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Author Topic: U.S. engineers find way to build a better battery

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Icon 1 posted      Profile for Relentless.     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
We're getting closer...
300 mile range
Re-charge in 20 minutes or less
That's where they have to get to for consumers to come rushing in.

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a surfer

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Definitely a crucial step towards the future of batteries. Nice
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Icon 1 posted      Profile for glassman     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
in 15 years? people will wonder what the fuss was...

Gerbrand Ceder is: R. P. Simmons Professor of Materials Science and Engineering

Metallurgy and Materials Science Engineer, Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium, 1988
PhD Materials Science, University of California, Berkeley, 1991

his current address is


Room 13-5056, 77 Mass. Ave., Cambridge, MA 02139
617-253-1581 (phone) 617-258-6534 (fax)

Berkley and Mass? he must be one of those liberals who benefits from socialist govenrnment spending.

Why doesn't he work for Ford or GM?

people like him are the people that will save our butts. of course, the "freemarket" will go hogwild with their work and the cycle of bust and boom will go on and on and .....

it always amuses me when peopl complain about funding guys like this... they moslty make in one year about what A-rod does in one inning..

and yeah. the funding is often called pork or an earmark...

Don't envy the happiness of those who live in a fool's paradise.

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Icon 1 posted      Profile for glassman     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
i was wrong, the high end of a yearly salary of Professor of phyiscs isn't what A-rod makes in an inning, it's what he makes in a game... (175,000$)

that's assuming A-rod plays every game

Don't envy the happiness of those who live in a fool's paradise.

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Icon 1 posted      Profile for bdgee     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
Originally posted by glassman:
i was wrong, the high end of a yearly salary of Professor of phyiscs isn't what A-rod makes in an inning, it's what he makes in a game... (175,000$)

that's assuming A-rod plays every game

OK, Ok, so you made a mistake and then you redid it and IF A_RON NEVER MISSES A GAME.....

But you still haven't factored in that A-Rod only works half the year, while these guys have to be on top of their field 12 months out of the year just to keep up with what is going on. And if you know anything about the "trade" the really successful ones have a work week of maybe 80+ hours per week, which they do as a matter of choice and devotion.

"and yeah. the funding is often called pork or an earmark..."

by nitwits that have never even tried to look into how actual scientific research and development comes about. (McCain complains about studies to learn the DNA sequences of bears, claiming it is a waste of money, ignoring the fact that the techniques developed to do the work have opened up ways to find and study the DNA contributions in human DNA sequencing that may lead to cancer and heart conditions and on and on, when he isn't and never has been qualified to evaluate anything remotely scientific. let alone what science is worth pusueing.)

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Originally posted by glassman:
i was wrong, the high end of a yearly salary of Professor of phyiscs isn't what A-rod makes in an inning, it's what he makes in a game... (175,000$)

that's assuming A-rod plays every game

The question about A-ROD is does he make the Yankees and MLB money. I suspect he does.

Let's Go METS!!!

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Icon 1 posted      Profile for bdgee     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
Originally posted by Lockman:
Originally posted by glassman:
i was wrong, the high end of a yearly salary of Professor of phyiscs isn't what A-rod makes in an inning, it's what he makes in a game... (175,000$)

that's assuming A-rod plays every game

The question about A-ROD is does he make the Yankees and MLB money. I suspect he does.
I don't believe glass's point was to question whether or not A-Rod pulled in money for his owners. There should be a far far greater meaning and value to life and the journey through it than profit.
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Icon 1 posted      Profile for glassman     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
Originally posted by Lockman:
Originally posted by glassman:
i was wrong, the high end of a yearly salary of Professor of phyiscs isn't what A-rod makes in an inning, it's what he makes in a game... (175,000$)

that's assuming A-rod plays every game

The question about A-ROD is does he make the Yankees and MLB money. I suspect he does.
this new battery ( IF successful) will make everybody in the whole economy more efficient which in turn will make everyone more money...

of course it would also make whichever auto comapanies that license it more money...

the govt is not the enemy. the enemy is ignorance and stupidity. yes there's a lot of idiots in govt. yes there's alot of waste in govt.

but the fact is? very little research is ever done without the govt funding it. as a mattr of fact? if i had the time? i bet i could ferret out some way that govt funding and earmarks had some significant part in every single useful,time saving device you own..

