This is topic 6 month growth stock picks in forum Hot Stocks Free for All ! at's Bulletin Board.

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Posted by taters77 on :
I tried this in another forum, but didn't get any takers. Trying again here to hopefully get some interest. I really hope ANYONE wants to participate as I am not a fan of the "bigger" boards, I much prefer the "old school" style of this board!

Contest proposal follows:
Posted by taters77 on :
I wanted to propose an idea that I've been considering since last month. A board for a competition on stock picks that would be for stocks specifically targeted as 8-ish month investments; bought at (late in this case), Easter, and sold 8 months later (before Christmas).

The big boards have way too many sketchy members and suspect posts, so I am hoping to get enough interested participants here.

I propose the following rules, (which I am open to suggestions for changing/amending):

1. Post your top 3 picks for greatest percentage of gain by COB Monday December 4th 2021, (8 months from last Easter).

2. You must have skin in the game, meaning you have taken a "new" position in your picks.

3. You have to post the ticker, date and PPS of your position, but the number of share you have is optional.

4. You can make a 1-for-1 exchange to your positions at any point in the competition, but you must post the details of your "swap-out" at the time it is made.

5. Please keep discussion of any stock that is not in your 3 picks, or another members 3 picks to the other forums. (No pumping, bashing, scamming, generally sketchy business allowed).

6. I will sponsor an obnoxious 1st place trophy, plaque, or some other prize for the victor (probably less than $25 in value), and an equally humiliating prize for the loser!

7. Any market, but stocks only please; no options, mutuals, etc.

***Disclosure*** This is a friendly competition only. Participants are individually responsible for any losses, debts, or financial obligations. Neither I nor are responsible for the actions of any member. I am a very inexperienced/amateur trader, and my actions in this forum are not affiliated with any other organization, enterprise, individual or group of individuals. (I am currently employed by the US military, and am seeking free/open discussion of personal financial gain through investment).
Posted by taters77 on :
I am shamelessly promoting this proposed contest in the hopes that I'll get at least one or two participants!!!! C'mon, I'm putting up a sweet sweet trophy for the winner!!!

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