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Kiddo's Penny's

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My advice for trading penny stocks: Buy, sell or hold, whatever is good for you. I won't say what my entry and exit points are on these stocks. You have to choose your own. Do your own DD. Never buy someone else's pick or recommendation until you like the stock. It is wise to at least take some profit on stock run ups.

Report for Thur. 02/10/00

AIGI closed at 1.74 on 313k shares. Reason it did not close at 1.81 is it looked like a MM trade at the close. Vol. seems to be drying up, maybe selling is too. Come on news.

VALH closed at .30 on 2 mil shares. Had some news about company donating 15,000.00 to a Univercity.

I will update this one because after a MM run up and down, they put out their financials.
Have no idea what it will do tomorrow.
Here is a one time watch stock. QSRI, oil co., 13mil in the float, heavy vol. last 2 days, b/a at .375/.4375, closed at .438
I took a small position at .437 today but don't know if it will be a long or short term. Rumor is some kind of news coming, RUMOR. Do your own DD then play it like you want.

What is a miracle? That Jesus loves even me


Pick for 12/23/99: VALH at .19
Pick for 09/09/99: ERHC at .042 high .14 09/99
Pick for 08/15/99: GNRG at .26 high .28 11/99
Pick for 08/12/99: OKOK at .037 high .042 10/99
Pick for 08/12/99: MOSH at .07 high .13 09/99
Pick for 08/12/99: DRYD at .04 high ..41 01/99
Pick for 08/12/99: ABRG at .05 high .059 08/99
Pick for 07/14/99: NEGXQ at .025 high .125 08/99
Pick for 07/12/99: NPCT at .53 high 4.85 01/00
Pick for 07/12/99: INCE at .03 high ..34 01/99
Pick for 06/08/99: LTGL at .27 high 1.12 07/99
Pick for 06/08/99: LOCH at .054 high .76 12/99
Pick for 05/31/99: AREE at .018 high .05 06/99
Pick for 05/15/99: AIGI at .05 high .3.06 01/00
Pick for 04/19/99: ANTM at .065 high .17 09/99  Links  Search   Disclaimer Advertising

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