Besides new wilderness designations, the bill would designate the childhood home of former President Bill Clinton in Hope, Ark., as a national historic site and expand protections for dozens of national parks, rivers and water resources.
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To assert that some reference to the Washington Times is credible or even ever so remotely responsible is about like citing the The Three Stooges as models of workplace safety.
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this "socialist" word seems to be thrown around indiscriminatly lately..CCM..what do you "think" the word you, in your own thoughts and words please. and why do you think it is a bad thing ..and ,also, what other words would you put in that category?
Socialism is a failed ideology. In my own thoughts I see modern socialism as more government intervention to balance wealth distribution. Modern socialism countries have extremely high tax rates. The difference I see between communism and socialism is communism blows a lot of time with propoganda and ideology. Socialism is just control through the markets, control through the banks, control through economy.
You are told more, you are taken from more, and you work more for less. You work more for those who work less. Socialism is an attempt to achieve equality in a twisted mindset. It is force, it is not freedom.
Socialism is the bread and butter for those who want to beat the drums of the class warfare debate. I see socialism as the boring, same ol same ol type of person, where as a capitalist person would be many different types.
For example the socialist high school kid would wear the same thing all the time, eat the same stuff, and never have more or less of his money. The capitalist kid may come to school with a mohawk and be broke, or the capitalist kid may come to school in an expensive garment with cash to spend after class is out. The difference is that the capitalist kid has the choice to be whatever they want.
Socialistic though such as yours Jordan, or bdgee or any other super liberal is based off of rationalism. You know like Bill Clinton...if it feels good then do it regardless if it is right or wrong.
Why on earth do you want some weird centrally planned economy? Mass welfare programs? There is no dreams to make it to the top and be greatly achieved in socialism if only they take more from you.
Somewhere along the lines someone beat into many of your heads that socialism is OK. Socialism is not normal folks.
-------------------- It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so.
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quote:Originally posted by CashCowMoo: Socialism is a failed ideology. In my own thoughts I see modern socialism as more government intervention to balance wealth distribution. Modern socialism countries have extremely high tax rates. The difference I see between communism and socialism is communism blows a lot of time with propoganda and ideology. Socialism is just control through the markets, control through the banks, control through economy.
You are told more, you are taken from more, and you work more for less. You work more for those who work less. Socialism is an attempt to achieve equality in a twisted mindset. It is force, it is not freedom.
Socialism is the bread and butter for those who want to beat the drums of the class warfare debate. I see socialism as the boring, same ol same ol type of person, where as a capitalist person would be many different types.
For example the socialist high school kid would wear the same thing all the time, eat the same stuff, and never have more or less of his money. The capitalist kid may come to school with a mohawk and be broke, or the capitalist kid may come to school in an expensive garment with cash to spend after class is out. The difference is that the capitalist kid has the choice to be whatever they want.
Socialistic though such as yours Jordan, or bdgee or any other super liberal is based off of rationalism. You know like Bill Clinton...if it feels good then do it regardless if it is right or wrong.
Why on earth do you want some weird centrally planned economy? Mass welfare programs? There is no dreams to make it to the top and be greatly achieved in socialism if only they take more from you.
Somewhere along the lines someone beat into many of your heads that socialism is OK. Socialism is not normal folks.
Good Post ! Having a high ranking position in government is success in socialism.
-------------------- Let's Go METS!!!
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Just a bunch of way far right-wing talking points and lies. Horse sh-t propaganda that has not been properly composted.
It is the type of fodder they feed to the mentally lazy and incompetent, who are either too incompetent or too lazy and biased to delve into facts and are, thus, willing to stand or unable to notice the tell tale stench of raw sewage.
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Better health care, better overall health, less of usable income devoted to health concerns, and therefore a far larger percentage of income is disposable.
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Is there Health care really cheaper or is it the government takes more in taxes to provide it?
Your also compairing a society of lets say 20 million to 300 million. And I'm not sure from what I've heard that I would choose a canadian hospital over an American one if I had to have a major operation.
