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Posted by Purl Gurl on :
Christopher Cox represents a region close to
our hometown. His representive district is
comprised by the wealthiest of the wealthy,
an area of ultra right-wing conservatives who
frequently create circumstances leading to
allegations of racism; lily white neighborhood.

This area is known for multi-million dollar
beach front homes with harbor private parking
for luxury yachts, and Mercedes driven by
three piece suits with cell phones plugged
into their ears; Randolph and Mortimer Duke.

Cox presents a staunch stance of deregulation,
rollback of rules set by Donaldson, preventing
lawsuits for corporate fraud, and less reporting
requirements for corporations; he will return
the SEC to the Bad Ol' Days.

Bush is also presented with a chance to fill
two other SEC seats with corporate sleaze,
one of them the worst, Annette Nazareth

No surprise markets are crashing today after
yesterday's good rally.

Nothing but bad news for investors. I have been
urging you to be more politically active. You
were warned of pending problems, well before
all of this came to public light.


"Cox was an author of the Securities Litigation Reform Act, a law that made it more difficult for
investors to sue for misconduct. It was the only bill to become law over President Bill Clinton's
veto, according to a New York Times story on May 21, 1998...

Representing Newport Beach, California, in his first campaign for election to the House,
Cox enlisted the support of Oliver North, a Reagan administration official who was indicted
in the 1980s in connection with financing for the Nicaraguan contras...."

New York Times:

"...Mr. Bush to nominate Representative Christopher Cox, 52, a California Republican who
has long been an ally of business groups and who helped rewrite securities laws to make
investor lawsuits more difficult to file...

In 1995, he was named a defendant in a lawsuit by investors as a result of legal work he
did for an investment group in the 1980's. The suit accused Mr. Cox, his former law firm
and two former colleagues of misleading regulators and investors about the condition of
a real estate investment fund. Mr. Cox, who denied that he had violated any laws, was
eventually dropped from the lawsuit and the firm where he worked, Latham & Watkins,
settled for an undisclosed amount...."

Purl Gurl
Posted by Purl Gurl on :
If you have not figured this out, yet, Donaldson
did not resign legitimately. He was forced out
of office by Bush and his cronies. Donaldson
was actively pursuing protection of private
investors, against Bush's expectation of
Donaldson protecting corporate sleaze.

Watch, Bush will rant and rave endlessly about
how Cox will protect investors, enforce rules,
return integrity to the stock markets.

This historical record of Cox will and does
contradict Bush's claims.

Bush is already in a preemptive defensive mode
knowing he will be harshly critiqued for his
nomination of such obvious corporate sleaze.

Are not you glad you voted for Bush?
Posted by agent_86 on :
Beats the heck out of some stupid, meddling twit like Hillary....

Posted by Purl Gurl on :
My hope is Hillary Clinton will run for presidency
and will pick Barbara Boxer as a running mate.

They will form a team which will kick ass. They
will be a team with America's interest at heart.

They are mothers. They will win.


For this nomination of Cox sleaze,

Cheney - Halliburton
G. Bush - Harken Energy
N. Bush - Silverado Savings

Father Bush - mideast oil interests

Corporate sleaze placing corporate sleaze in charge.
Posted by charger on :
Yes im very happy i voted for Bush before i voted for Bush and i would again. All Dems are backbone free.
Posted by Purl Gurl on :
Incidently, we taxpayers spent over one-billion
dollars to bail out the Bush family from the
Silverado scam.

We paid the bill. The Bushies became more wealthy.

What amount of money do you think it will cost
us investors with Cox in charge of the SEC?

Ten-billion? Fifty-billion? Per year?
Posted by Purl Gurl on :
Agent 86 and Charger, what do you think of
Christopher Cox heading up the SEC?
Posted by Chadsly on :
Please move this topic to the non-stock/ off-topic section.
Posted by Purl Gurl on :
Here are three good points, for debate, which support
Cox as the SEC talking head.

Cox wants to repeal estate tax, capital gains tax
and taxes on dividends.

Why is that so?
Posted by Purl Gurl on :
Chadsly, discussing the chairperson of the SEC
is not related to stocks?

I would think readers tire of reading only
those pump and dump scammers whose articles
dominate posts to boards like this.

What is your logic for burying a hot stock topic
in an area where few read?
Posted by Dustoff101 on :
Hillary and Boxer?.......Bring out the net!....Catch um.....Then quarantine um for Rabie's!!!!!!!!!!!!

That combo could cause the end of the free world!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Peaser01 on :
No doubt. Sad thing is Hillary will probably be running for Pres someday. We're all in trouble then.

LOL. I live in NY and I'm terrified.
Posted by Purl Gurl on :
Boys, boys, topic is Christopher Cox and the SEC.

How about Rush Limbaugh and Pat Buchanan for
a presidential team? Would they please you?

Back to Cox and the SEC....
Posted by Peaser01 on :
LOL. Umm. LOL.
Posted by charger on :
Maybe this is why the market is coming back, he is also working to kill the internet tax

Chris Cox is working with President Bush to reduce the federal tax burden. Known as the "father" of the Death Tax Repeal movement in Congress, Rep. Cox's success paid off when President George W. Bush signed Death Tax Repeal into law. To help ensure renewed economic growth, Chris Cox is leading the charge to make Death Tax repeal permanent, and to enact further tax rate cuts to promote savings and investment.
Posted by leavenart on :
I think Hillary and Boxer would make a great pair, but not in politics.
Posted by trailster on :
Cox is par for the course. Big biz first, investors go eat fruitcake.
Posted by Purl Gurl on :
Christopher Cox has a well documented bad history.
He is involved in corporate fraud, involved with
the likes of Oliver North, he favors deregulation
at a time when corporate fraud is at it highest,
and is very clearly out to harm private investors.

Annette Nazareth recently made it clear naked
shorting is a myth, it does not exist. Nothing
else needs to be written about her idiocy.

Cox and Nazareth as a team, they will roll back
the SEC to the Dark Ages and will allow fraud
and crime to quickly increase.

Doing so, is clearly not good for traders like us.
Posted by Dustoff101 on :
Originally posted by leavenart:
I think Hillary and Boxer would make a great pair, but not in politics.


Now thats what I call diplomacy!

The Terminator and Dirty Harry in 08!!!!!!!!
Posted by leavenart on :
Oh I think the topic being promoted here is just more Bush bashing. To find the real Fields of Sleeze you have to go back to the years of the Clintons. Seems to me that Corporate Sleeze reached new highs in the Bubble.
Posted by charger on :
Wow Gurl your comparing comparing Hillary/Boxer to Limbaugh/Buchanon??? Both tickets sound equally bizare to me..... good comparison. I like your thinking.
Posted by glassman on :
its all sleaze all the time... LOL
Posted by charger on :
Gee Hillary Bill sleaze..... never heard them in the same sentence....They basically did stuff because they "could"
Posted by glassman on :
funny, the issue is who we are getting


i get awful tired of people making lamea$$ excuses for the current admin failings based on historic foul play...
"don't stop thinkin' about tomorrow"
Posted by Purl Gurl on :
All politicians are sleazy. However, Bush is
in office and making decisions. What has taken
place in the past, is no longer current although
those events do ripple forward in time.

Right now, however, Bush is in office and his habit
is to consistently nominate corporate sleaze to
financial positions. Well, except for Donaldson,
a nomination which backfired in Bush's mug, thus
Bush administration pressure to remove Donaldson.

Donaldson was and is investor's advocate.

Bush pushed him out of office and is trying
to replace him with a real crook.

I don't like that, which leads to my constant
writing of annoying letters to which none
pay attention. I doubt my mail makes it past
teenage interns looking to make Monica money.

Nonetheless, I will keep writing and will again
urge all readers to write, to be politically
active to protect your interests and your
family's interests.

The Bush Royal Family has a long documented
history of stealing from American families.
We still have three more years of Bush.

* waves an American flag *

You owe it to your family and to America to do
all you can safeguard our right to pursue the traditional American dream.
Posted by charger on :
Gurl ... where can we find all these bad things about Cox that you have talking about. You can make every Republican sound like he is a Stalin wanna be.
Posted by dishgal1 on :

i get awful tired of people making lamea$$ excuses for the current admin failings based on historic foul play...
"don't stop thinkin' about tomorrow"

WELL said Glass...
Posted by Purl Gurl on :
Charger, I provide reputable sources within my
initiating article.

Read carefully.
Posted by <jps> on :
This is a funny thread. Some people are completely blinded by their ideology and don't even know what is good for themselves, much less our country. But what do you expect when everyone watches TV news and never thinks for themselves...
Posted by Purl Gurl on :
Dish Gal, to help you understand me better,
if Hillary Clinton was in office and pulling
stunts like Bush, I would critique her with
equal intensity.

I don't like any politicians. However, some are
more sufferable than others.

Persnoally, I would like to witness people like
Paul Newman, Alan Alda, Maria Shriver, Katie Couric
or even Walter Cronkite in political offices.

Jerry Brown and Linda Ronstadt were a fairly
decent team.

Whatcha think about Cox for the SEC?
Posted by Purl Gurl on :
JPS, what sources do you use for news?
Posted by charger on :
As far as the Bush sleaze is concerned. Anything Bush does says or does is examined for dirt or sleaze by a hateful Bush media(la and ny times)..... even if its not there... it still makes headlines. and a lot of the sleaze thats being discussed here has to be looked for and probably found in a left leaning publication.... With Clinton it was wall to wall... 24/7 sleaze, Im sure Billy boy is still paying for his lawyers defending him from the numerous lawsuits brought against him.
Posted by dishgal1 on :
Purl I think everything that is going on should be classified as a scandal......but that won't happen.

Basically as an independent who has voted Republican for many years (except this last election).......I feel it should not be about party lines, but about right and wrong. Too many people vote for the party, assuming everything will be fine. Not true!

I myself for many years was guilty of just voting my party of choice (Independent leaning Republican)......but more and more events made me question motives and reasoning in different matters...Well heck, to be honest, downright stupid things at times, that I had to start looking for the truth. What I found was not pretty. LOL

At some point, people have to start looking for the truth, or we are doomed. I'm sure people will jump on what I have said, it is expected of them. I am 60 years old and have seen this country change over time, but never has it been so obvious as today.
Posted by Art on :
Like Gurl said, the man is rich and successful - the people liberals hate.

We don't need a smart and successful rich man in such a high post - we need some dumb female who never acomplished anything, preferably black, and the poorer the better.

Gurl can't say just why Cox is a bad choice - she can only slander him - typical liberal mode of argument.

Liberals deserve Hillary and Boxer, who would really run this country into third world status, lowering the standard of living to increase crime and civil unrest.

Gurl didn't post this on off-topic because she didn't want me to see it and respond.

Posted by Dustoff101 on :
Forget the politic's and pump pump pump my stocks.......I need to buy a new Condo in Kona.

Then I will vote for Hillary, Boxer or who ever you want!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Purl Gurl on :
I fully agree with your thoughts, Dish Gal.

Personally, I am very conservative and most would
think me a republican. However, I am registered
as a democrat. When I vote, my choice is for the
person I think will do the best job. More truthful,
my vote is for the person I think will cause the
least harm.

Our California governor is a classic study related
to what you write; vote right or wrong. Muscle Head
made a lot of promises which have not been kept.

Many voted party line, and more voted popularity.
They did not vote right or wrong nor logically.

Davis had to go, though.

In the end, we discover we only have another
sleazy inept politician with muscles.

Bush lied about Iraq. Some spoke out against
going to war, Richard Gere, Linda Ronstadt,
others, and they were cat-called off the stage.

Today, those who did not vote your right or
wrong, have discoverd those they cat-called,
were right all along.
Posted by charger on :
I agree Art and im sure your post will not be responded too seriously
Posted by Purl Gurl on :
Back to Christopher Cox....

Go here,

Write this to many,


Best of the day,

I am writing to urge you to lobby against Christopher Cox to head
up the SEC. Cox is a bad choice.

Christopher Cox has a documented history of being involved in
corporate fraud, has a history of making it difficult for investors
to litigate corporate fraud, is associated with Oliver North and
makes it clear he favors SEC deregulation at a time when
corporate fraud is at a historical high.

Christopher Cox will roll back the SEC to the Dark Ages, and
will create an environment which enhances the ability of
corporations and individuals, to commit financial crimes.

Please do all you can to block his appointment. Cox will
bring disgrace to the SEC and will certainly cause future
harm to the American investing public.


Bozo the Clown (your name might be better)



"Cox was an author of the Securities Litigation Reform Act, a law that made it more difficult for
investors to sue for misconduct. It was the only bill to become law over President Bill Clinton's
veto, according to a New York Times story on May 21, 1998...

Representing Newport Beach, California, in his first campaign for election to the House,
Cox enlisted the support of Oliver North, a Reagan administration official who was indicted
in the 1980s in connection with financing for the Nicaraguan contras...."

