PM, one of the possible, even probable, results of global warming is that the ice dams in northern Canada and Greenland will melt through, inducing trillions of cubic feet of fresh water into the North Atlantic, just where the Gulf Stream finally cools sufficiently to plunges to the ocean depths and forming the primary engine of the world wide ocean flow about the world.
Fresh water isn't heavy enough to sink in the ocean and, as a result, there won't be any input of gravitationally induced sinking of that system and the flow will cease. Should that happen, stopping the largest mechanism for the Earth's atmosphere to moderate world wide temperatures, then a new ice age is triggered.
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So, bdgee, you are predicting an ice age? LOLOLOL! You've got it covered either way. If the temperature moves up so much as 1/2 a degree in 100 years, you'll claim global warming. If the temperature moves down so much as 1/2 a degree in 100 years, you'll claim global cooling and the coming of the next ice age. If it stays the same, you'll claim that it should be changing! You wacko lefties have it covered!
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quote:Originally posted by Propertymanager: So, bdgee, you are predicting an ice age? LOLOLOL! You've got it covered either way. If the temperature moves up so much as 1/2 a degree in 100 years, you'll claim global warming. If the temperature moves down so much as 1/2 a degree in 100 years, you'll claim global cooling and the coming of the next ice age. If it stays the same, you'll claim that it should be changing! You wacko lefties have it covered!
No, I said absolutely nothing so stupid and nothing that could logically be construed so stupidly.
Such childish explanations of intricately interdependent processes as you try to use to tile over reality while attempting to hide and explain away facts beyond your ability to understand do not yield truth, though they may grant undeserved ego enhancement to your infantile ego and immature excuse for an intellect.
You stopped development, mentally and emotionally, somewhere down at the pre-ape stage and there is little there fit to evaluate as human, in either of those fazes.
Trying to explain scientific reality (or any other kind) to you is like trying to get a dog to appreciate the grandeur of Beethoven's works.
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How warm will it have to be for us to die out? Are you saying that the earth has never been warmer than it is now while humans inhabited it? I wonder how all those people living near the equator survive? It's much warmer there than it is here in Ohio and somehow they seem to survive.
I'm not sure that people are that easy to kill off. Here in Ohio, I've survived sub-zero temperatures and I've survived temperatures over 100 degrees. Maybe people aren't that fragile after all!
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"How warm will it have to be for us to die out?"
About as warm as they would be if dumped in the middle of the Sahara in groups of tens of thousands per spot with absolutely no way provided to get resources (water in particular) from outside the desert.
It ain't so simple as you try and make it out to be. When water stops being available, both to the people and to the food crops and herds they must have to survive, they die.
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quote:It ain't so simple as you try and make it out to be. When water stops being available, both to the people and to the food crops and herds they must have to survive, they die.
Where's the water going to go? I thought you lefties were saying that the polar ice caps were going to melt and water would be everywhere (ocean front property in Ohio). Try to keep your story straight! In addition, I could always get a drink out of the Lake Erie, you just have to be careful that it isn't on fire at the time!
quote:Originally posted by Propertymanager: It's a shame that it is impossible to desalinate sea water....or is it? LOL!
how much does it cost?
Desalination is not cheap
In California, USA, the towns of Santa Barbara and Avalon have begun using desalination methods to remove the salt from seawater and make it suitable for drinking. A promising method to desalinate seawater is the "reverse osmosis" method. You might be more familiar with another method, distillation, which involves heating seawater and capturing and condensing the steam. As of 1998, the high cost of desalination has kept it from being used more often, as it can cost over $1,000 - $2,200 per acre-foot (1992 cost basis) to desalinate seawater as compared to about $200 per acre-foot for water from normal supply sources. Desalination technology is improving and costs are falling, though, and Tampa Bay, Florida is currently desalinizing water at a cost of only $650 per acre foot. As both the demand for freshwater and technology increase, you can expect to see more desalination occurring, especially in areas, such as California and the Middle East.
