you socialists won't accept responsibility for what you've done to the millions of poor people in this country. YOU have taken away their incentive to work. YOU have enslaved them to government handouts. YOU have killed millions of their unborn children. YOU have taken away their pride and dignity. That is a true disgrace, but you lefties don't have the integrity to take responsibility for your actions.
You are an idiot that turns the stomach of everyone.
quote:Originally posted by Propertymanager: It's sad that you socialists won't accept responsibility for what you've done to the millions of poor people in this country. YOU have taken away their incentive to work. YOU have enslaved them to government handouts. YOU have killed millions of their unborn children. YOU have taken away their pride and dignity. That is a true disgrace, but you lefties don't have the integrity to take responsibility for your actions.
yawn... and your point is?
pm's constant repitition kind of reminds me of a cat we used to have... every time he went outside, he'd eat grass, then he'd come back inside and yak up a big furball on the carpet...
-------------------- Don't envy the happiness of those who live in a fool's paradise.
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I agree that the left enslaving millions of poor people with their handouts is like an ugly furball! Why not promote work and give these people some dignity?
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quote:you should be able to figure out fairly quickly how many people are just plain unable to "succeed" in society..
what would you do with them?
How high of an IQ does it really take to do manual labor? Flipping burgers, pounding nails, or putting a part on a car as it moves down the assemply line - very low IQ required!
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I'd have to say that it doesn't take much of an IQ to be a property manager either...in fact I'd say that you could be a complete IDIOT and still manage to be a property manager...