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Posted by winmaccer on :
I am a Canadian, I have visited the location several times near the City of Prince Albert Saskatchewan. What my message is to all share holders of CMKM is just this. The statements that have been placed by other shareholders all have merit, there are some things to consider.

One is the fact that two very reputable firms have been working the area for quite some time, one being DeBeers, and that in itself says alot. As well Kensington Resources that has partnered with DeBeers, it was actually Kensington Resources, [KRT] on the TSX, that made the initial Kimberlite discoverys. These two organizations are not mining the area for something to do, that you all know, what may have seemed to be a shot in the dark by CMKM could very well turn into something they never dreamed. That being a major discovery, or an alliance with DeBeers and Kensington, CMKM controls a very large piece of land right next door to the two pre stated companys, either scenario in my mind could easily become a reality.

The region that CMKM is zeroing in on along with DeBeers and [KRT] has been designated by the govt of Canada, as well many geologists, one of the largest Kimberlite deposits on the planet, and that in itself is very appealing.

As far as the forward stock split that I personally diagreed with, but as many of you have stated it is a gamble, but if they hit paydirt, firstly they are looking in the correct area, and a possible dream for CMKM may turn into reality.

I have read so many negative as well positive statements by shareholders I am not sure what to believe as far as the true intentions, and for example someone stating that CMKM was`nt even in control of the exploration this I find semi hard to believe. My final analysis is, DeBeers has been for twenty years exploring Canadian North Country, recently emeralds have been discovered in the Yukon area, as well three major Diamond mines are gearing up at this very moment for production in the M.W.T. There are fine gems allover the Northern parts of Canada, as well think of untouched Alaskan terrain and that is exactly what northern Saskatchewan and the N.W.T areas are similar to, basically untouched.

Posted by Anna on :
Hello. We have several threads on this on the under .10 board. Feel free to join us. The more the merrier and lots of info to be shared.

Best Wishes,


Posted by rickpic on :
Posted by Nash on :
Is CMKM the ticker?...having trouble locating this stock
Posted by winmaccer on :
YES, CMKM, or if you use Yahoo you may need to print CMKM.PK , [pink sheets]. Or some companys that are Over the Counters, you must add XXXX.OB.


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