New York Times:

"In 1995, he was named a defendant in a lawsuit by investors as a result of legal work he
did for an investment group in the 1980's. The suit accused Mr. Cox, his former law firm
and two former colleagues of misleading regulators and investors about the condition of
a real estate investment fund. Mr. Cox, who denied that he had violated any laws, was
eventually dropped from the lawsuit and the firm where he worked, Latham & Watkins,
settled for an undisclosed amount...."

Posted by dishgal1 on :
"More truthful,
my vote is for the person I think will cause the
least harm.

There you go Purl.....That is my philosophy....!
But we still have a new Vietnam for years to come.

I don't normally post any political opinion on any board. Everyone has a right to make up his or her own mind. This is a very fragile time and I worry that a lot of individuals vote for the party they have trusted for years. Those parties have violated that trust in my opinion. The only advice I can give anyone is this, .....Just make sure your party represents what you truly believe. Search out the facts to support what you "think" they represent. They are very sly and manipulative these days and our country is in serious jeopardy if something doesn't change.

I am by no means saying I like most Democrats either....actually I guess I am like you, I don't trust any of them.
Posted by Purl Gurl on :
Taking a break from sending mail to senators,

Dish Gal comments,

"But we still have a new Vietnam for years to come."

I am certain Bin Laden's plan is to keep America
tangled up in Iraq for as many years as possible.
Bin Laden wages a war of attrition, he wages a
war against our emotions, and our children.

All of us know what Vietnam to our country.

Bush blew it on Iraq. Events show democracy is ripe
all over the world, especially Eastern Europe and
certainly in the Mideast.

Saddam would have been brought down by his own
people, probably the Kurds. Bush only needed to
keep the pressure on and wait.

Bush only needed to wait.

Reagan brought down the Soviet Union without
firing a single shot.


Again, I urge readers to write to senators to
oppose the Cox nomination. Cox will only serve
to harm your investment future.

If you bury your head in sand, you only make
your rearend an easy target.

Don't be an ostrich.

Purl Gurl
Posted by Purl Gurl on :
Told you I can be spotted by my leaving out words.

"All of us know what Vietnam to our country."

"All of us know what Vietnam did to our country."
Posted by Purl Gurl on :
You, the reader, can spend five minutes writing to
a half-dozen senators, or you can lose five grand
to future Cox inspired corporate fraud.

Hard choice, yes?
Posted by charger on :
USA ENGLAND AUSTRALIA... the 3 main pro IRAQ war countries all re-elected their leaders. No twisted opinions about Iraq(already a failure???) or ridiculous remarks about democracy ripe in the middle east... just the facts.
Posted by charger on :
Common sense from a Liberal .......

Charles Schumer, a New York Democrat on the Senate Banking Committee that oversees the SEC, was noncommittal in his reaction to Cox's nomination. ``The best SEC chairmen have been both pro- business and pro-regulation,'' he said. ``It is my hope that Chris Cox will continue in that tradition.''
Posted by Purl Gurl on :

"...But consumer groups say they now fear the SEC
will shift the other way. Cox 'was the leading
sponsor of some of the most anti-investor legislation
enacted,' says Edmund Mierzwinski, the consumer
program director of U.S. Public Interest Research
Group. 'We would hope the Senate gives him full

...including the support last year of legislation
to mute new accounting standards mandating that
companies expense all employee stock options.

'We would hope that the Senate would seek
assurances that he would not overturn the
stock-options expensing rule," says Barbara Roper,
the director of investor protection at the
Consumer Federation of America."
Posted by glassman on :
Originally posted by Dustoff101:
Forget the politic's and pump pump pump my stocks.......I need to buy a new Condo in Kona.

Then I will vote for Hillary, Boxer or who ever you want!!!!!!!!!!!!!

yeah....what dusty said....

Art? is every woman stupid? or just Hillary?

will you vote for Dr. Rice if it's a choice between her and say...... Elliot Spitzer? or Dean?
Posted by Purl Gurl on :
Corporate sleaze spin doctors have finally
caught on, they have a problem,

Prime example of slanted journalism to promote
a special interest point of view.

That is an article so slanted away from truth,
it is most laughable. Moderately intelligent
readers will quickly realize the ludicrous
nature of that article. They should hire a
decent ghost writer, like me!

The tech writer assumes you, the reader, to
be a gullible idiot. That insults me.

I suspect some White House aides are prompting
select spin doctors. That is so common.

Are you surprised? Cox is high tech's favorite son
because of his past efforts to assist them in not
having to be accountable to the public.

What are you, the reader, planning to buy into?
Historical facts or spin doctor hype?
Posted by charger on :
Back to Art.... seems like he is Gurl's kryptonite. Im surprised there was no testosterone laden response from PG herself..... interesting
Posted by glassman on :
may the farce be with you :
Posted by glassman on :
dark tater....LOL
Posted by Dustoff101 on :
Tater Dark War STARS.
Posted by Purl Gurl on :
Heh! Humor is good.

Canadians are chiming in,

Canadian "Business Centre,"

Interesting objective read.

You will note Donaldson issues a warning while
being ushered out the door by Bush.

Business Centre:

Donaldson said he hoped "there will be no
legalistic rollback of any of these key items."
He predicted the next chairman "will leave
politics at the door."
Posted by Peaser01 on :
That was great glass.
Posted by Peaser01 on :
Spitzer in '08 LOL

Now there's a New Yorker that takes the bulls by the horns.

Well, ruining the market could be his specialty.
Posted by Purl Gurl on :
Spitzer - Rudy Giulian would be a good ticket.

However, I would rather see a mom ticket,
Clinton and Boxer.

Spitzer - Giulian versus Clinton - Boxer

That would truly be a hard decision, a really
hotly contested election. All four are of
good ethics and good dignity. All are respected.
Posted by Peaser01 on :
Guiliani has saved himself with 911.

He could get on the ticket very easily as he has befriended many on both sides of the political arena. He may be a VP candidate on the Republican ticket. That would guarantee whoever is the Republican Presidential candidate.
Posted by Purl Gurl on :
What I really like best about Rudy, besides his
excellent leadership role during 9-11, is his
returning that ten-million dollar check to the
Saudi Prince with a message,

"Shove it."

I would vote for Rudy without hesitation.
Posted by Purl Gurl on :
Quite the contrast, Rudy tells the Saudi to
shove it, and Bush holds hands with the Saudi.
Posted by Peaser01 on :
I think Bush is holding their hand in fear of oil production cutbacks to the US. Kind of smart I think.
Posted by charger on :
Your absolutely right Peaser... Gurl has trouble with the truth when it comes to the Bushies.
Posted by glassman on :
i often wonder why people are happy with their leaders...

is it better to be shafted by your idealogical nemesis? or back-stabbed by the party that you think represents your views?

MY senator is Trent Lott. I have notified his interns that i am concerned about trading in phantom securities. I reminded his interns that i am his constituent, and that i will continue to vote for him as along as he represents me and my state. i could care less that MS has one of the lowest avg ages in teen pregnancy and that planned parenthood is non-existant here...

Posted by Peaser01 on :
Originally posted by Peaser01:
I think Bush is holding their hand in fear of oil production cutbacks to the US. Kind of smart I think.

Just my thoughts......
Posted by Dustoff101 on :
Corporate Slease LTD... Hmmmmmm,,,, sounds like a good name for a manpower agency!

Help out a convict...................

Rent a CEO, COO and find out how bad you've been s.rewed by Wall Street...
Posted by Purl Gurl on :
Long ago, I enjoy a student in my classroom.
He was then thirteen years old and a father.

We must address all societal issues. Those young
teenage moms, your taxes are supporting them and
will for years to come. Their lives are basically
ruined. They have few choices in life now. We
will carry their burdens, for life.

To be a good society, we must help all to improve
their and our lot. Keeping people off welfare,
educating people, providing opportunity, benefits
all of us, financially and spiritually.

Our family makes decent money from stocks and
real estate. In turn, we hire people to work
for us, go on shopping sprees, do all those
things which keep the cash flowing.

Governments, contrasting our spending, waste
away billions of dollars chasing after worthless
endeavors for political fame.

All should be politically active, for all issues.
Curing societal problems benefits all, and those
benefits live down through the generations.

Too many are stuck on themselves, too many are
stuck in the right now.

My vision looks beyond my grave. My vision looks
ahead to my lineage and asks, "What can I do
for my children I will never know?"

I am a grandchild of Cecil and Bertha Marrs.

Actions those two took at the turn of the century,
affect my family and I, today. We enjoy blessings
from them, a century later.

That is quite the legacy for a pair my daughter
has never met, but know so very well. We make
a point to honor our past lineage and make a
point our lineage will be future remembered.

By tradition, we are story tellers of the ancients.

In addressing social issues now, we not only take
care of our lineage, but also take care of all
children, for all generations.

Children are our future as humanity.

Ok, now take care of the future by writing to
senators to let them know you do not like
that Cox sucker.
Posted by d6veteran on :
Originally posted by Art:

Gurl can't say just why Cox is a bad choice - she can only slander him - typical liberal mode of argument.

Art, I know you're not that dumb. Both sides are *equally* prone to slander. In fact, by *categorizing* liberals as you have, you are engaging in slander.

My god, look at the bashing Clinton has taken from the right for the past 13 years.

I can't believe I even have to point this out.
Posted by Dustoff101 on :
Originally posted by Dustoff101: Hillary and Boxer?.......Bring out the net!....Catch um.....Then quarantine um for Rabie's!!!!!!!!!!!!

That combo could cause the end of the free world!!!!!!!!!!!


I think Art and I agree on this one......

Wow, did I ever get some people PO'D .........

I got creamed in the star department!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Purl Gurl on :
I am shooting for zero stars.

Mail to Hillary and Barbara. I stand behind my words.



I will concede I don't like politicians.
Personally, I rate you folks about ten
points below used car salespersons and
they rate zero on my scorecard.

Nonetheless, I will urge you to run for
presidency in the 2008 election year.
I also urge you to select Barbara Boxer
as your running mate.

Our county needs a "mom ticket." We need
to be presented with choices which excite
us, inspire us, and motivate all to become
politically active. We need freshness.

It is mom which inspires us the most. It
is a mom ticket which will be a historical
topic of discussion and debate. Hillary,
you can win on a perceived mom ticket.

I am not suggesting you run a campaign
based on being a mom, but rather run a
campaign which will be nicknamed the
"mom ticket" which makes good publicity.

I will also urge you to take a brave,
highly unprecedented political step.

Contact Eliot Spitzer and Rudy Giuliani
then convince them to run against you
and Barbara Boxer.

Think for a moment, Hillary. The four of
you would create opposing tickets never
offered in our history. Think of how much
excitement and debate would be generated
by the four of you.

All four of you are popular, dignified
and well respected. Either pair of you
could win an election.

Our country needs, direly needs, to be
presented with candidates who are liked
and respected by almost all. This is
candidates for both party lines.

You can do this, Hillary. You have the
connections, the power, the ability to
create a truly historical election, an
election well remembered in history as
one which presented a very hard choice
between political tickets.

Talk to Boxer, talk to Spitzer, talk to
Giuliani, create an election year which
excites all Americans and excites all
peoples across our globe.

You can do this. You can earn yourself a
place in history, you can be remembered
as the, "mom who made a difference."

I don't like politicians. Nonetheless this
does not stop me from caring about our
children's future. Do this for our kids.

Hillary, wash our country's dirty laundry
and provide us all something fresh to wear.


Bozo the Clown
Posted by glassman on :
Spitzer is a Democrat....
Posted by Dustoff101 on :
Originally posted by Purl Gurl:
I am shooting for zero stars.

Mail to Hillary and Barbara. I stand behind my words.



I will concede I don't like politicians.
Personally, I rate you folks about ten
points below used car salespersons and
they rate zero on my scorecard.

Nonetheless, I will urge you to run for
presidency in the 2008 election year.
I also urge you to select Barbara Boxer
as your running mate.

Our county needs a "mom ticket." We need
to be presented with choices which excite
us, inspire us, and motivate all to become
politically active. We need freshness.

It is mom which inspires us the most. It
is a mom ticket which will be a historical
topic of discussion and debate. Hillary,
you can win on a perceived mom ticket.

I am not suggesting you run a campaign
based on being a mom, but rather run a
campaign which will be nicknamed the
"mom ticket" which makes good publicity.

I will also urge you to take a brave,
highly unprecedented political step.

Contact Eliot Spitzer and Rudy Giuliani
then convince them to run against you
and Barbara Boxer.

Think for a moment, Hillary. The four of
you would create opposing tickets never
offered in our history. Think of how much
excitement and debate would be generated
by the four of you.

All four of you are popular, dignified
and well respected. Either pair of you
could win an election.

