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Latest News Headlines for Galena Biopharma Inc
Galena Biopharma Enrolls First Patient In GALE-301 (Folate Binding Protein (FBP)) Cancer Immunotherapy Phase 2 Clinical Trial In Ovarian Cancer1 days 11 hours 39 minutes ago - Dow Jones News Dow Jones News has only provided a headline at this time.
Galena Biopharma Enrolls First Patient in GALE-301 (Folate Binding Protein (FBP)) Cancer Immunotherapy Phase 2 Clinical Trial in Ovarian Cancer1 days 11 hours 39 minutes ago - GlobeNewsWire via Dow Jones News Galena Biopharma Enrolls First Patient in GALE-301 (Folate Binding Protein (FBP)) Cancer Immunotherapy Phase 2 Clinical Trial in Ovarian Cancer PORTLAND, Ore., Jan. 7, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Galena Biopharma (Nasdaq:GALE), a biopharmaceutical company developing and commercializing innovative, targeted oncology treatments that address major unmet medical needs to advance cancer care, today announced the first patient has been enrolled in the Phase 2 trial for GALE-301 (Folate Binding Protein (FBP) vaccine). GALE-301 is a folate receptor alpha-derived, peptide-based cancer immunotherapy administered to HLA-A2 positive patients in combination with granulocyte macrophage-colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF) as an adjuvant treatment to prevent recurrences in high-risk, endometrial and ovarian cancer patients rendered disease-free after completing standard of care therapy. View more recent headlines
Latest Annual and Quarterly SEC Filings More Filings
10-KMarch 12, 2013 This report contains detailed information about the company's business finances and management.
10-QNovember 6, 2013 Quarterly reports contain financial statement, a discussion from management and a list of company events (stock splits, acquisitions, etc.)
Company Background
Galena Biopharma, Inc. (Galena), formerly RXi Pharmaceuticals Corporation, is a biotechnology company focused on discovering, developing and commercializing therapies addressing unmet medical needs using targeted biotherapeutics. The Company is pursuing the development of cancer therapeutics using peptide-based immunotherapy products, including its main product candidate, NeuVaxTM (E75), for the treatment of breast cancer and other tumors. NeuVax is a peptide-based immunotherapy intended to reduce the recurrence of breast cancer in low-to-intermediate HER2-positive breast cancer patients not eligible for trastuzumab (Herceptin; Genentech/Roche). The Company's Phase 2 trial of NeuVax achieved its primary endpoint of disease-free survival (DFS). On April 13, 2011, the Company completed its acquisition of Apthera, Inc.,(Apthera).