Yeah, it ain't cheap and there ain't no sea water in the middle of the Sahara.
A sad fact, but even along the sea shore, all those people died before they had a chance to build any desalination facilities. Just as well, they would have starved working on it because all of the food crops they need and cattle and sheep and such can't survive on salt water.
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No, we don't live in the Sahara, but with only another degree or so temperature increase, desert encroachment will become a major concern and within a generation, places like Kansas City and St. Louis will have a Utah like climate.
Think about it, the Sahara is at least double the size it was 100 years ago and the desert encroachment increase over time.
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You're right, it's not a joke. It's a SCAM being perpetrated on gullible people by the wacko left for the purpose of furthering their socialist agenda.
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Whoever PM's teachers were perpetrated a scam on us all. The damned Party first republican propaganda cut and pasting fool actually believes he isn't an idiot.
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PM, climate change is in no way a SCAM. One could certianly argue that scientists are unsure as to whether or not the climate will warm up or if it will cool down, but the FACT remains, climate change is REAL.
I don't know if you skipped school the day they taught you about the "Dust Bowl" in history class but to act as though climate change is irrelevant simply because we don't know which way it will go is both ignorant and juvenile...
-------------------- One is never completely useless. One can always serve as a bad example.
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quote:One could certianly argue that scientists are unsure as to whether or not the climate will warm up or if it will cool down, but the FACT remains, climate change is REAL.
NR, you just made my point. The "scientists" don't know what they're talking about. They can't even predict what kind of hurricane season we'll have in a given year, and yet they believe that they can predict future world-wide temperature changes, when they clearly can not.
I wholeheartedly agree with you that the climate WILL change. The climate always has and always will change. The scam is that these wacko leftists think they can predict what the climate will do and that they can alter it.
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I dont think I ever heard ONE scientist say that the climate WILL do any certain thing..they ALWAYS preface a statement with.."if this trend continues"..or something to that effect,,,
you see, PMS, scientists are always in a discovery and disproving process..they present hypothesis and then try to disprove that idea .
sorry to speak to you as if you're 5 yrs old..but if the foo sh!ts..get my drift little one?
Scientists: Pace of Climate Change Exceeds Estimates
By Kari Lydersen Washington Post Staff Writers Sunday, February 15, 2009; A03
CHICAGO, Feb. 14 -- The pace of global warming is likely to be much faster than recent predictions, because industrial greenhouse gas emissions have increased more quickly than expected and higher temperatures are triggering self-reinforcing feedback mechanisms in global ecosystems, scientists said Saturday.
"We are basically looking now at a future climate that's beyond anything we've considered seriously in climate model simulations," Christopher Field, founding director of the Carnegie Institution's Department of Global Ecology at Stanford University, said at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Field, a member of the United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, said emissions from burning fossil fuels since 2000 have largely outpaced the estimates used in the U.N. panel's 2007 reports. The higher emissions are largely the result of the increased burning of coal in developing countries, he said.
Unexpectedly large amounts of carbon dioxide are being released into the atmosphere as the result of "feedback loops" that are speeding up natural processes. Prominent among these, evidence indicates, is a cycle in which higher temperatures are beginning to melt the arctic permafrost, which could release hundreds of billions of tons of carbon and methane into the atmosphere, said several scientists on a panel at the meeting.
The permafrost holds 1 trillion tons of carbon, and as much as 10 percent of that could be released this century, Field said. Melting permafrost also releases methane, which is 25 times more potent a greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide.
"It's a vicious cycle of feedback where warming causes the release of carbon from permafrost, which causes more warming, which causes more release from permafrost," Field said.
Evidence is also accumulating that terrestrial and marine ecosystems cannot remove as much carbon from the atmosphere as earlier estimates suggested, Field said.
In the oceans, warmer weather is driving stronger winds that are exposing deeper layers of water, which are already saturated with carbon and not as able to absorb as much from the atmosphere. The carbon is making the oceans more acidic, which also reduces their ability to absorb carbon.