Our country needs, direly needs, to be
presented with candidates who are liked
and respected by almost all. This is
candidates for both party lines.

You can do this, Hillary. You have the
connections, the power, the ability to
create a truly historical election, an
election well remembered in history as
one which presented a very hard choice
between political tickets.

Talk to Boxer, talk to Spitzer, talk to
Giuliani, create an election year which
excites all Americans and excites all
peoples across our globe.

You can do this. You can earn yourself a
place in history, you can be remembered
as the, "mom who made a difference."

I don't like politicians. Nonetheless this
does not stop me from caring about our
children's future. Do this for our kids.

Hillary, wash our country's dirty laundry
and provide us all something fresh to wear.


Bozo the Clown


Hmmmmm, the MOM ticket......

Good idea, I could always sweet talk my Mother.

My two sister's? not a chance........

PS I'll probably make it too 0 stars before ya!
Posted by Purl Gurl on :
Hillary is annoying enough to turn him into a republican.

I did entertain an idea of suggesting a female
running mate for Hillary who is a republican
to work cross party line votes. However, there
are no female republicans as popular as Boxer
or maybe Feinstein.

Perhaps we will see a Clinton - Spitzer ticket.

My hope is my mail will actually be read by
Clinton, and will inspire her to think in
new fresh ways. I also hope she will pick
a female running mate, which would be exciting
and generate a lot of talk, and jokes.

"PMS Ticket"

No wars but intense negotiations every month.

You should write to Spitzer and urge him to run.
If you don't, I will place Hillary in office
through my own personal campaign, starting now!

Have you expressed your views about Cox? Do so.
Posted by charger on :
What did BOZO ever do to have his name associated with such jibberish. Hillary... too many in America does not have ethics of a Bozo.
Posted by Purl Gurl on :
I wouldn't worry about those stars. A person
who votes you down based on personal comments
or political views, votes himself down.

Revenge will eat your mind away.

Stars are based on investment ideas and tips.

I am considering asking Bob Frey to permanently
set my stars to zero, all gray shaded, just to
be different. I would really like that!

Don't you know that you are a shooting star....
Posted by Purl Gurl on :
I am a bozo. I hang out with you boys.
Posted by Dustoff101 on :
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Purl Gurl:
I am a bozo. I hang out with you boys.


Ahhh, ya'll ain't such bad company, fer a girl...

[ picture a boy with his hands in his pockets, looking down, kicking a rock around...Talking to ya ]
Posted by Purl Gurl on :
Speaking of pockets, my girl's sperm donor really
ticked me off, for a reason I no longer remember.

To teach him a lesson, I pulled out all his levi
jeans, ran them through my industrial sewing
machine, and sewed all of his pockets shut,
front and rear, but not the watch pocket.

Did really nice work, even correct color thread.

Quite comical watching him, in the morning, trying
to slip his wallet in a back pocket, and trying to
slip his car keys in a front pocket. He walked out
on his way to work, still trying to shove his
boy stuff in his pockets.

I did hear a scream before he fired up his car.
Posted by Dustoff101 on :
I guess he should of looked up when he was talking to ya..
Posted by BuyTex on :
Originally posted by Purl Gurl:
I am a bozo. I hang out with you boys.

boyz don't get riled--this is a compliment: Purl Grrrrl regularly defies Godzilla, throwing the bird while taunting, "Lizard, lizard, lizard..."

Wily--due bill date for sketch pad has passed. Consider this my demand buy-in for Big Chief tablet/sketch pad or equivalent and the really cool #1, official drawing pencil...


Everybody is a star
everybody want to

love for you who you are
not the one you feel you
need to be

never catch a falling star
aint no stopping till
its in the ground...

Sylvester Stone

politics? i get tired of peeps saying "they" oughta do something...don't wait for "them" to do anything. "They" is like "can't," jmho
Posted by Purl Gurl on :
James Doran, Wall Street Correspondent:

"AMERICA’s biggest investors expressed grave fears
over the direction of US corporate governance
yesterday after President Bush nominated a Republican
congressman with a history of hostility towards the
investment community as the new chairman of the US
Securities and Exchange Commission....

...Phil Angelides, one of America’s most influential
state treasurers, who in California sits atop both
Calpers and Calstrs, the largest public pension
funds in the country, slammed the nomination of
Mr Cox and urged the Senate to reject him....

...While Mr Donaldson said he had resigned to spend
more time with his family, it is widely understood
that he buckled under pressure from the Republican
Party, which objected to many of his hardline reforms....

...The AFL-CIO, a federation of some of the big US
trade unions, also voiced concern. Damon Silvers,
its associate general counsel, said: “If Cox had
written our securities laws, the executives at
WorldCom and Enron wouldn’t have any legal troubles...."

Well? Did I lie?
Posted by bdgee on :
I feel compelled to correct one of the greatest lies ever coming out of the extreme right Republican campaign of hate and misinformation.

Reagan DID NOT bring down the Soviet Union!

If any person deserves credit for that, it is Ben laden. Even though you are clearly not capable of seeing through the sermons and teachings of your hero Rush, you can't be so dense that you can't understand that Ben Laden is only following a route to success he has traveled before? He believes he will succede again. And so long as you and Rush keep pumping war as a solution, he is headed directly toward achieving his goal of bankrupting the west.
Posted by Purl Gurl on :
"...While Mr Donaldson said he had resigned to spend
more time with his family, it is widely understood
that he buckled under pressure from the Republican
Party, which objected to many of his hardline reforms...."

There ya go. Just as I wrote well before all of
this news broke.

" spend more time with his family...."

That statement is a time proven, well accepted
semantic signal for, "I was fired."

Donaldson was forced out of office by Bush and
his cronies for failing to allow corporate fraud
and financial crime.

Told ya the Bushies are corporate sleaze.

You voted for Bush, didn't ya!

Darn it, take action. Contact our government
clowns and let them know what you think, about
any topic, not just republican crooks or just
as bad democratic crooks.

Cox is toast.
Posted by Purl Gurl on :
Kennedy started the fall of the Ruskies,

"Ich bin ein Berliner."

Reagan dealt the final fatal blow,

"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!"
Posted by bdgee on :
OK, I'll accept that, "Kennedy started the fall of the Ruskies, Reagan dealt the final fatal blow", so far as it goes,

but the battle, the war, the effort that did the deed, was the political climate in the Soviet Union insisting on carrying on a fight in Afganistan that the Moslems, believed was at least motivated by religion and carried on out of pure arrogance. For every dime or ruble or whatever is the correct name for the money, Ben Laden succeded in forcing the Soviets to spend tens of millions. It was the gaping hole in the treasury due to Afganistan that broke the Soviet Union. Absent that war, we would still have a Soviet Union.
Posted by Art on :
Originally posted by charger:
I agree Art and I'm sure your post will not be responded to seriously

Yep! Liberals can't respond to reality.

Liberals live in a fantsy world and hate reality. They want a world where government takes care of everyone: free health care, high paying job for everyone, high retirement pay, full coperation with other nations even where we share out wealth with them, etc.

Mentally, this is La La land and liberals don't recognize their communistic core of beliefs.

With these lofty but unrealistic ideals, liberals refuse to see reality and hate anything that contradicts their ideals - they hate unchangeable reality.

They hate capitalism because of its extremely wide wealth distribution. They hate big business and want government to tightly regulate busines and redistirbute wealth - they want communism with a government-managed economy that robs money from those who earn it and gives it to those who didn't earn it.

Thus, they endorse the communistic idea that people deserve wealth based on their need rather than based on their contribution to the welfare of the nation as measured by what they earn. They don't see the value of an unregulated big business in creating jobs and raising the standard of living for everyone. They don't see the value of the rich getter richer and the poor getting poorer in elevating the standard of living for everyone.

Liberals just don't appreciate reality - they are blinded by their total adherence to their unachievable ideals.

In hating and rejecting reality, liberals thus hate and reject Bush, Reagan, and people like myself that do appreciate reality. They say, like bdgee did, that Reagan did not bring down the Soviet Union (Usama bin Laden did according to bdgee). The truth is that conservatives were responsible for winning the arms race with Russia that ended up crippling Russia economically while the terrorists had little effect on Russia's fall. That is reality but it credits Reagan, and this credit is fully justified, but the liberals can't stand this reality.

Liberals hate Russ Limbaugh because they hate the realities he exposes. They return to La La land mentally by refusing to listen to such conseravtitve sound opinion - they tune Limbaugh, and others like myself, out.

In short, liberals are nuts - just as nuts as the religious conservatives. When confronted with this, liberals like Glssman and Purl deny that they are liberals.

Posted by Art on :
Originally posted by Purl Gurl:
Donaldson was forced out of office by Bush and his cronies for failing to allow corporate fraud and financial crime. Told ya the Bushies are corporate sleaze.

Any evidence?

Totally delusional thought.

You are the sleaze for your libelous attacks.

Posted by charger on :
Bdgee.... thats fine but Reagan still had to build up our military to the point where Russia knew they could not keep up. A liberal dove as president never would have done what Reagan did. Your wrong more attacks in NYC would criple world economies and bankrupt us quicker then a war in Iraq. Who on this board has Rush as a hero?? Obviously yours is ben or bin laden.
Posted by glassman on :
LOL Art? i think somebody needs to go the trasmission shop to check for a stripped fourth gear...
too much oxycontin does that to people
Posted by SHARK357 on :
IN 2008 [Big Grin]
 - Richard B. Cheney,  - Dr. Condoleezza Rice
Posted by Purl Gurl on :
I'm sitting here la la waiting for my ya ya

Trouble, trouble, TROUUUUUBLE! Dat's me!
Posted by Dustoff101 on :
SHARK357......I'm a registerd republican, but I can't even handle that ticket.......
Posted by glassman on :

“Too many whites are getting away with drug use. The answer is to ... find the ones who are getting away with it, convict them, and send them up the river.” – Rush Limbaugh

hypocrite???? [Big Grin]
Posted by glassman on :
In hating and rejecting reality, liberals thus hate and reject Bush, Reagan, and people like myself that do appreciate reality. They say, like bdgee did, that Reagan did not bring down the Soviet Union (Usama bin Laden did according to bdgee)

Reagan and Bush and you ......

hmmm Art? is there something you want to tell us about yourself? have you been keeping your true identity a secret? [Big Grin]
Posted by glassman on :
i love it when the Rushies get going about "liberal" doves....

it just demonstrates the lack of understanding in how politics really works.....
Posted by Dustoff101 on :
Originally posted by glassman:
LOL Art? i think somebody needs to go the trasmission shop to check for a stripped fourth gear...
too much oxycontin does that to people


A transmission specialist could have full time employement around here.....Especialy after trading hours.......
Posted by BuyTex on :
the key to precious...
Posted by Purl Gurl on :
Posted by glassman on :
Originally posted by BuyTex:
the key to precious...

one must learn moderation tho...

and doctor shopping is a big no-no...

i was howling when the ACLU defended Russ's right to privacy with his half-dozen or whatever pain doctors.....

Limbaugh to get legal boost from group he's often ripped

Tuesday, January 13, 2004

Palm Beach Post Staff Writer

More on Rush Limbaugh
Rush Limbaugh Get the latest news from The Post on the part-time Palm Beach County resident
Politics makes strange bedfellows, and so does the nation's legal arena.

On Monday, the American Civil Liberties Union asked a state appellate court if it could join in conservative radio commentator Rush Limbaugh's fight to keep prosecutors from unsealing his medical records.

With permission from the 4th District Court of Appeal, the ACLU, a liberal advocate of constitutional rights, will file an amicus curiae - or friend of the court - brief to help Limbaugh, who is under investigation in Palm Beach County for alleged drug prescription fraud.

"I can appreciate how a lot of people would see the oddity of the situation," said Howard Simon, the executive director for the ACLU's Florida chapter. "But you got to keep your eye on the ball and the ball is the legal principle, which is going to affect everybody, not just Rush Limbaugh."

The ACLU contends that unsealing Limbaugh's records would be an unconstitutional invasion of privacy. So does Limbaugh, who is appealing Palm Beach County Circuit Judge Jeffrey Winikoff's decision to allow state prosecutors to review the records, seized Nov. 25 with court-approved search warrants.

Posted by glassman on :
oh!!!! i was wrong it was only 4 doctors....

The records could reveal whether Limbaugh informed four of his physicians he was receiving prescriptions from each of them or if he was "doctor shopping" in order to feed his addiction to pain pills.

A document used to obtain the search warrants showed Limbaugh received more than 2,000 painkillers and anxiety pills over a five-month period from a pharmacy near his Palm Beach home. The drugs were purchased with prescriptions from the four doctors. Doctor shopping is a third-degree felony punishable by up to five years' imprisonment.

