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Author Topic: Merry Christmas

Icon 1 posted      Profile for bdgee     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
Merry Christmas, if that suits you.

Happy Hanukka, if that suits you.

If neither, Happy Holidays.

For those among you that object to the use of "Happy Holidays", I want to offer two points.

First, that person that tells you "Happy Holidays" is trying to provide you with his or her sincere wish that you enjoy this time of year and offers that good wish with no strings attached, simply out of good will. He or she has offered you a gift and common and normal human courtesy says you should graciously accept it, not attack him or her with your personal religious bias or beliefs. This was a world wide time of celebration across the world long long before anyone ever heard of Jesus Christ.

Second, quite reliable studies of the event of a birthday of Jesus Christ, using the bible for reference, put that date many months from December and the usurpation of this holiday time of year for the celebration of such a birth was a designed stroke by the Catholic church to steal an annual holiday of the ages for the Church in order to overwhelm certain pagan rites that were normally celebrated during this time of year. In other words, this is a more pagan than a christian holiday. You may want it to be otherwise, but it isn't. (Exactly why do you would want it to be seems to me to be singularly non-Christian.)

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Icon 1 posted      Profile for Sunnyside     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
Much appreciated presentation bdgee.

Happy Holidays!!!

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Ace of Spades

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This is the best post ever....everyone needs to take a western humanties course to know what the roman empire convert pagans to christians. Like one of the ten commandments is don't have any images....but thanks the the catholic church everone wheres crosses or images of Jesus, have statues, ect....just to convert the pagans. The list goes on and on.
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Icon 1 posted      Profile for glassman     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
Since it's 3 days after the equinox, Christmas Day is the first day that the sun becomes visibly higher in the sky.

that doesn't change the spirit of the thing tho:

People displaced by a fire at a Burnsville apartment complex began picking up their shares of a $1 million anonymous donation. "Whoever it is, thank you so much," one resident said.
Frank French, chief operating officer of The Goodman Group, said he just about drove off the road Tuesday evening when he heard about the $1 million donation. The company had spent much of the day behind closed doors, verifying that the anonymous donation was indeed for real, he said.

He speculated that the donor might have stepped forward after seeing the initial outpouring of community support as people dropped of clothes, food, Christmas gifts and money for the displaced residents.

"It's just an amazing story," French said. UiD3aPc:_Yyc:aUac8HEaDiaMDCinchO7DU

Don't envy the happiness of those who live in a fool's paradise.

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Icon 1 posted      Profile for bdgee     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
Originally posted by glassman:
Since it's 3 days after the equinox, Christmas Day is the first day that the sun becomes visibly higher in the sky.

that doesn't change the spirit of the thing tho:

People displaced by a fire at a Burnsville apartment complex began picking up their shares of a $1 million anonymous donation. "Whoever it is, thank you so much," one resident said.
Frank French, chief operating officer of The Goodman Group, said he just about drove off the road Tuesday evening when he heard about the $1 million donation. The company had spent much of the day behind closed doors, verifying that the anonymous donation was indeed for real, he said.

He speculated that the donor might have stepped forward after seeing the initial outpouring of community support as people dropped of clothes, food, Christmas gifts and money for the displaced residents.

"It's just an amazing story," French said. UiD3aPc:_Yyc:aUac8HEaDiaMDCinchO7DU

"Residents will also receive checks today from the Goodman Group, the company that owns and manages the property, to refund their security deposits and December rent payments. And yet another check will give residents money donated by Goodman Group Chairman John B. Goodman and fellow businessman Nasser Kazeminy, also well known in Minnesota as a political donor with close ties to Sen. Norm Coleman. Goodman and Kazeminy each donated $50,000 to the relief effort."

It is bluntly clear that no property manager from the Goodman Group post here.

Another fact is proved. Being a property manager does not destroy human kindness. Independently, we know that being a property manager does not instill it.

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Icon 1 posted      Profile for buckstalker     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
Originally posted by glassman:
Since it's 3 days after the equinox, Christmas Day is the first day that the sun becomes visibly higher in the sky.

that doesn't change the spirit of the thing tho:

People displaced by a fire at a Burnsville apartment complex began picking up their shares of a $1 million anonymous donation. "Whoever it is, thank you so much," one resident said.
Frank French, chief operating officer of The Goodman Group, said he just about drove off the road Tuesday evening when he heard about the $1 million donation. The company had spent much of the day behind closed doors, verifying that the anonymous donation was indeed for real, he said.

He speculated that the donor might have stepped forward after seeing the initial outpouring of community support as people dropped of clothes, food, Christmas gifts and money for the displaced residents.

"It's just an amazing story," French said. UiD3aPc:_Yyc:aUac8HEaDiaMDCinchO7DU

Anyone that donates anonymously are TRUE givers...


It's all in the timing...

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