On land, rising carbon dioxide levels had been expected to boost plant growth and result in greater sequestration of carbon dioxide. As plants undergo photosynthesis to draw energy from the sun, carbon is drawn out of the atmosphere and trapped in the plant matter. But especially in northern latitudes, this effect may be offset significantly by the fact that vegetation-covered land absorbs much more of the sun's heat than snow-covered terrain, said scientists on the panel.
Earlier snowmelt, the shrinking arctic ice cover and the northward spread of vegetation are causing the Northern Hemisphere to absorb, rather than reflect, more of the sun's energy and reinforce the warming trend.
While it takes a relatively long time for plants to take carbon out of the atmosphere, that carbon can be released rapidly by wildfires, which contribute about a third as much carbon to the atmosphere as burning fossil fuels, according to a paper Field co-authored.
Fires such as the recent deadly blazes in southern Australia have increased in recent years, and that trend is expected to continue, Field said. Warmer weather, earlier snowmelt, drought and beetle infestations facilitated by warmer climates are all contributing to the rising number of fires linked to climate change. Across large swaths of the United States and Canada, bark beetles have killed many mature trees, making forests more flammable. And tropical rain forests that were not susceptible to forest fires in the past are likely to become drier as temperatures rise, growing more vulnerable.
Preventing deforestation in the tropics is more important than in northern latitudes, the panel agreed, since lush tropical forests sequester more carbon than sparser northern forests. And deforestation in northern areas has benefits, since larger areas end up covered in exposed, heat-reflecting snow.
Many scientists and policymakers are advocating increased incentives for preserving tropical forests, especially in the face of demand for clearing forest to grow biofuel crops such as soy. Promoting biofuels without also creating forest-preservation incentives would be "like weatherizing your house and deliberately keeping your windows open," said Peter Frumhoff, chief of the Union of Concerned Scientists' climate program. "It's just not a smart policy."
Field said the U.N. panel's next assessment of Earth's climate trends, scheduled for release in 2014, will for the first time incorporate policy proposals. It will also include complicated models of interconnected ecosystem feedbacks.
The panel's last report noted that preliminary knowledge of such feedbacks suggested that an additional 100 billion to 500 billion tons of greenhouse gas emissions would have to be prevented in the next century to avoid dangerous global warming. Currently, about 10 billion tons of carbon are emitted each year.
-------------------- It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenious.
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Global warming is way over stated. People will live just fine; the average temp in Alaska is a lot colder than the average temp in Florida... Can’t say the Floridians are dying from excess heat, if they were they all would be moving further north. Aint happenin. The Canada goose has been living farther south these past 30 years or so. A scientist with an agenda or one that is funded by a group with an agenda is no longer a scientist. He becomes a propaganda tool and extrapolates the data to fit the check he received. Therein lies the global warming… Besides, this planet goes through cycles all on its own. Are we gonna blame the human race on the last ice age? We will adapt… we have and we will.
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you and I will be fine..this isnt something that will happen in the next 10 may take 100's of years...but if we dont change our ways, it WILL be sooner than later..thats all the scientists are saying..
take your head out of the sand!
everything you have said has been gone over,here, many times..but very evlightening..thanks for the limbaugh update.
Jordan, it isn't in the sand that TonyG has his head. From the fact that his notions are from way out there in the dark and have that particular smell, isn't it obvious where his head is? He has his head way up in a dark place. He's a contortionist.
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Welcome to AllStocks TonyG! As you've already experienced, the socialists here aren't very friendly to new arrivals, unless you are a card carrying socialist who believes in man-made global warming and a big government that takes care of your every need.
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quote:Originally posted by Propertymanager: Welcome to AllStocks TonyG! As you've already experienced, the socialists here aren't very friendly to new arrivals, unless you are a card carrying socialist who believes in man-made global warming and a big government that takes care of your every need.
You seem to miss the fact that TonyG has been a member since May 2003. Though I do not agree with his current assumptions, he does not seem to feel the need to post ad nausem as you do.
-------------------- It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenious.
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