The investigation is on hold until at least the end of the month

Posted by bdgee on :
LIBERAL....the word quasi-intellegent far right wingers use to let other quasi-intellegent far right wingers know the person or persons they indicate are intellegent and possibly educated and aren't subject to accepting their biases without reason or logic (i.e., a liberal is any person not assuming or accepting the pronouncements of the Lord Rush are the actual true and absolute unquestionable in fact and in English words of the Lord god Almighty, passed on to us by the Lord Rush, because he is without sin, of course). Thus, while claiming you are debating a liberal, in addition to abandoning any pretense of courtesy or honesty, go by the rule,

If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bull s--t.

Of course, the non-quasi-intellegent far right wingers don't fathom what the quasi-intellegent ones are implying, but that's ok, the quasi-intellegent ones don't fathom much.

Intellegent far right wingers, you ask? Not a logically consistant class..........sort of like the set of all people that go to each others funeral....or the collection of all the people that like each other.
Posted by glassman on :
it get's better....

In his book, See, I Told You So, Limbaugh provides a list of words in a chapter titled "Politically Correct Liberal Lexicon." For the ACLU, he writes, "official guarantor of all constitutional rights." That's followed by, "Acquittal: What ACLU tries to get in all criminal cases."

by the way, people like Rush make it much more diffcult for people that are truly in need of pain management to get the proper care they need....
Posted by bamaman on :

When Bush walked into office he was facing a ticking
time bomb.

The economy was beginning its decline
The internet bubble was busting
9/11 happens
War on terror begins
Corporate scandals (Enron, WorldCom, Global Crossings etc. etc. etc.)

Since then he has helped the economy with tax cuts.
50 million people in 2 countries are free
Terrorists being persued more aggressivly than can
be imagined. They are being captured or killed and
are on the run.
Capture of A Q Khan
Capture of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed
Capture of Faraj al-Libby
Capture of Saddam, brutal sons dead
the list goes on....
N. Korea exposed and confronted
Iran exposed and confronted
Lybia agrees to give up illegal weapons
Changing the focus of the military
Trying to allow Americans to set up private
Social Security accounts to keep away from gov't
Bankruptcy bill
Restored Dignity to the Oval Office, and The Presidency

to name a few.

Bush isn't perfect, no one is and there have been
mistakes, but what he has been faced with and
continues to face, he has done a remarkable job.

Yeah, put Hillary and Boxer in the White House and
lets see what happens, my guess is the first thing
they will want to do is wealth redistribution.
I'm sure terrorists would also love it.
Posted by bdgee on :
Oh, my goodness.....more republican pablum has been cut and pasted onto the world. (They buy books that tell them how to do it and even what to cut and where to paste). I'm baffled all anew!!
Posted by glassman on :
Capture of A Q Khan: zippo! they were pardoned....

N. Korea exposed and confronted: N Korea was not exposed they announced themselves voluntarily and bragged about it...
zippo accomplished there too...

Iran exposed and confronted:
Iran? what is it he has done about them? i just discovered that Iraninas are still investing in US Real Estate and they are doing it from Iran.... i'm so liberal that i'm fuming about this...sheesh..

Lybia agrees to give up illegal weapons; BFD it was some papers...they bought from the AQ Kahn who were pardoned any way....

Changing the focus of the military:
this i have a problem with too....

not that we are building better specops teams, but that we are allowing China to catch up with US, with their Navy.....
still think i'm aliberal Art?

you see, i don't just listen to the talking heads, i take notes and follow up....

you see? as we gear up to fight terror? we are cutting our ability to control the high seas and China is increasing their capacity to exert their dominance in this arena...not good IMO....
Posted by glassman on :
oh, and there is one big name missing from the list isn't there?

dead or alive? i prefer dead.... just enough DNA to verify would suit me fine....
Posted by bamaman on :
bdgee, I'm flattered that you thought I copied and
pasted that but sorry, you're 100% wrong

Capture of A Q Khan: zippo! they were pardoned

now lives under house arrest, I'm sure being watched...closely

N Korea was not exposed they announced themselves voluntarily and bragged about it

Denied it under Clinton, had to admit now

BFD it was some papers

Libya had a program intended to enrich uranium for use in nuclear weapons. I guess that's no
big deal.

No matter what Bush does it's never enough.

But that's OK because regardless he is STILL
The President.
Posted by Art on :
Love the Limbaugh bashing by the libs on this thread.

Proves my point.

Libs can't argue against a conservative's ideas so they demonize him instead.

Now, who is thereby shown to be wrong: the conservative whose ideas stand unscathed, or the demonizing libs? ?


Posted by bdgee on :
My sincerest apologies for my mistake....
Posted by Art on :
To: bamaman,

How did you get one star?

I keep trying to lower mine, and the libs on the board rate me as one star all of the time.

Wish I could get a one star rating.

Posted by Dustoff101 on :
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Art:
]To: bamaman,

How did you get one star?

I keep trying to lower mine, and the libs on the board rate me as one star all of the time.

Wish I could get a one star rating.


Betcha I can beat ya to one star glory!

Let the one star independents rule the World!!!!!!!!!
Posted by maumee river rat on :
I got all my stars because I like to fish....Figure that one out.. LOL
Posted by glassman on :
Originally posted by Art:
Love the Limbaugh bashing by the libs on this thread.

Proves my point.

Libs can't argue against a conservative's ideas so they demonize him instead.

Now, who is thereby shown to be wrong: the conservative whose ideas stand unscathed, or the demonizing libs? ?


this is sad Art, i presented just the facts...
you are the one that thinks Russ's oxycontin problem is demonization....i think it proves his hypocrisy...that's what i said and presented it as a are looking at the truths without seeing them....

and you don't even recognise them. you call me a liberal all time while the ignoring the fact that i have served my country and in fact left college to enlist when we had hostages in Iran,

because we needed to DO them then...(and we didn't) under a conservative admin....

i've reminded you of this over and over again, yet you can't seem to remember...if being "liberal" to you means thinking for myself and investigating both sides of a story before coming to a conclusion? then maybe i am a liberal(under your's and Rush's wierd definition)... i voted for Reagan and both Bushes, except for the last election...
i am not impressed with "cheerleading"
i offer FACTS, and you follow the same pattern over and over again: you look right past them...
Posted by YME on :
my first post, been following this site for a few months find most of the stars to be honest.respect that!!! dd shows that people i can give most credit investing and now politically are those that see gov. needs to regulate fairly. rush,bush,ronnie,rummie,etc. all to anyone with a sense of fairness are enemies. they misrepresent mislead and in general don't care,except when it comes to proving themselves.their so called facts rarely are correct,their experts can't withstand scientific or even legal scrunity and they never severe a decent cheese with their whine. WHAT REALLY BOTHERS ME??? ABSOLUTLY NOTHING!!! U NO Y??? I 4GOT!!!
Posted by Purl Gurl on :
Steven Pearlstein, Washington Post:

"It is the Cox nomination, however, that signals
the return to pliant directors, misleading
financial statements, disenfranchised shareholders
and runaway executive salaries. Cox's philosophy of
corporate governance is that investors who don't
like how a company is run should simply sell their
shares and put their money somewhere else. Look for
Cox to make it easier and cheaper for companies to
issue new shares of stock, even when they have no
business doing so, while soft-peddling enforcement
against big brokerage and insurance firms that
merely aid and abet corporate fraud but don't
actually do it themselves...

It is the Cox nomination, however, that signals the
return to pliant directors, misleading financial
statements, disenfranchised shareholders and
runaway executive salaries. Cox's philosophy of
corporate governance is that investors who don't
like how a company is run should simply sell their
shares and put their money somewhere else. Look for
Cox to make it easier and cheaper for companies to
issue new shares of stock, even when they have no
business doing so, while soft-peddling enforcement
against big brokerage and insurance firms that
merely aid and abet corporate fraud but don't
actually do it themselves."

Please visit here and write objections to senators,

If Cox takes over the SEC, you will suffer financial
losses through his creation of an environment
which embraces corporate fraud and crime.

He will render the SEC impotent.

You WILL suffer significant future financial losses
if you do nothing.

Write to senators or resign to being victimized.
Posted by Purl Gurl on :
Sorry for the above double quote,

"Cox has repeatedly demonstrated a preference for
sacrificing investor protection to the larger cause
of promoting economic growth. He is more ideologue
than pragmatist, and an unabashed partisan to boot.
Those hardly seem like the necessary qualifications
to succeed Bill Donaldson, a champion of the
investor, a paragon of independence and a general
all-around pro."

Please take action; Cox is a hardcore crook.
Cox will deregulate and write rules making it
easier for Wall Street to rip you off. He will
promote naked short selling, falsified accounting,
pump and dump schemes by executives and will make
it impossible for you to file legitimate complaints.

You will lose money if you allow Cox to takeover.
Posted by George on :
Go George W.......

Signed George W.
Posted by Purl Gurl on :
I will remind you, the reader, the ultimate
responsibility for this attempt to destroy
the SEC and return Wall Street to rampant
fraud and crime, ultimate responsibility lies
with President Bush.

Bush, during his two terms office, is making
every effort to assist corporations in ripping
off the American public, and every effort to
shield financial criminals from accountability.

Although different types of activities, Bush
is a crook equal to Richard Nixon.

President Bush is not a patriotic American.

Bush is a lame duck president with nothing to
politically lose but a lot to gain financially.

Please write your senators. I truly believe most
of you have no concept how critical of a situation
is this. Your investing future will be ruined if
you allow Cox to become head of the SEC.

If your personal ethics are such you don't care,
then let your greed for money motivate you to
take action against the Cox nomination.

You will consistently lose money with Cox in power.
Posted by Purl Gurl on :
Stephan Labaton, Herald Tribune,

"...also been criticized by consumer and investor
organizations...contributed to an unaccountable
climate that fostered the big accounting scandals
at companies like Enron and WorldCom a few years
Posted by Purl Gurl on :
Interesting George Bush has close ties with Enron,
and is a close personal friend to those responsible
for the Enron ripoff, which financially devastated
literally thousands of people.

Bush: Halliburton, Harkin Energy, Silverardo
Savings, Enron, Mideast oil, just coincidence
you think?

To date, the Bush family has cost American
families, billions and billions of dollars
for their own financial greed.

His nomination of Cox is nothing more than
assuring the Bush family of continued ability
to rip off tax payers in the future.

BBC News,

"..."I can guarantee you that if Cox becomes the head
of the SEC, one of the things that he's going to be
looking into is eroding a lot of Sarbanes-Oxley, I
guarantee it," US class-action lawyer Melvyn Weiss

Write to our senate and congress, darn it.
Posted by bdgee on :
Yup, Lady purl, it's the family business....been at it for generations, not just years or decades.....
Posted by charger on :
Gurl, You say you hate politicians and yet your rantings here are that of a politician(very biased and exagerrated). So if you sound like a politician... why should we believe anything you say... Plead all you want [Cool]
Posted by Purl Gurl on :
Charger, you should not believe my writings.

You should find truth on your own, then import
to here, what you find, for readers.

Share with us, based on facts, how Cox will
benefit individual investors.
Posted by blueranger on :
Purl, there has only been a few great

George Washington, Abraham Lincoln,
Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, and George W. Bush.

You should not attack an American Hero like that.
Posted by <HoldingGTEL> on :
Originally posted by Purl Gurl:
Incidently, we taxpayers spent over one-billion
dollars to bail out the Bush family from the
Silverado scam.

We paid the bill. The Bushies became more wealthy.

What amount of money do you think it will cost
us investors with Cox in charge of the SEC?

Ten-billion? Fifty-billion? Per year?

Posted by glassman on :
yeah whitewater was like the most expensive investigation that never proved anything...


i think they were guilty, but, what a friggin' waste...

still, two wrongs don't make right and as long as people keep pointing fingers at the other party instead of cleaning their OWN house...we will continue to get reamed....
Posted by <HoldingGTEL> on :
Originally posted by glassman:
yeah whitewater was like the most expensive investigation that never proved anything...


i think they were guilty, but, what a friggin' waste...

still, two wrongs don't make right and as long as people keep pointing fingers at the other party instead of cleaning their OWN house...we will continue to get reamed....

Agreed, I was just trying to make the point that Hillary is no angel with America's best interest at heart as some would make her out to be.

Vince Foster, Missing Files.... (*cough*)

I say 3 terms and you are out of there,
permanently. No more career politicians.
Posted by Peaser01 on :
Originally posted by <HoldingGTEL>:
Originally posted by glassman:
yeah whitewater was like the most expensive investigation that never proved anything...


i think they were guilty, but, what a friggin' waste...

still, two wrongs don't make right and as long as people keep pointing fingers at the other party instead of cleaning their OWN house...we will continue to get reamed....

Agreed, I was just trying to make the point that Hillary is no angel with America's best interest at heart as some would make her out to be.

Vince Foster, Missing Files.... (*cough*)

I say 3 terms and you are out of there,
permanently. No more career politicians.