PC? yes,
microwave? yep
cell phone? yup..
MRI (are you kidding? of course)

when are people going to realise that responsible govt is what we need, not less (or more) just plain sensibility...

and some DOJ people with integrity to take on the white collar thugs. the govt's job is to make sure that opportunities exist for all willing parties.

Don't envy the happiness of those who live in a fool's paradise.

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Icon 1 posted      Profile for bdgee     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
"MRI (are you kidding? of course)"

I can add very specific information here. I once worked with a research team fully funded by a mix of state and federal research funds, which, at the time, was concentrated on studying electron spin echo and nuclear magnetic resonance. Nuclear magnetic resonance, known since as NMR, is the scientific basis of MRI, magnetic resonance imaging, which in turn is a computerized software interpretation of NMR data.

At that time in that government financed laboratory, as well as any other laboratory, however financed, the major bottleneck toward learning how to interpret the data data was that it all had to be handled by laborious hand calculations that took weeks and months from charts recorded over a time period of only seconds before the next data points could be recorded.

No one back then had ever heard of a desktop computer or even a minicomputer, but, the very latest mainframe computer in existence was available with input via magnetic tape, paper tape, or punched card input and, though it wasn't a stated goal of the requirements for funding, in the hope of saving time and labor, an assembly language program was written which, after type/punching a control deck of cards (which went to every run) and a data deck (which was specific to the particular measurement), so that punching time per run was in hours, the data analysis for that particular run was reduced to over night (the actual computer time was from 3 to 7 ten thousands of a second, something that many modern personal computers could match or better).

That program was the first such analysis program and it was morphed through a sequence of modifications to eventually become that which now plots the data for the MRI or PET scan your mother had last year to locate the cancer in her brain so that they might have a chance to attack it and save her life.

No one in that laboratory ever received any financial reward or any fame for their efforts or ever asked for such things. The mere idea to try such a thing as computerizing the data interpretation was a whim for a side project to be done OFF TIME and was actually performed by a non-salaried (truthfully a non-paid) but interested member of the public. The cost of the computer time required was was all that was contributed by government funding and that was via the fact that the university in which the laboratory was located was a state owned school and it provided the computer time gratis.

Without that effort, I wonder how many people would have died horrible deaths or lived in excruciating pain because no one wanted to waste the time and money on such unimportant research. I can absolutely assure you that no commercial industry or laboratory was even interested (but I can also assure you they have been willing to capture many billions of dollars in profit because of it).

(Those same data analysis techniques developed back them became also the basis of several other modern medical systems, such as CAT scans.)

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Icon 1 posted      Profile for glassman     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
is the govt full of waste? of course it is. it reflects society, which in turn reflects the individual...

how many times a day does the average person have a wasted thought? forget the few that have nothing but wasted thoughts... i'm talking about people that are focused and productive. the average male thinks about sex every few minutes... now we all know that most of those thoughts won't amount to anything [Smile]

Don't envy the happiness of those who live in a fool's paradise.

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"now we all know that most of those thoughts won't amount to anything"

But doesn't that depend on how you rate entertainment?

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Originally posted by glassman:
Originally posted by Lockman:
Originally posted by glassman:
i was wrong, the high end of a yearly salary of Professor of phyiscs isn't what A-rod makes in an inning, it's what he makes in a game... (175,000$)

that's assuming A-rod plays every game

The question about A-ROD is does he make the Yankees and MLB money. I suspect he does.
this new battery ( IF successful) will make everybody in the whole economy more efficient which in turn will make everyone more money...

of course it would also make whichever auto comapanies that license it more money...

the govt is not the enemy. the enemy is ignorance and stupidity. yes there's a lot of idiots in govt. yes there's alot of waste in govt.

but the fact is? very little research is ever done without the govt funding it. as a mattr of fact? if i had the time? i bet i could ferret out some way that govt funding and earmarks had some significant part in every single useful,time saving device you own..

PC? yes,
microwave? yep
cell phone? yup..
MRI (are you kidding? of course)

when are people going to realise that responsible govt is what we need, not less (or more) just plain sensibility...

and some DOJ people with integrity to take on the white collar thugs. the govt's job is to make sure that opportunities exist for all willing parties.

Why do we need private companies if the government can provide us with everything?

Let's Go METS!!!

