This stock has a Zacks Rank of 1 and is currently trading just above $7. In April and May, it was trading around $3. The volume has been up consistently since mid-July. Earnings already out and the Street LOVED them. BTU is the #1 supplier of thermal equipment for semiconductor packaging, surface mount, and energy generation. It is the major supplier of solder reflow systems used in printed circuit board surface mount applications. It is a principal worldwide supplier of systems used in: low temperature curing/encapsulation; hybr id integrated circuit manufacturing; integrated circuit packaging, sealing and mounting; and processing multi-chip modules. Zacks has a target of $11 for this stock.
Other stocks that showed up on my scan of underpriced stocks this week:
I bought KONG last week based on this scan, and it is up over a dollar for me. BTUI is my play from the list this week, although I'm kicking myself that I didn't choose ENG or BCRX.
Disclaimer: I am a newbie at this! I use the NCAV formula by Benjamin Graham to scan for these stocks. Do your own research on these stocks and you might find a gem here.