At least you aren't "represented" by her. Or are you?
Posted by Dustoff101 on :
...we will continue to get reamed....

That sounds painful!
Posted by Peaser01 on :
Anyone see the interview of Slick Willy about the revelation of Deep Throat? LOL

And he held a straight face the whole time.

The entry of Ross Perot in the debate handed the presidency to him IMHO.
Posted by glassman on :
H Ross told it like it was (that sucking sound?),

unfortunately he quit for a month in the middle of the campaign, remember?

he claimed the Bush clan had it out for his family or some such nonesense...i'm sure it was all just lies.. [Big Grin]

Perot's paranoia is pretty well known, due to his announcement in 1992 that he was quitting the presidential race (in which he was a very strong contender) because Republican's were planning to disrupt his daughters wedding (by forging photos of phony lesbian sex.) But it has long been typical of him.

He thinks he lost his 1993 debate to Al Gore because Gore had a hidden earpiece, through which he was being fed answers, or possibly questions. (Posner, p330). While he was serving on a Texas anti-drug commission in the early 1980s, he became convinced that Charles Harrelson (the father of actor Woody Harrelson, from "Cheers") had been hired to kill him by drug dealers. (The elder Harrelson is in fact a career criminal doing time for killing a federal judge.) The FBI dismissed his fears as baseless.

Posted by <Holding GTEL> on :
[/QUOTE]Agreed, I was just trying to make the point that Hillary is no angel with America's best interest at heart as some would make her out to be.

Vince Foster, Missing Files.... (*cough*)

I say 3 terms and you are out of there,
permanently. No more career politicians. [/qb][/QUOTE]At least you aren't "represented" by her. Or are you? [/QB][/QUOTE]

No, luckily, but I used to live in California with Mrs. Boxer as a Rep. =)
Posted by Peaser01 on :
Originally posted by <Holding GTEL>:

Agreed, I was just trying to make the point that Hillary is no angel with America's best interest at heart as some would make her out to be.

Vince Foster, Missing Files.... (*cough*)

I say 3 terms and you are out of there,
permanently. No more career politicians.
[/QUOTE]At least you aren't "represented" by her. Or are you? [/QB][/QUOTE]

No, luckily, but I used to live in California with Mrs. Boxer as a Rep. =) [/QB][/QUOTE]

LOL. Well, then we're in a similar boat I guess
Posted by <HoldingGTEL> on :
Originally posted by Purl Gurl:
My hope is Hillary Clinton will run for presidency
and will pick Barbara Boxer as a running mate.

They will form a team which will kick ass. They
will be a team with America's interest at heart.

They are mothers. They will win.


For this nomination of Cox sleaze,

Cheney - Halliburton
G. Bush - Harken Energy
N. Bush - Silverado Savings

Father Bush - mideast oil interests

Corporate sleaze placing corporate sleaze in charge.

Just a refresher, in case you've forgotten.
Posted by glassman on :
like i said? if we don't hold them to a higher standard? they will continue the same behavior..

and IMO? the lib/con war is just a way to divert people from the real issues.....

"my side is the correct side, and they never do anything unethical" ROFLMAO [Big Grin]
Posted by dishgal1 on :
and IMO? the lib/con war is just a way to divert people from the real issues.....

Glass, I couldn't agree more...a huge diversion.
Posted by Peaser01 on :
Check out k-trains post FUNNY on off topics and turn on your speakers.
Posted by Art on :
Originally posted by glassman:
Originally posted by Art:
Love the Limbaugh bashing by the libs on this thread.

Proves my point.

Libs can't argue against a conservative's ideas, so they demonize him instead.

Now, who is thereby shown to be wrong: the conservative whose ideas stand unscathed, or the demonizing libs? ?


this is sad Art, i presented just the are the one that thinks Russ's oxycontin problem is demonization....i think it proves his hypocrisy...that's what i said and presented it as a are looking at the truths without seeing them....

and you don't even recognise them. you call me a liberal all time while the ignoring the fact that i have served my country and in fact left college to enlist when we had hostages in Iran,

because we needed to DO them then...(and we didn't) under a conservative admin....

i've reminded you of this over and over again, yet you can't seem to remember...if being "liberal" to you means thinking for myself and investigating both sides of a story before coming to a conclusion? then maybe i am a liberal(under your's and Rush's wierd definition)... i voted for Reagan and both Bushes, except for the last election...
i am not impressed with "cheerleading"
i offer FACTS, and you follow the same pattern over and over again: you look right past them...

Art: What facts do you offer? Demonization facts only - Limbaugh is a hypocrite! What about attacking his ideas rather than attacking his personal traits, as I've said repeatedly (but you didn't get, even now)?

Hey, everyone has some hypocrisy - Kerry was all for increased gun control (liberal code for confiscation of guns owned by lawful citizens needing them for self-protection) but showed clips of him holding and using guns to picture himself as pro-gun and pro-NRA. Kerry voted consistently for unilaterally disarming this country but voted agaisnt funding of most new weapons systems over the last 20 years or so, while hypocritically esposing his being strong on national defense. You voted for Kerry and his known history of attempting to emasculate USA military power, but I bet you publically affirm your belief in astrong USA military.

Your hypocrisy is also in thinking you don't demonize and then offer facts about Limbaugh that only serve to demonize him.

That makes my point as I said earlier.

Once again, I ask what political opinions offered by Limbaugh can the liberals refute? And refute by counter-argument of his stated political opinions that is free of "killing the messenger" demonization of Limbaugh personally?

Arnold is demeaned as being only a simple-minded muscle man by Gurl, and you and Gurl describe Bush as being stupid on the basis of mild dysarthria, which many people have, including Mensa level people like myself (at times I mispronounce some words, but very rarely, just as Bush sometimes does).

But stupid I am not, and stupid Bush is not. Bush is smart enough to make excellent judgements, and good judgement is more important than intelligence (and yes, they are separate traits, though they have some positive correlation). More importantly, Bush has excellent leadership skills that, unlike Clinton's flawed leadership, are not based excessively on a desire to accomodate and please others. Clinton let Usama bin Laden do as he pleased, in spite of knowing the Usama was the instigator of terrorists attacks that killed USA citizens, out of a desire to please other nations who would be agaisnt the USA taking military action to protect itself as they want to see the USA be taken down (Europe, except for Britain, Russia, China, N. Korea, and the Arab and/or Islamic nations). Bush exercised excellent leadership and put the USA ahead of such nations that want to see us taken down some.

Once again, all liberals can do is cry and complain about realistic and effective conservative opinions/solutions (excluding religious-based ones that are invalid to the extent they depend on religion), and argue against them by personal attacks. This is the level of high school thinking or liberal thinking - the same.

Posted by Art on :
Originally posted by Purl Gurl:
Steven Pearlstein, Washington Post:

"It is the Cox nomination, however, that signals
the return to pliant directors, misleading
financial statements, disenfranchised shareholders
and runaway executive salaries. Cox's philosophy of
corporate governance is that investors who don't
like how a company is run should simply sell their
shares and put their money somewhere else. Look for
Cox to make it easier and cheaper for companies to
issue new shares of stock, even when they have no
business doing so, while soft-peddling enforcement
against big brokerage and insurance firms that
merely aid and abet corporate fraud but don't
actually do it themselves...

It is the Cox nomination, however, that signals the
return to pliant directors, misleading financial
statements, disenfranchised shareholders and
runaway executive salaries. Cox's philosophy of
corporate governance is that investors who don't
like how a company is run should simply sell their
shares and put their money somewhere else. Look for
Cox to make it easier and cheaper for companies to
issue new shares of stock, even when they have no
business doing so, while soft-peddling enforcement
against big brokerage and insurance firms that
merely aid and abet corporate fraud but don't
actually do it themselves."

Please visit here and write objections to senators,

If Cox takes over the SEC, you will suffer financial
losses through his creation of an environment
which embraces corporate fraud and crime.

He will render the SEC impotent.

You WILL suffer significant future financial losses
if you do nothing.

Write to senators or resign to being victimized.

Wow! Cox is for capitalism where the rule of regulation is "buyer beware"? Does this mean I have to take personal reponsibility for my bad investment decisions? I can't rely on a totally unreliable government anymore now that Cox is coming in? Oh, if only we had communism!

Clinton was repsonsible for the recent corporate scandals like Enron. They started and developed under his watch. Investors were rspinsible for these scandals in blindly investing. Buyer beware always rules and an inept government beauracracy can not be depended on. Bush properly went after the prosecution of those executives reponsible, and this is the best thing that can be done.

Posted by Art on :
Originally posted by Purl Gurl:
I will remind you, the reader, the ultimate
responsibility for this attempt to destroy
the SEC and return Wall Street to rampant
fraud and crime, ultimate responsibility lies
with President Bush.

Bush, during his two terms office, is making
every effort to assist corporations in ripping
off the American public, and every effort to
shield financial criminals from accountability.

Although different types of activities, Bush
is a crook equal to Richard Nixon.

President Bush is not a patriotic American.

Bush is a lame duck president with nothing to
politically lose but a lot to gain financially.

Please write your senators. I truly believe most
of you have no concept how critical of a situation
is this. Your investing future will be ruined if
you allow Cox to become head of the SEC.

If your personal ethics are such you don't care,
then let your greed for money motivate you to
take action against the Cox nomination.

You will consistently lose money with Cox in power.

Funny! I love paranoid humor. Keep up the posts about how Bush is trying to rip us all off. They are really funny.
Posted by Art on :
Originally posted by glassman:
yeah whitewater was like the most expensive investigation that never proved anything...


i think they were guilty, but, what a friggin' waste...

still, two wrongs don't make right and as long as people keep pointing fingers at the other party instead of cleaning their OWN house...we will continue to get reamed....

Yep, and the OJ trial cost millions, and the Scott Peterson trial cost millions - they never should have been charged in view of the judicial expenses involved.

In fact, it cost far too much to prosecute crime, and then incarcerate criminals. We should just ignore crime.

Posted by blueranger on :
nixon was an american hero,
and did more for you libs than any president ever.

1. he ended the war in vietnam.
2. he invented the epa,
3. opened relations with china,
4. created nucler treaties... salt1 2 and etc
5. arms reduction treaties...
6. school lunches, day care, kindie garden,
7. college funding...

this list could go on for miles... nixon gave birth to practically everything liberal that ever was...

the problem here is that you people just spout the party line... if perhaps you had been alive back then you would know the country was doing quit well..... the country did not get broken till jimmy carter.
Posted by blueranger on :
and under jimmy carter i can remember not having
any food.... actually going hungry.....
Posted by glassman on :
Originally posted by Art:
Originally posted by glassman:
yeah whitewater was like the most expensive investigation that never proved anything...


i think they were guilty, but, what a friggin' waste...

still, two wrongs don't make right and as long as people keep pointing fingers at the other party instead of cleaning their OWN house...we will continue to get reamed....

Yep, and the OJ trial cost millions, and the Scott Peterson trial cost millions - they never should have been charged in view of the judicial expenses involved.

In fact, it cost far too much to prosecute crime, and then incarcerate criminals. We should just ignore crime.

if it is posible to misintrpret a position? you figure out how Art...

you forgot the Lil Rascal Day Care Center too...
the most expensive trial in NC history, where a panel of Judges was forced to overturn a dozen or more 99 year jury awarded sentences...

the modern day equivalent of the Salem Witch Trials....

momma always told me not to look into the eyes of the sun.....

shoulda worn shades, the retinal damage can be horrendous
Posted by glassman on :
Originally posted by blueranger:
nixon was an american hero,
and did more for you libs than any president ever.

1. he ended the war in vietnam.
2. he invented the epa,
3. opened relations with china,
4. created nucler treaties... salt1 2 and etc
5. arms reduction treaties...
6. school lunches, day care, kindie garden,
7. college funding...

this list could go on for miles... nixon gave birth to practically everything liberal that ever was...

the problem here is that you people just spout the party line... if perhaps you had been alive back then you would know the country was doing quit well..... the country did not get broken till jimmy carter.

it wasn't Carter tho....

it was Watergate itself...the country imploded, Iran was lost to US as a close ally, and OPEC was ignored long enough to allow them to become what they are today....

the Watergate situation "distracted" congress from it's work for too long..

Deepthroat is scum IMO....

I agree wth you about Nixon..., (more or less...Kent State was allowed to happen under his watch too...)
Posted by glassman on :
Your hypocrisy is also in thinking you don't demonize and then offer facts about Limbaugh that only serve to demonize him.


those are the only facts associated with him...everything else he offers is conjecture and opinion and you know wht they say about opinions...

besides, anybody ignorant enough to write a book entitled "I told You So" doesn't get the time of day from me...

i'm beginning to wonder if you aren't his wife....
Posted by blueranger on :
I agree wth you about Nixon..., (more or less...Kent State was allowed to happen under his watch too...)

the president does not have direct control of the 18 year old standing there with the gun...he heard that on the news like every one else....

walter kronkite told nixon just like he told you and me.
Posted by glassman on :
i think somebody should design a new coin...

the three dollar coin....

with two tails...the face on one tail?