The prescription drug issue is one that causes huge problems for Americans.
-------------------- Let's Go METS!!!
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quote:Originally posted by Lockman: Is there Health care really cheaper or is it the government takes more in taxes to provide it?
Your also compairing a society of lets say 20 It has been estimated that over million to 300 million. And I'm not sure from what I've heard that I would choose a canadian hospital over an American one if I had to have a major operation.
The prescription drug issue is one that causes huge problems for Americans.
Yes, the actual cost of medical coverage is far below that in the U. S. and medical care is far far higher rated in quality. Then there is the far lower cost of exactly the same paramedicals there. It has been estimated that over 10% of medical cost in the U.S. ends up paying executive pay at insurance companies.
I have no personal experience in Canadian hospitals or with Canadian health care of any variety, but I have had several friends who have had care there, some by choice and some due to emergency. In all cases, they have insisted it is much less impersonal, much faster, and much more thorough than such care in the U.S., particularly their hospitals.
I can report much the same for European medical care in general.
Additionally, I have a very close friend that serves on the staff of a couple of the major medical facilities of the U.S. and in similar capacities in Norway. He is a highly respected medical researcher and practicioner. He has told me that he prefers the work he does in Norway, because the question of bills NEVER is a consideration when deciding what procedures are appropriate.
While, generally, through the more advanced societies in the world the cost of medical care over the last several decades has decreased. only in the U.S. has it done the opposite. It has become the fastest growing portion of out national budget. Guess which of those nations lean closer to a socialized system of medicine?
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It doesn't take much effort to learn better than most of that extreme nonsense. All that is necessary is to wean yourself from lapping up far right wing propaganda and learn to look for credible sources.
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It doesn't take much effort to learn better than most of that extreme nonsense. All that is necessary is to wean yourself from lapping up far right wing propaganda and learn to look for credible sources.
bdgee your idea of what right wing propaganda is anything you do not approve of yourself which is the most narrow minded opinion a person could ever have. You talk about Republicans being so closed minded when you are the most close minded person on here.
It doesn't take much effort to learn better than most of that extreme nonsense. All that is necessary is to wean yourself from lapping up far right wing propaganda and learn to look for credible sources.
bdgee your idea of what right wing propaganda is anything you do not approve of yourself which is the most narrow minded opinion a person could ever have. You talk about Republicans being so closed minded when you are the most close minded person on here.
Once again I prove you wrong. How does that make you feel?
Sad? :w: Angry? :d: Confused? :confused:
You are a narrow minded backward loudmouth , spreading lies and falsehoods for the propaganda efforts of the Party. The fact that you believe that bull sh-t is not testament to your veracity, but to you ignorance.
You haven't proved me wrong, just how limited your intellect is. Relying on Wikipedia as a source is a task for fools, as it can be alterred by anyone at any time , even far right-wingers wishing to spread their adulterated versions of fact so as to insult ideas not sanctioned by the Party.
Canada has been free of control by Britain since long before the second world war.
"The international status of Canada evolved rapidly in the post-World War period: in 1919, Canada was one of the signers of the Treaty of Versailles and was elected as an independent member of the League of Nations. In 1926, the Balfour resolution was adopted at the Imperial Conference. Arthur Balfour presented this resolution to the Imperial conference of the self-governing dominions. In it Great Britain recognized that the Dominions were "autonomous communities within the British Empire, equal in status, in no way subordinate to one another in any aspect of their domestic or external affairs, though united by a common allegiance to the Crown and freely associated as members of the British Commonwealth of Nations". Thus, by 1931, Canada and the other Dominions had become "autonomous communities... equal in status" to Great Britain."
That's EQUAL to, i.e., in no way subordinate to Great Britain or any other entity. That's called independent!
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It doesn't take much effort to learn better than most of that extreme nonsense. All that is necessary is to wean yourself from lapping up far right wing propaganda and learn to look for credible sources.
bdgee your idea of what right wing propaganda is anything you do not approve of yourself which is the most narrow minded opinion a person could ever have. You talk about Republicans being so closed minded when you are the most close minded person on here.
