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Icon 1 posted      Profile for glassman     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
i've seen that plant in operation...
it's farily simple and straightforward..


oil is pumped slowy thru the black pipe in the middle (at the focal point) of the mirrors...
the oil gets plenty hot enough to create steam when it run thru a heat exchanger to transmit the heat to water...

the mirrors rotate to track the sun all day

somebody has to wash the mirrors pretty regular tho... tough job i bet [Roll Eyes]

the land outhtere is prettymuch worthless. there's nothing but rocks and lizards as far as the eye can see

Don't envy the happiness of those who live in a fool's paradise.

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There are even better sites up in the mountains above the tree lines.

Also, with modern computer technology, quasi-robotic system of cleaning and checking on needed repairs would be relatively inexpensive and very labor saving.

And I forgot to mention that there are "fluids" more effective and more efficient as well as better at storing heath than oils.

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The Bigfoot

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10-5-10 is Solar Tuesday for the US government it seems.

First we get the announcement that the Whitehouse is getting solar panels once more.

Next we get the announcement that two solar projects have been greenlighted to be built on public lands. Big stuff today! public-lands/

No longer eligible for government service due to lack of tax issues.

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Icon 1 posted      Profile for CashCowMoo     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
Originally posted by glassman:
i've seen that plant in operation...
it's farily simple and straightforward..


oil is pumped slowy thru the black pipe in the middle (at the focal point) of the mirrors...
the oil gets plenty hot enough to create steam when it run thru a heat exchanger to transmit the heat to water...

the mirrors rotate to track the sun all day

somebody has to wash the mirrors pretty regular tho... tough job i bet [Roll Eyes]

the land outhtere is prettymuch worthless. there's nothing but rocks and lizards as far as the eye can see

Yeah you know what else is out there? Endagered tortises in some places like southern California where environmentalists are going nuts over anything being built in their "habitat". They are also hootin and hollerin over migratory birds getting beat up in the wind blades on wind farms that are located on migration routes. Im so sick of hearing their crap! They hate oil, but complain about where we put clean energy stations. They are never happy.
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T e x

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Originally posted by The Bigfoot:
10-5-10 is Solar Tuesday for the US government it seems.

First we get the announcement that the Whitehouse is getting solar panels once more.

Next we get the announcement that two solar projects have been greenlighted to be built on public lands. Big stuff today! public-lands/

It's an exciting time.

I gotta admit, I *do* hope Obama has built in some sort of parameter such that the next Prez can't simply "wish it away."

I still remember when Reagan took down Carter's panels.

Not cool.

If anything, the latest alt-energy systems should be continually upgraded.

Wouldn't bother me if the White House were the most "green" building in the world, PLUS the most protected from cyber-attacks.

I trust everyone in America will join me in agreement that it should be the most protected from physical attacks.

Nashoba Holba Chepulechi
Adventures in microcapitalism...

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Icon 1 posted      Profile for CashCowMoo     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
So why did this administration block government scientists predictions about how bad the BP spill was? I am shocked that the government side would do this, as opposed to BP estimates.

""When some government scientists sought to publicize their long-term worst case figures they were blocked by the White House Office of management and budget," according to the panels' report.Then in August when the oil leak was capped, the government misrepresented figures to downplay the aftermath of the oil spill by claiming that almost all the oil had ‘disappeared.'" -administration-look-bad

It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so.

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Originally posted by CashCowMoo:
So why did this administration block government scientists predictions about how bad the BP spill was? I am shocked that the government side would do this, as opposed to BP estimates.

""When some government scientists sought to publicize their long-term worst case figures they were blocked by the White House Office of management and budget," according to the panels' report.Then in August when the oil leak was capped, the government misrepresented figures to downplay the aftermath of the oil spill by claiming that almost all the oil had ‘disappeared.'" -administration-look-bad

So...what does that have to do with Solar power? Ya know...the actual topic of this thread? Looking forward to you're explanation of how what you posted relates to Solar power. [Wall Bang]

It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenious.

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Because it deals with energy, and I didnt want to start a whole new thread. It is kind of a big deal if an administration's own scientists accuse the White House of a cover up on an oil spill.

It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so.

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Icon 1 posted      Profile for Pagan     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
Originally posted by CashCowMoo:
Because it deals with energy, and I didnt want to start a whole new thread. It is kind of a big deal if an administration's own scientists accuse the White House of a cover up on an oil spill.

So it has nothing to do with solar energy whatsoever right? Just a chance for you to attack the Democrats. That scenario is getting pretty old and tired Cow.

It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenious.

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Pagan, I guess if I jumped on the Kock, odonnell, palin attack bandwagon then the color of poop would turn from brown to pretty blue?

It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so.

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The Bigfoot

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White House officials stated publicly after the first round of estimations beyond BP's 5000 bpd that worst case scenario could be 100,000bpd.

Their butt is covered on that score.

I also did not like how dodgy they played with the outside scientists who wanted to go down and observe/test this.

If they had had free access except during critical work periods we would have had better information, quicker, and in a year or so we might have new methods of controlling deep spills.

No longer eligible for government service due to lack of tax issues.

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