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Icon 1 posted      Profile for bdgee     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
Originally posted by Lockman:
Originally posted by glassman:
Originally posted by Lockman:
Originally posted by glassman:
i was wrong, the high end of a yearly salary of Professor of phyiscs isn't what A-rod makes in an inning, it's what he makes in a game... (175,000$)

that's assuming A-rod plays every game

The question about A-ROD is does he make the Yankees and MLB money. I suspect he does.
this new battery ( IF successful) will make everybody in the whole economy more efficient which in turn will make everyone more money...

of course it would also make whichever auto comapanies that license it more money...

the govt is not the enemy. the enemy is ignorance and stupidity. yes there's a lot of idiots in govt. yes there's alot of waste in govt.

but the fact is? very little research is ever done without the govt funding it. as a mattr of fact? if i had the time? i bet i could ferret out some way that govt funding and earmarks had some significant part in every single useful,time saving device you own..

PC? yes,
microwave? yep
cell phone? yup..
MRI (are you kidding? of course)

when are people going to realise that responsible govt is what we need, not less (or more) just plain sensibility...

and some DOJ people with integrity to take on the white collar thugs. the govt's job is to make sure that opportunities exist for all willing parties.

Why do we need private companies if the government can provide us with everything?
Goods question, lock, but it clearly has a sister query, which leads to a serious realization on the philosophy that allows the statement that "Government is the problem".

Question: Why do we need a government if the private industry can provide us with everything?

Answer: Because private industry likes to tell us what we need what and want and its opinions often lead to horrid results and disasters. With a government that is us, we can stop that with the vote. We seldom get a voice on what private industry wants unless it is the we that is the government that is doing the asking.

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Icon 1 posted      Profile for glassman     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
Originally posted by Lockman:

Why do we need private companies if the government can provide us with everything?

i never said anything like that.

what i am telling that i know for fact is that the govt is responsible for the research in almost every time-saving device you use in your home or office.

as for the govt bailing out banks and car co's? i don't like it, but i see no choice.

if we hit 20% unemployment by govt figures? we won't be able to recover without a WW2 like spending package that will then lead to 90% tax brackets.

nobody wants the govt in business, but we need the govt to alocate resources to things that don't offer immediate profit...

heck, Wall St expect results quarterly. you can't do research on that program.. Wall St benefits tremendously from the research tho [Wink]

the people who claim govt is the problem are not dealing with reality...

did Bush screw up bad? yes, but the bond rating co's screwed up even worse didn't they?

how would you like to have to stop every few miles and pay tolls to use the roads? nobody wants that. it's much easier paying for it when you buy fuel...

our whole agro-economy is based on fertilisers that became dirt cheap after WW2 because they(easily) converted the munitions plants over to making fertiliser... just one example of govt spending creating a whole new industry... no farmers could have afforded fertiliser "from factories" if they had to pay for the startup costs... the govt paid them, then the business developed because people saw how profitable it could be...

Don't envy the happiness of those who live in a fool's paradise.

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Icon 1 posted      Profile for Relentless.     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
Goods question, lock, but it clearly has a sister query, which leads to a serious realization on the philosophy that allows the statement that "Government is the problem". Question: Why do we need a government if the private industry can provide us with everything? Answer: Because private industry likes to tell us what we need what and want and its opinions often lead to horrid results and disasters. With a government that is us, we can stop that with the vote. We seldom get a voice on what private industry wants unless it is the we that is the government that is doing the asking.
What is needed is a balance between the two.
Is there a downside or potential problem with allowing government to direct industry?
Knowing what we do about the ****ty corrupt governments throughout history... yes there is a problem. Given the ability a corrupt government could lead industry towards our enslavement.

Is it wise to allow major corporations to direct industry?
No, same sorts of pitfalls.
How many ****ty corrupt companies out there would have us using the same ineffective products for years on end because it met the bottom line to avoid innovation.

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Icon 1 posted      Profile for glassman     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
How many ****ty corrupt companies out there would have us using the same ineffective products for years on end because it met the bottom line to avoid innovation.

GM and Entergy for starters.

Don't envy the happiness of those who live in a fool's paradise.

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Icon 1 posted      Profile for Relentless.     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
Yeah exactly..
Russia Germany...

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When the only measure of success and correct is profit, it's what you must expect.
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