Personally, I don't object to their life style, but I do seriously get sick of the jerks spending some congregation's funds to destroy someone else's life by attacking those people's sexual preferences.
I get even more irate at them assaulting the Constitution with demands to turn this Nation into a hateful religious joke.
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quote:Originally posted by bdgee: At least that is the accepted belief.
Personally, I don't object to their life style, but I do seriously get sick of the jerks spending some congregation's funds to destroy someone else's life by attacking those people's sexual preferences.
I get even more irate at them assaulting the Constitution with demands to turn this Nation into a hateful religious joke.
I tried to read it...
too much "A said, B said" for me...
what's the crux?
-------------------- Nashoba Holba Chepulechi Adventures in microcapitalism...
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quote:Originally posted by bdgee: I guess the best way to "characterize" the crux is to note that these guy's integrity and honesty is imaginary, at best.
The crux is your unrelenting attempts to discredit the Republican party. You know you would never have posted this tread without identifing this man as a Repulican.
-------------------- Let's Go METS!!!
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Ever been to a drag show? Good entertainment that. Specially when there are mixed dancers. Then you can play "Who's the man?" with your friends.
For some reason drag kings just aren't nearly as entertaining though. Don't know why.
-------------------- No longer eligible for government service due to lack of tax issues.
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quote:Originally posted by bdgee: I guess the best way to "characterize" the crux is to note that these guy's integrity and honesty is imaginary, at best.
The crux is your unrelenting attempts to discredit the Republican party. You know you would never have posted this tread without identifing this man as a Repulican.
You're a proud republican that is clearly proud of Haggard and his disgusting ways, I see.
I started in this thread with a post about Haggard's insulting hypocricy because you are all a bunch of hypocrites running at the mouth with trash talk about others while wanting to protect trash like Haggard by keeping his trash secret.
Personally, I have nothing against Haggard liking boys or even playing sex with boys, provided those boys are of age and are willing, but when he lives such a life, while at the same time attacking others and demanding they live according to a life style he himself can't manage, it needs to be pointed out that he is defining so called "republican values" but ignoring them for himself.
He's a hypocrite and those that excuses him because he is a republican or objects to his life being made public or attacks anyone that publicizes his hypocrisy is themselves being a complete hypocrite.
There isn't supposed to be such hypocrisy in the Christian faith!
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Here's a twist... maybe he was a triple agent. maybe he was a liberal, posing as a conservative, posing as a queer hater... all to bring down Christianity. lol
Do I remember correctly? Wasn't there a gunman shot down by a security guard at his church shortly after is big F up? Something must be in the water over there...
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quote:Originally posted by bdgee: I guess the best way to "characterize" the crux is to note that these guy's integrity and honesty is imaginary, at best.
The crux is your unrelenting attempts to discredit the Republican party. You know you would never have posted this tread without identifing this man as a Repulican.
You're a proud republican that is clearly proud of Haggard and his disgusting ways, I see.
I started in this thread with a post about Haggard's insulting hypocricy because you are all a bunch of hypocrites running at the mouth with trash talk about others while wanting to protect trash like Haggard by keeping his trash secret.
Personally, I have nothing against Haggard liking boys or even playing sex with boys, provided those boys are of age and are willing, but when he lives such a life, while at the same time attacking others and demanding they live according to a life style he himself can't manage, it needs to be pointed out that he is defining so called "republican values" but ignoring them for himself.
He's a hypocrite and those that excuses him because he is a republican or objects to his life being made public or attacks anyone that publicizes his hypocrisy is themselves being a complete hypocrite.
There isn't supposed to be such hypocrisy in the Christian faith!
Where did I say I was proud of this guy? All I was noting was the fact that you would have passed on posting this story if he was a Democrat. I agree the man has serious problems but somehow don't find any reason to state that he is Republican, unless of course your motive for posting this story is to point out that he votes Republican. No personal attack is needed, I was just pointing out the obvious.
-------------------- Let's Go METS!!!
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t isn't what you specifically said, it is that yopu so eagerly support him now and have even more so before.
No, as I explained before, I posted it because he s a disgusting hateful religious fanatic inciting other religious fanatics to believe that the Constitution grants them the right to attempt to defile and undermine the Constitution and replace it with an ultra fanatic version of quite non-christian religious hate and bigotry.
It is almost exactly the same motivation, using almost exactly the same excuse for reasoning as does al Qaeda and Ben Laden, except al Qaeda and Ben Laden want to dominate others via rules concocted out of whole cloth from by the koran rather than some imagined to be from their particular version of the bible.
He is a republican, and that alone is a good reason to state that he is, particularly since he and his usual cadre of sick bible thumping Constitution haters and anti-American rabble are almost, to a man (or woman), seriously tied, philosophically and financially to the republican party and the republican party is eager to do their bidding.
The "obvious", which you claim to be in favor of, is that you attack any post that doesn't follow republican Party line propaganda and you more than enthusiastically attack anyone that isn't one of and for, 100%, the religious far right-wing.
Haggard, along with the rest of his breed of hypothetical right-wing fanatics that want to foul the foundation of the Constitution and our Nation's social honor and pride with anti-Constitutional religious domination does and has represented the heart and soul of the republican party for decades and deserves to be painted in those colors.
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Haggard should go down if all is proven to be true. I Hadn't heard of him until your post.
I'll be waiting to see if you bring to light the scum of the Democrat/Left as they now will be making policy, and I know someone as concerned about the constitution as you will be a watch dog as far as they are concerned.
Don't let us down and forget.
-------------------- Let's Go METS!!!
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