Once again I prove you wrong. How does that make you feel?
Sad? Angry? Confused?
You are a narrow minded backward loudmouth , spreading lies and falsehoods for the propaganda efforts of the Party. The fact that you believe that bull sh-t is not testament to your veracity, but to you ignorance.
You haven't proved me wrong, just how limited your intellect is. Relying on Wikipedia as a source is a task for fools, as it can be alterred by anyone at any time , even far right-wingers wishing to spread their adulterated versions of fact so as to insult ideas not sanctioned by the Party.
Canada has been free of control by Britain since long before the second world war.
"The international status of Canada evolved rapidly in the post-World War period: in 1919, Canada was one of the signers of the Treaty of Versailles and was elected as an independent member of the League of Nations. In 1926, the Balfour resolution was adopted at the Imperial Conference. Arthur Balfour presented this resolution to the Imperial conference of the self-governing dominions. In it Great Britain recognized that the Dominions were "autonomous communities within the British Empire, equal in status, in no way subordinate to one another in any aspect of their domestic or external affairs, though united by a common allegiance to the Crown and freely associated as members of the British Commonwealth of Nations". Thus, by 1931, Canada and the other Dominions had become "autonomous communities... equal in status" to Great Britain."
That's EQUAL to, i.e., in no way subordinate to Great Britain or any other entity. That's called independent!
Go there then if my info is so "right wing"
Sorry I dont get my info from Keith Olberman or Rachael Maddow.
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I will say something good though about her, she is actually very quick witted, and she can make good points. I just dont agree with her politics. Id watch her over Keith anyday. I wonder what her girlfriend looks like.
-------------------- It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so.
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I don't get my information from "Keith Olberman or Rachael Maddow", though, with your refusal to look at or listen to anything that isn't far right-wing extreme and parrot-like regurgitation of republican dogma, you, clearly, have no idea what they do or don't say.
Like, Jordan, I don't find Maddow's style comfortable and I must insist she quite often tends to be a bit one sided for may taste. I find Olberman to be generally league, in that respect, with Mayer or Colbert, whatever the momentary bent of his interest or discourse.
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bdgee just admit it, you type overdone liberal talking points. You throw in as many foul adjectives as you can in a fire and forget style of typing. You dont impress sir, not one bit.
Gee, what ever will do the next 4 years? bdgee, what will YOU do the next 4 years? Blame volcano eruptions on Bush? Blame conservatives for solar flares?
bdgee when will you stop believing that individual ownership of private property is theft from the community and that the way to prosperity is through class warfare?
Just where and when does it end?
-------------------- It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so.
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You need to get out of that pitiful right-wing hate campaign and learn that that 17th and 18th century social philosophy you champion failed hundreds of years back. Too, your stupid Utopian freemarketism has about destroyed the financial health of the world.
I doubt that you know who J. J. Gould was, but he would admire your opinions.....he lived by them.
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Republicans are all idiots and I am amazed how they keep a party together anymore. It certainly would not atract an Abe Lincoln today. Poor guy would not be let in the fascist bar him
-------------------- Wise men learn more from fools than fools from the wise.
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quote:Originally posted by jordanreed: yup...the face of the gop has become pretty pathetic,,almost cartoonish...mccain..palin..bush..
the intellect has gone out the window..
And Harry Ried and Nancy Pelosi, now there's a couple of cartoon characters. Intellegence has left the congress. Thank the Lord at least Obama makes sense.
-------------------- Let's Go METS!!!
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quote:Originally posted by raybond: Republicans are all idiots and I am amazed how they keep a party together anymore. It certainly would not atract an Abe Lincoln today. Poor guy would not be let in the fascist bar him
I wouldn't call what they are doing keeping anything together and it looks like they intend to stay with all the hate and bigotry forever, which isn't going to rebuild their failed party.
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