Rush Limbahhhh, the face on the other tail? Howie Stern....
Posted by glassman on :
Originally posted by blueranger:
I agree wth you about Nixon..., (more or less...Kent State was allowed to happen under his watch too...)

the president does not have direct control of the 18 year old standing there with the gun...he heard that on the news like every one else....

walter kronkite told nixon just like he told you and me.

i said, "under his watch" you once said you were a sailor, you know what that means...
Posted by blueranger on :
glass, i was a swab and i am still in gov svc..

you need a big mercedes dude,

also what do you think about ptsc next week.
Posted by glassman on :
i've stopped dd'ing heavy for a little while...

got too many things going on for the next two weeks....i haven't read any filings on stuff i don't hold for the last week...
got a real estate deal that's trying to come apart..
if i get my studio? i won't be trading as much....
Posted by bdgee on :
I'm not Glassman, but I think PTSC should be a good play next week. I got in already, at 0.132 (procrastinated at 0.11 when I should have), so I've already seen about 15% to the good. I plan to hold 'til at least 50% above now and maybe more....depends on what's going on with the price.
Posted by blueranger on :
looking big to ptsc next week.
Posted by bdgee on :
Yep, I think it could be big. Wish I hadn't used up all my cash.
Posted by Art on :
Originally posted by glassman:
Originally posted by blueranger:
nixon was an american hero,
and did more for you libs than any president ever.

1. he ended the war in vietnam.
2. he invented the epa,
3. opened relations with china,
4. created nucler treaties... salt1 2 and etc
5. arms reduction treaties...
6. school lunches, day care, kindie garden,
7. college funding...

this list could go on for miles... nixon gave birth to practically everything liberal that ever was...

the problem here is that you people just spout the party line... if perhaps you had been alive back then you would know the country was doing quit well..... the country did not get broken till jimmy carter.

It wasn't Carter tho....

it was Watergate itself...the country imploded, Iran was lost to US as a close ally, and OPEC was ignored long enough to allow them to become what they are today....

the Watergate situation "distracted" congress from it's work for too long..

Art: That is really idiotic.

Carter was responsible for double digit interest rates and a ruined economy, not Watergate.

Watergate had nothing to do with the Iranians getting rid of the Shah - the Shah did.

Watergate distracted congress from what work? Do you think congress runs the country? The laws they make often create more problems than they solve, and the effect of these laws takes years to be an influence.

Carter imploded the country not congress, and certainly not Watergate.

Posted by Art on :
Originally posted by glassman:
Art to Glassman: Your hypocrisy is also in thinking you don't demonize, and then you offer facts about Limbaugh that only serve to demonize him.

Glassman: those are the only facts associated with him...everything else he offers is conjecture and opinion and you know wht they say about opinions...I'm beginning to wonder if you aren't his wife....

Art: I know that instead of arguing reasonably against Limbaugh's opinions, you argue against these opinions by demonizing Limbaugh. Liberals can only argue agaisnt the reality of conservative opinions by demonizing the conservatives. Pure high school level, or lower, debate on your part.

Posted by Peaser01 on :
Originally posted by blueranger:
glass, i was a swab and i am still in gov svc..

you need a big mercedes dude,

also what do you think about ptsc next week.

You're not working for the US Postal Service are you blue?
Posted by Purl Gurl on :

The Capital Times,
Editorial: A Cox in the SEC henhouse

"...But Washington watcher David Sirota of the Center
for American Progress describes the plan to put the
conservative congressman in charge of this critical
agency as a 'Cox in the SEC henhouse' scenario.
Sirota says, 'Big Business, still looking to evade
even the weak post-Enron reforms, could not have
asked for a better corporate shill than Cox.'

...Cox has collected close to $650,000 in campaign
contributions from commercial banking, securities,
insurance and finance interests. In return for the
electoral largess, he led the fight to pass
legislation - thePrivate Securities and Litigation
Reform Act - that one analyst said 'paved the way
for corporate chieftains basically to lie without
fear of being sued.'

The good news is that Cox is not yet the SEC chair.
Because the Senate must approve his nomination,
citizens have one last chance to keep Cox out of
the SEC henhouse."

Visit Here:

Please write letters to numerous senators to object
to this nomination of Cox. Making contact with a
dozen senators will make a difference and will
only take ten or fifteen minutes of your time.

Lazy, don't care? Then bend over and enjoy because
George Bush, in keeping with his past history,
intends to again financially ream you with his Cox.
Posted by Purl Gurl on :
Go here, fill out the boxes, copy this in for
your comments, sign your name then send.
Easy to do:

I am writing to urge you to lobby against Christopher Cox to head
up the SEC. Cox is a bad choice.

Christopher Cox has a documented history of being involved in
corporate fraud, has a history of making it difficult for investors
to litigate corporate fraud, is associated with Oliver North and
makes it clear he favors SEC deregulation at a time when
corporate fraud is at a historical high.

Christopher Cox will roll back the SEC to the Dark Ages, and
will create an environment which enhances the ability of
corporations and individuals, to commit financial crimes.

Please do all you can to block his appointment. Cox will
bring disgrace to the SEC and will certainly cause future
harm to the American investing public.





"Cox was an author of the Securities Litigation
Reform Act, a law that made it more difficult for
investors to sue for misconduct. It was the only
bill to become law over President Bill Clinton's
veto, according to a New York Times story on May
21, 1998...

Representing Newport Beach, California, in his
first campaign for election to the House, Cox
enlisted the support of Oliver North, a Reagan
administration official who was indicted in the
1980s in connection with financing for the
Nicaraguan contras...."

New York Times:

"In 1995, he was named a defendant in a lawsuit by
investors as a result of legal work he did for an
investment group in the 1980's. The suit accused
Mr. Cox, his former law firm and two former
colleagues of misleading regulators and investors
about the condition of a real estate investment
fund. Mr. Cox, who denied that he had violated any
laws, was eventually dropped from the lawsuit and
the firm where he worked, Latham & Watkins,
settled for an undisclosed amount...."

The Capital Times:

"...But Washington watcher David Sirota of the Center
for American Progress describes the plan to put the
conservative congressman in charge of this critical
agency as a 'Cox in the SEC henhouse' scenario.
Sirota says, 'Big Business, still looking to evade
even the weak post-Enron reforms, could not have
asked for a better corporate shill than Cox.'

...Cox has collected close to $650,000 in campaign
contributions from commercial banking, securities,
insurance and finance interests. In return for the
electoral largess, he led the fight to pass
legislation - thePrivate Securities and Litigation
Reform Act - that one analyst said 'paved the way
for corporate chieftains basically to lie without
fear of being sued.'

The good news is that Cox is not yet the SEC chair.
Because the Senate must approve his nomination,
citizens have one last chance to keep Cox out of
the SEC henhouse."
Posted by glassman on :
Art: That is really idiotic.

Carter was responsible for double digit interest rates and a ruined economy, not Watergate.

Watergate had nothing to do with the Iranians getting rid of the Shah - the Shah did.

Watergate distracted congress from what work? Do you think congress runs the country? The laws they make often create more problems than they solve, and the effect of these laws takes years to be an influence.

Carter imploded the country not congress, and certainly not Watergate.


idoitoic huh? you say?Carter was responsible for double digit interest rates and a ruined economy, not Watergate.

how was Carter or any president for that matter? responsible for the interest rates?

this is a perfect exmple of your's and Limbaugh's syphocantic verbal diarrhea...
the bait and switch is older than human speech, try something new for a change...

Reagan's watch also included severe interet rate hikes. i'm sure you and your crowd of geezers conveniently forget that when you idolize each other...

the high interest rates under Carter's watch (he actually did graduate from Annapolis, not some finishing school for rich boys) were an absolute necessity to stall inflation caused by the OPEC oil embargo.....In my Opinion? the embargo never would have happened if Nixon/Congress had been left alone to do his/their job (once again i say flatly that deepthroat was/is SCUM)

the REAL trouble the high interest rates stirred up wasn't apparent for a few years tho....

the REAL disaster came when INVESTORs kept putting their money into the high return bonds..... this allowed the true PIRATES of Wall Street to behave like the fictional Gordon Gekko...
Leveraged buyouts of the true value corps with the following dismantling of OUR economy was only possible because the investors were taking their money and putting it into interest bearing instruments instead of stocks...leading to under-valued market caps...
it was a no-brainer to leverage a corp that you could buy on the open market and dissassmble for profit....the destruction began...

it all goes back to Watergate.... deepthroat is scum...

and Art, i don't love it when you call me names, i think maybe you are losing third gear are losing my respect...mensa doesn't impress me either...when i was a teenager? i thought it might be fun to join, but then i GREW UP.....

the high market caps of the 90's thru to today are needed to protect the economy from another wave of leveraged buy-outs, and while you FOOLS play your sand-box lib/con games? the powers that be are already lined up to pull off the next round of leveraged buyout..... the value and the power isn't where you think it is either..... like Chinese food?

Bush senior was the one who set up the current Chinese trade agreements...think about that ferawhile....
Posted by Purl Gurl on :
Topic is the Cox nomination.

Bush, from the Roosevelt Room, stated in part,

"For more than two years, Bill Donaldson has done
an exceptional job as SEC Chairman. Bill took this
post at a time when our economy was faced with a
crisis in investor confidence. Under his
leadership, the SEC vigorously responded to
corporate corruption. The commission filed more
than 1,700 enforcement actions under Bill
Donaldson's chairmanship -- a significant increase
from previous years. And the SEC has helped
implement the Sarbanes- Oxley Act -- the most
far-reaching reform of American business practices
since the time of Franklin Roosevelt. The agency
also responded swiftly to the mutual fund
abusesthat came to light nearly two years ago,
enhancing disclosure to mutual fund shareholders."

Why did Bush fire Donaldson?

"...Bill Donaldson has done an exceptional job as SEC Chairman."

Why did Bush fire Donaldson?
Posted by glassman on :
Why did Bush fire Donaldson?

glassy-eyed Bozo: cuz he wasn't a "team player"
Posted by Art on :
Art: That is really idiotic. [To Glassman, when he said that Watergate caused the Iranians to dispose of the Shah and become anti-USA.]

Art: Carter was responsible for double digit interest rates and a ruined economy, not Watergate.

Watergate had nothing to do with the Iranians getting rid of the Shah - the Shah did.

Watergate distracted congress from what work? Do you think congress runs the country? The laws they make often create more problems than they solve, and the effect of these laws takes years to be an influence.

Carter imploded the country not congress, and certainly not Watergate.

Glassman: Idiotic huh? You say Carter was responsible for double digit interest rates and a ruined economy, not Watergate.

How was Carter or any president for that matter? responsible for the interest rates?

this is a perfect exmple of your's and Limbaugh's syphocantic verbal diarrhea...
the bait and switch is older than human speech, try something new for a change...

Art: The treasury secretary, board of reserve officials like Greenspan, and many other administraive officals, appointed by the president, and serving at the pleasure of the preseident, are largely responsible for the economy. As you imply, there are many other forces at play here that are not controlled by the the executive branch. Carter contributed to the double digit interest rates and recession that followed, where watergate did not. Watergate had no economic impact, and no impact on Iranian politics. It had an internal political effect and that is all.

Glassman: Reagan's watch also included severe interest rate hikes. I'm sure you and your crowd of geezers conveniently forget that when you idolize each other...

Art: Yes, interest rates are a lagging indicator of forces that have a delayed but insidious effect. They take time to reverse. Reagan did cut taxes and eventually that reversed the economy but the economy still lagged some under Bush Sr. Clinton inherited a Republican engineered recovery and then Bush inherited a Clinton engineered recesssion. That is a reality that liberals can not face or admit to.

Glassman:..the REAL trouble the high interest rates stirred up wasn't apparent for a few years tho....the REAL disaster came when INVESTORs kept putting their money into the high return bonds..... this allowed the true PIRATES of Wall Street to behave like the fictional Gordon Gekko...Leveraged buyouts of the true value corps with the following dismantling of OUR economy was only possible because the investors were taking their money and putting it into interest bearing instruments instead of stocks...leading to under-valued market caps...
it was a no-brainer to leverage a corp that you could buy on the open market and dissassmble for profit....the destruction began...

Art: Yes, investors turn to bonds when stocks become unattractive due to high interest rates caused by Carter in large part (not by Watergate in any part).

Glassman: and Art, i don't love it when you call me names, i think maybe you are losing third gear are losing my respect...mensa doesn't impress me either...when i was a teenager? i thought it might be fun to join, but then i GREW UP.....

