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Posted by stockdesire on :
Big news expected.

This stock *WILL* explode.
Do not wait until it is too late.
Investment Times Alert Issues: (STRONG BUY)

Septembers Feature Company...
Global Aerial Surveillance, Inc.
Symbol: GARS

Global Aerial Surveillance Announces Plans to Develop an Amphibious Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Intended to Address Homeland Security Issues and Natural Disasters Such as Hurricane Katrina

Keep your EYES on this one folks!!! Global is a developer and marketer of both short and long-range aerial drones. The drones are intended for both private and governmental use in such diverse industries as military, oil and gas, municipal, forestry, agriculture and coastal/border surveillance. RELATED SECTORS: Aerospace, Defense, Homeland Security, Exploration.

Frost & Sullivan, a research group in San Antonio, forecasts that the market for U.A.V.'s, or unmanned aerial vehicles, will be worth nearly $5 billion by 2005. Michael Heinz, who heads Boeing's Unmanned Systems unit and other executives at military contractors see an annual market of at least $10 billion by decade's end, with growth continuing at double-digit rates for a decade or more.

Make no mistake: Our mission at SmallCap-Investors is to claw our way through the thousands of underperforming companies out there
to find the golden needle in the haystack the micro-cap DIAMOND that can make you rich. More often than not, the stocks we profile
show a significant increase in stock price and sometimes in days, not months or years.

Do this often enough, and your portfolio can double,
even TRIPLE (!!!) in value.

GOOOOOOO! GARS! The Future is Here Today!

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