Eagle Broadband (EAG) Just released news yesterday of joint venture with IBM.
Last 2.05
Eagle Broadband Inc Website Annual Report
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Eagle Broadband, Inc. Formerly known as Eagle Wireless International, Inc.. The Group's principal activity is to design, manufacture and market a wide range of broadband products. These products include transmitters, receivers, controllers, software, convergent set-top boxes, fiber, cable and other equipment used in commercial and personal communications systems and radio and telephone systems. The Group provides service and support for its products, as well as consulting and research development on a contract basis. The products of the Group are marketed under the brand name 'Eagle'. The Group has introduced a new line of multi-media and Internet products under the name of BroadbandMagic. The Group acquired DSS Security Inc and Contact Wireless in fiscal 2002.
IBM Teams With Eagle Broadband
WHITE PLAINS, N.Y. -- IBM Corporation and Eagle Broadband, Inc. (AMEX: EAG - message board), a leading provider of broadband and communications products and services, today announced they have signed a joint marketing agreement to design, build and operate state-of-the-art, fiber-based broadband networks and deliver an exclusive "four-play" of the most advanced bundled digital services (voice, video, data and security), video content and multimedia set-top box technology to communities nationwide.
Under the terms of the agreement, IBM and Eagle will combine their collective knowledge, expertise and capabilities to meet communities' needs to deliver more advanced broadband and communications services to their residents, schools, hospitals and businesses. The companies will work together to help municipalities lower costs and accelerate the delivery of bundled digital services that can improve competitiveness, stimulate economic growth and development, attract businesses and residents, create jobs and improve quality of life. The broadband fiber networks the companies will make possible will provide high-quality communications services, greater value, increased choice and single-bill convenience to community members.
Capitalizing on IBM's leadership in providing comprehensive technology, consulting, systems integration and project management services and solutions to government, education, healthcare and businesses and Eagle's proven experience designing, building and operating fiber-based broadband networks, the relationship will enable the companies to better meet the rapidly growing demand from cities and towns interested in deploying their own advanced, community-wide broadband infrastructure.
"We have seen a significant increase in demand from our municipal customers looking for help deploying their own broadband networks," said Victor Ferreira, IBM Government Industry Executive. "Eagle's Fiber-to-the-User broadband experience, technology and services, combined with IBM's government experience, technology, consulting and integration services, provide a comprehensive solution for municipal customers who want to deliver better services to their communities and realize the productivity, economic growth and quality-of-life improvements they provide."
Dave Weisman, CEO of Eagle Broadband, commented, "This alliance with IBM allows Eagle Broadband to better serve municipal and utility district customers with best-of-breed, turn-key broadband solutions. From financing to design, to building and operating their fiber broadband networks, IBM and Eagle together provide the industry's most robust, end-to-end broadband technology and services solutions."
IBM Corp.
Eagle Broadband