Art: I didn't call you any name. I said that the idea that Watergate caused interest rates to soar was idiotic. I still say that. I agree that Mensa isn't impressive - good judgement, not measured by an intelligent test, is what counts. Many brilliant people are lacking in good judgement (popularly referred to as 'common sense') as attested to by the high percentage of college professors that are liberal.

Glassman: the high market caps of the 90's thru to today are needed to protect the economy from another wave of leveraged buy-outs, and while you FOOLS play your sand-box lib/con games? the powers that be are already lined up to pull off the next round of leveraged buyout..... the value and the power isn't where you think it is either..... like Chinese food?

Art: It is the libs that will ruin the economy, starting in '09. That is why the public needs to be educated to the dangers of socialism (modern day communism) espoused by liberals. You don't like the lib/conserv debate because you are on the wrong side of it.

Glassman: Bush senior was the one who set up the current Chinese trade agreements...think about that ferawhile....

Art: Yep, and if he had failed then China would be helping Europe with inexpensive quality goods to improve their standard of living instead of ours. Chinese goods have enabled me to afford many gereat products, from clothes, to furniture, to electronics, etc. I bought Chinese Norinco guns (SKS, AK47, handguns) at extremenly low prices to use against the Chinese when they invade us.

The beat goes on - learn to go with the flow and capitalize on (as God wants us to do) it instead of bemoaning reality and demonizing those who do go with the flow and capitalize on it. Grow up!

Posted by Art on :
Originally posted by Purl Gurl:

Sorry for the above double quote,

[from: Steven Pearlstein, Washington Post:]

"Cox has repeatedly demonstrated a preference for sacrificing investor protection to the larger cause of promoting economic growth...."

Cox aims at the primary goal of promoting economic growth?

Won't this mean more jobs, better pay, and less taxes needed by Washington because of the greater revenue that comes from economic growth?

Won't this mean the Republicans will be re-elected in '08 ?

Won't this spell disaster for soclialism (modern day communism) and the libs?


Posted by glassman on :
you know Art?, it seems to me that, once again, we are arguing semantics instead of issues...
Carter's problems can be attributed directly to problems that built up during Watergate, and went unaddressed...
Iran was lost to US because we ignored the problems... at one time? i knew all of the Farsi curse words.... and a couple of the hostages were not strangers to me... it was sheer luck that i wasn't living there myself when it fell....Watergate did that for me too...

i'm not surprised that you refuse to acknowlegde my stated support of Nixon and my statement earlier that i believs the Clinton's were guilty of some serious crimes in whitewater...

do you parse my posts? or do you just read the first and last sentences of my posts and assume that i am a liberal because i don't follow the rushie party line?
Posted by glassman on :
interest rates are market driven....the prez has no control over them

i'm looking for the 10 year notes to drop again, but not much...

remember... the market always does the most damage to the most people possible....
Posted by Purl Gurl on :
Topic is the Cox nomination,


"Mendoza and Cox were named in a class action suit for aiding and abetting the First Pension fraud. Mendoza ponied up to settle the major litigation accusing him of helping the crook to rearrange a corporate structure to change how the operation looked on paper and to trick the SEC, and other regulators into allowing the Ponzi scheme to continue."

"While Cox was fighting the lawsuit regarding First Pension in the state courts he was also fighting very hard to limit shareholders rights on Capitol Hill. Indeed, he authored the bill that has allowed his cronies and donors to pillage pension and savings accounts nationwide."

"That bill was aggressively lobbied for by accounting firm Arthur Andersen. Indeed, Andersen, Merrill Lynch (remember the Orange County bankruptcy), and WorldCom executives have all donated thousands of dollars to Mr. Cox’s campaign, and have also recently taken the 5th Amendment on Capitol Hill. Of course, William E. Cooper another of Cox’s donors was convicted of fraud and is now serving a ten-year term in state prison."

"The consequences of Christopher Cox’s past actions have been devastating to Americans’ retirement accounts. He and Gary Mendoza were law firm partners working together for one of the most notorious perpetrators of fraud in California history."


Why are you just sitting there? You will be
sorry if you do not take action.
Posted by Purl Gurl on :
"WorldCom executives have all donated thousands
of dollars to Mr. Cox’s campaign...."

WorldCom. I said WORLDCOM.

Will you allow your laziness to cause you serious
financial loss for not taken action against Cox?
Posted by <HoldingGTEL> on :
Originally posted by Purl Gurl:

The Capital Times,
Editorial: A Cox in the SEC henhouse

"...But Washington watcher David Sirota of the Center
for American Progress describes the plan to put the
conservative congressman in charge of this critical
agency as a 'Cox in the SEC henhouse' scenario.
Sirota says, 'Big Business, still looking to evade
even the weak post-Enron reforms, could not have
asked for a better corporate shill than Cox.'

...Cox has collected close to $650,000 in campaign
contributions from commercial banking, securities,
insurance and finance interests. In return for the
electoral largess, he led the fight to pass
legislation - thePrivate Securities and Litigation
Reform Act - that one analyst said 'paved the way
for corporate chieftains basically to lie without
fear of being sued.'

The good news is that Cox is not yet the SEC chair.
Because the Senate must approve his nomination,
citizens have one last chance to keep Cox out of
the SEC henhouse."

Visit Here:

Please write letters to numerous senators to object
to this nomination of Cox. Making contact with a
dozen senators will make a difference and will
only take ten or fifteen minutes of your time.

Lazy, don't care? Then bend over and enjoy because
George Bush, in keeping with his past history,
intends to again financially ream you with his Cox.

Didn't Clinton get contributions from communists in China?
Posted by charger on :
Sleaze ehhhh.... Every politician has done good and bad considering your point of view... to call this guy a sleaze is going a little too far..

Rep. Cox's expertise and his thoughtful approach to legislation have earned him bipartisan support outside of Congress as well. In 1994, President Clinton appointed him to the Bipartisan Commission on Entitlement and Tax Reform. The Los Angeles Times, in a rare endorsement of a Republican, called him "an intelligent spokesman for fiscal responsibility and an expert on foreign affairs." George Will, writing in Newsweek, praised Cox's efforts to bring honesty to the federal budget process. And The Wall Street Journal featured him as a key leader in a page-one profile on the historic opening day of the 104th Congress.

Rep. Cox has won numerous awards from taxpayer, business, and consumer advocacy organizations. These include being named a "Taxpayer Hero" by the National Taxpayers Union and Citizens Against Government Waste; a "Tax Fighter" by the National Tax Limitation Committee; a "Hero of the Taxpayer" by Americans for Tax Reform; a "Super Friend of Seniors" by the 60/Plus Association; a "Guardian of Small Business" by the National Federation of Independent Businesses; and a "Friend of the Consumer" from the citizen watchdog group Consumer Alert.
Posted by glassman on :
good DD charger...
Posted by Purl Gurl on :
Tax reform is not related to being the SEC chairperson.

You will do better at swaying readers by bringing
in information related to the topic of this thread.
Posted by Purl Gurl on :
Charger, you have simply quoted Cox.

All you quote is from the Cox website.

Think there might be some bias?
Posted by Purl Gurl on :
Charger, you did not quote this from the Cox site,

" From 1978 to 1986, he specialized in venture
capital and corporate finance with the international
law firm of Latham & Watkins, where he was the
partner in charge of the Corporate Department in
Orange County and a member of the firm's national

Cox does not mention he was one of the masterminds
of the worst Ponzi fraud schemes in state history,
which defrauded thousands,

"In 1995, he was named a defendant in a lawsuit by
investors as a result of legal work he did for an
investment group in the 1980's. The suit accused
Mr. Cox, his former law firm and two former
colleagues of misleading regulators and investors
about the condition of a real estate investment
fund. Mr. Cox, who denied that he had violated any
laws, was eventually dropped from the lawsuit and
the firm where he worked, Latham & Watkins,
settled for an undisclosed amount...."

Well, does his site exhibit bias?
Posted by Purl Gurl on :
"Before he was elected to Congress in 1988, [Cox] was
a corporate lawyer for the failed Irvine securities
firm First Pension Corp . . . First Pension collapsed
in 1994 after stealing $136 million from 8,500
investors, many of whom were senior citizens who lost
their life savings . . . An investor suit accused
Cox of knowing of the securities fraud and helping to
conceal it."

OC Weekly
Made in Newport Beach:
How Chris Cox helped produce the Enron scandal
March 2002
Posted by Purl Gurl on :

Why should you bother with protecting your financial
future in the stock markets? Someone else will take
care you. Not to worry, Momma will change your
diapers when you financially soil them.
Posted by Purl Gurl on :
The San Diego Union-Tribune
Cox was defendant in suit led by Aguirre
By Dean Calbreath

"But San Diego City Attorney Michael Aguirre
who filed the case against Cox when Aguirre was in
private practice said Cox's onetime role as an
attorney for Orange County's First Pension Corp.
raises questions about whether he's the right
person to head the SEC.

'Three of Cox's clients went to prison regarding
the matters he was advising them on,' Aguirre said.
'There are a lot of questions that need to be asked
of Mr. Cox about his actions in the First Pension
case. A careful examination of the record should
be made.'"

Ripping off the elderly using a classic Ponzi scheme.

Am I the only contacting senators with intent to
protect the investing public?

I don't do diapers. Change your own diapers.
Posted by Purl Gurl on :
EPA Wording Found to Mirror Industry's
Influence on Mercury Proposal Probed

By Juliet Eilperin
Washington Post Staff Writer

"For the third time, environmental advocates have
discovered passages in the Bush administration's
proposal for regulating mercury pollution from
power plants that mirror almost word for word
portions of memos written by a law firm
representing coal-fired power plants.

The passages state that the Environmental Protection
Agency is not required to regulate other hazardous
toxins emitted by power plants, such as lead and
arsenic. Several attorneys general, as well as
some environmental groups, have argued that the
Clean Air Act compels the EPA to regulate these
emissions as well as mercury.

Sen. James M. Jeffords says the EPA-industry
wording 'no longer comes as much of a surprise.'

The revelations concerning language written by
Latham & Watkins could broaden an ongoing probe by
the EPA's inspector general into whether the
industry had an undue influence on the agency's
proposed mercury rule, legislative critics of the
proposed rule said."


Bush - Cox -Latham - Watkins; spew deadly toxic pollutants
for the sake of corporate profit.

I am not surprised.
Posted by Purl Gurl on :
Bush & Cox, feeding your children mercury, lead
and arsenic to line their pockets with money.

You just keep sitting there on your thumbs and
do nothing. They are just children, who cares?
Posted by <HoldingGTEL> on :
Originally posted by Purl Gurl:
Bush & Cox, feeding your children mercury, lead
and arsenic to line their pockets with money.

You just keep sitting there on your thumbs and
do nothing. They are just children, who cares?

Clinton, selling missile technology to communists with nukes......
Posted by Purl Gurl on :
"Clinton, selling missile technology to communists
with nukes."

Is Clinton currently engaging in this activity?

Is that an ongoing activity which poisons our kids?

Is your comment pertinent to the Cox nomination?

Is there a comment you would add about Cox?
Posted by Purl Gurl on :
Bush SEC Pick Is Seen as Friend to Corporations
By Stephen Labaton
The New York Times

(partial quote)

"William Lerach, a prominent shareholder lawyer in San Diego who a
decade ago found himself on the losing end of the political battle over
investor lawsuits, agreed that the Republicans on the commission will
now be more unified. But as a result, he argued, the policies it sets
could be devastating for investors.

'I would expect that Cox will use his authority for an across-the-board
assault on investor protection,' Mr. Lerach said. 'In my experience with
him, I found him to be virulently anti-investor and unrestrained in his desire
to gut the securities laws. It's hard to think of a worse choice for the S.E.C.
This is a world-class payback to the corporate world.'

Mr. Lerach recalled that the final legislation Congress adopted to restrict
investor lawsuits, the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, was
much milder than the legislation Mr. Cox first proposed. That bill had significantly
raised the standard of proof for investors and had included a provision forcing the
losing party in such lawsuits to pay legal fees, a provision that some experts said
would have effectively killed most investor lawsuits."
Posted by Purl Gurl on :
"...Cox will use his authority for an across-the-board
assault on investor protection...."

My goal today is to finish writing to every
senator to express my views. I have accomplished
my goal, as intended. I stand behind my words.

Have you written any letters to senators?

So far, not a single reader has indicated having
written to senators to express his viewpoint.
Posted by Art on :
Glassman: Carter's problems can be attributed directly to problems that built up during Watergate, and went unaddressed...

Art: How in the world can you specify a causal chain of events that shows how Carter was influenced by Watergate in a way that damaged his performance as president? Show this?

Glassman: Iran was lost to US because we ignored the problems...

Art: We supported an unpopular dictatorship in the Shah, that was overthrown. How could we have prevented this?

Posted by Art on :
Glassman: Interest rates are market driven....the prez has no control over them

i'm looking for the 10 year notes to drop again, but not much...

remember... the market always does the most damage to the most people possible....

Art: The President's Treaury Secretary and Federal Reserve officals have no influence, where the president is ultimately responsible?

Posted by Art on :
HoldingGtel: Didn't Clinton get contributions from communists in China?

Art: Yep. and in return Clinton gave the Chinese advanced computer tech which allows them to use militarily against the USA and its allies, and he tolerated the Chinese stealing all of our nuclear wepaons tech.

Posted by Art on :
Originally posted by Purl Gurl:
Bush & Cox, feeding your children mercury, lead
and arsenic to line their pockets with money.

You just keep sitting there on your thumbs and
do nothing. They are just children, who cares?

Love it. Really funny.

Actually, present day arsenic standards are lower (less arsenic in the water) than they were under Clinton. If the nutty environmentalists had their, way our economy would be ruined by trying to make the environment unneccesarily pristine.

Posted by Art on :
Holding Gtel: "Clinton, selling missile technology to communists with nukes."

Gurl: Is Clinton currently engaging in this activity?

Art: No. But Clinton took Chinese money and gave them advanced computer military tech, and tolerated the Chinese stealing our nuclear weapons tech. When you se the muchroom clouds over the USA or its allies, then you will se how damaging this was.

Gurl: Is that an ongoing activity which poisons our kids?

Art: Bush has hurt no children - none. Show me one that has been hurt in the way you claim? Liberal lies.

Gurl: Is your comment pertinent to the Cox nomination?

Art: As much as your comments are. You have tried to deman Cox with vague and unfounded slander - typical liberal lies offered as arguments.

Posted by Purl Gurl on :
Topic is the Cox nomination.
Posted by glassman on :
Originally posted by Art:
Glassman: Carter's problems can be attributed directly to problems that built up during Watergate, and went unaddressed...

Art: How in the world can you specify a causal chain of events that shows how Carter was influenced by Watergate in a way that damaged his performance as president? Show this?

Glassman: Iran was lost to US because we ignored the problems...

Art: We supported an unpopular dictatorship in the Shah, that was overthrown. How could we have prevented this?

shall i write it up in fucsia or puce crayola?
Posted by <HoldingGTEL> on :
Originally posted by Purl Gurl:
Topic is the Cox nomination.

Given the content of some of your posts I thought the topic was Bash Bush/Clinton-Boxer/Libs 2008....
Posted by glassman on :
nothing like politics to make the kiddies start throwing sand... [Big Grin]
Posted by Purl Gurl on :
Well, someone down Texas way ain't throwing sand;
he found my fullmoon and has been playing poker.
Posted by glassman on :
yeah good game PG, but i'd rather play for articles of attire than credits....
can ya work on that? [Big Grin]
Posted by Purl Gurl on :
I sent email to John and Ken at KFI radio in
Los Angeles. They are politician bashers, and
bashers of just about anything ludricous.

They defeated some local politicians simply
by discussing those cronies on their talk show.

I'm looking around for other talk show hosts.
Posted by Purl Gurl on :
No problem, Glassman, but you will have to send
me a photo of yourself, dressed and nude, to
keep the game fair.

The house, which is me, rarely loses; when playing
strip poker, I wear ten pairs of socks.
Posted by glassman on :
the question is, do the socks come off first, or last [Big Grin]
Posted by Purl Gurl on :
No question. I only wear ten pairs of socks,
nothing else.

Others cannot keep a straight poker face nor
maintain focus, on the game and cards.

Quite the advantage, that.
Posted by Peaser01 on :
You play too much online poker PG. LOL
Posted by Peaser01 on :
Speaking of online poker. Check out AGCI
Posted by Purl Gurl on :
Posted by BuyTex on :
I like the blackjack one better--you can bet! How come no betting on the draw poker, PG?
Posted by glassman on :
deciding how to bet for the 'puter would require some pretty serious programming.....
Posted by glassman on :
Originally posted by glassman:
deciding how to bet for the 'puter would require some pretty serious programming.....

programming a 'puter to bluff? that's AI to todamax
Posted by BuyTex on :
you mean cuz blackjack is either/or?, well, equal to, less than, more than...?
Posted by glassman on :

the program just to bet draw would probaly be harder than chess (i'm just guessing tho)

then in a 7 card draw game? two more bets to cackalate? and the unknown variables are exponentially greater?

but bluffing? sheesh.... thats a cray ar two, i bet...
Posted by BuyTex on :
well, hers is 5-card draw, but point taken...
Posted by Purl Gurl on :
I could program in unique bets. However, as Glassy
suggests, this is a bit complicated. I do have more
elaborate gaming programs but they are not on our
home server; use too much bandwidth.

My programs look like this,

I am hoping Bob's code tag works here...

sub Read_Parse 
my ($in, $iterate, @In, $key, $value);
read (STDIN, $in, $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'});
@In = split (/&/, $in);
foreach $iterate (0 .. $#In)
$In[$iterate] =~ s/\+/ /g;
($key, $value) = split (/=/, $In[$iterate], 2);
($value eq "") && next;
$key =~ s/%(..)/pack ("c",hex($1))/ge;
$value =~ s/%(..)/pack ("c",hex($1))/ge;
$in{$key} .= $value;

Some programs are over four-thousand lines of
code much like that.

Roberta's database is over two-gigabytes in size,
all typed by hand, over the past six years.

Blackjack and poker, besides the programs, they
also use several database files to keep track
of who is doing what.

As a professional Perl programmer, my emphasis
is on efficiency and speed to keep CPU time and
bandwidth low. I keep them simple.

You think I get into trouble here, you should
read what the Perl community thinks of me!

You should try my chat if you want to be entertained.
Read our HELP file to understand what can happen.
Posted by glassman on :
if you wish to "flirt" with roberta? i suggest you watch your language, don't be a potty mouth bozo [Big Grin]
Posted by <iizopn> on :
To: Purl,Glass,bdgee and others who try to see/understand the diff btwn fraud and truth, and why there is so much of the little the latter.

This is my first ever post. It won't become habit as I've never been a speedy typist. I won't suffer fools in a backnforth game of concrete fact vs. their rhetorical gatherings, dissembled offerings and attempts to change focus.

I applaud you and your posting stamina considering the competition has the advantage by
numbers. Know that you are being seen and appreciated!

Einstein said, "Only 2 things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

Art, holding, charger, bama and similar will only cross the road to wisdom if they get their d**k stuck in a chicken! They will scurry back when released for the truth will prove their longheld beliefs to be little more than bulls**t..........and that's hard to handle.

Keep posting good information when you find it. It helps me as I strive to be an Honest/Advanced Human and make a little money along the way.

In keeping on topic, I will make known my opposition to the Cox appt.

Posted by Peaser01 on :
Has anyone seen that commercial on TV with the Huge Chickens/ chicken legs?

Or were those Turkeys?
Posted by glassman on :
turkey legs... it's a cellular service comercial they are sending 'em to a NASCAR race..

Mark Martin had a good day, i'm happy tonight.. [Big Grin]
Posted by Peaser01 on :
Ya, I've always been a MM fan. I chear him on whenever he comes up to Watkins Glen. I was fortunate enough to see him win it one year.
Posted by <HoldingGTEL> on :
Originally posted by <iizopn>:
... Art, holding, charger, bama and similar will only cross the road to wisdom if they get their d**k stuck in a chicken! ....

... You make a statement like that and then call yourself an "Advanced Human"?!?!? BWAHAHAHAHA
Posted by glassman on :
yeah anybody who reads Art regularly knows he's a sheep guy... [Big Grin]

he likes to sneak up on'em when they aren't paying attention

Posted by bdgee on :

Jump on in and offer your wisedom or bias or whatever as you see fit. We NEED all the actual thought and consideration there is available, so it isn't fair of you to hold yours close to the vest.

As far as typing is concerned, I was kicked out of typing class back in high school by the principal. He claimed typing was for girls only, but I always knew he was just jealous. He never would have come up with the idea and wasn't about to let me enjoy being amongst all those little chicks. heh heh heh I knew exactly what I was doing!
Posted by charger on :
I was just thinking the other day that we really do need an Honest/Advanced Human on this board. Of course he would have to be a liberal.
Posted by Purl Gurl on :
Andy Rooney on computers and typewriters,

Ok boys, drag your old cast iron typewriters out and
start typing those letters to senators urging them
to oppose the Cox nomination.

I am serious. If Cox is confirmed, we are dead meat.
Posted by Raptorsrule on : disrespct....but "Whatever" doesn't matter who is in there.....or any other position of power in America.....Corporate America and the Gov. will always have the upper hand....adapt....or fail.

I know you know this one.... and it knows no party lines....

Power corrupts....Absolute power absolutely corrupts....Since it is not my practice to discuss politics, I will refrain from furthering this discussion....

Posted by glassman on :
Posted by Purl Gurl on :
(email to senators, whitehouse, governors, media)

This email serves as a reminder to lobby against the
nomination of Christopher Cox to chair the SEC.

Last, I provided a documented history of Cox's direct
involvement in corporate crime, his taking political
fund contributions from Enron and WorldCom, along with
documentation of Cox both enabling and supporting the
First Pension Corporation ponzi scam which defrauded
thousands of elderly of thier life savings, a sum of
one-hundred-thirty-six-million dollars.

You are well aware Cox was named a defendent in the
First Pension scam, which is California's worst
case of elderly abuse in our state history. Some
of Cox's associates are now serving prison terms.

Our American public views those who abuse the elderly
in the same light we view child molesters.

Should you support Christopher Cox, you will inherently
be thought of as one who condones financial crimes
against the elderly. Should you confirm Cox, you will
send a message to America,

"I support those who financially victimize the elderly."

That notion is certain to win you votes, next election.


Bozo The Clown
Posted by windjunkee on :
Isn't Bozo dead by now?
My bad! I guess he can still vote republican even if he is dead.
Posted by glassman on :
Bozo can never die....

he's just the paint on our faces...

and i'm making money on this?

2005-06-07 09:34:51
B: Loophole behind private pension failures ( United Press International )


WASHINGTON, Jun 07, 2005 (United Press International via COMTEX) -- The U.S.
agency that guarantees private pensions says loopholes in the federal pension
law let United Airlines treat its pension fund as solid for years.

That finding will be presented Tuesday to a Senate panel, investigating growing
concerns that the federal Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation will one day
require a bailout because it has been forced to pick up a number of large failed
private pension plans, The New York Times reported Tuesday.

One of those loopholes concerns radically different filing requirement by
government agencies, the PBGC said.

United, in full compliance with legally required Labor Department filings, made
no pension contributions in 2002. Two years later it filed for bankruptcy and
disclosed that it owed its pension fund more than $70 million.

However, if the UAL Corp. unit had had to calculate pension contributions using
Securities and Exchange Commission rules, it would have paid into its pension in

Copyright 2005 by United Press International.


SUBJECT CODE: 11006000 04016001 04016007 04016017 09011000 11006007 11009001 11013001 11016003 11022000

Posted by charger on :
If Cox was named a "DEFENDENT", then why is he still walking this planet, he should have been taken out and shot a long time ago. "DEFENDENTS", are the worst kind of sleaze. Plus all the politicians that have taken money from Worldcom and Enron should also be demonized.
Posted by glassman on :
all of them yes....

they (Enron) stole from their own employees retirements...Clinton was guilty too...

but, Clinton is history....

tomorrow is what counts, EH?

as long as people allow themselves to be divided and conquered? they will continue to be....
Posted by Purl Gurl on :

Kira's Essay - C minus
two spelling errors
one grammar error
Posted by glassman on :
deis heyere ain't anglash 1er1 PG, you have mial...
Posted by glassman on :
ENDP today? another prime example of the weasels in the henhouse?

Posted by Purl Gurl on :
I read that letter several times. It is impossible
to determine if real or not.

Nonetheless, good points are made in that letter.

I doubt she will respond to you. Almost all mail
I send out to people like her, are unanswered.
That does not mean those people do not read!
Posted by glassman on :
she did respond to me...

oops i meant to include her response too...

here it comes...

by the way? i used a secure method to contact her, so i know where i sent my e-mail to..i used my own search engines to find her...
Posted by Purl Gurl on :
I like her. She is not afraid to speak her mind.

Good to know that letter is legit.

If Cox is confirmed, there is no doubt unlawful
naked shorting will increase a thousand fold
and be condoned by the SEC, via Cox.

SEC currently denies naked shorting is a problem.

Cox, most likely, will make naked shorting "legal"
by publically refusing to take action.

Pretty weasel!
Posted by glassman on :
DTCC denies it too...

CEDE & Co. a good thing to know.....
Posted by Purl Gurl on :
It is very wrongful for the SEC to be a political office.

So senseless to appointment big wigs to the SEC
from political pools. People from the academic
circles should head the SEC, and they should be
hired as private citizens, free of politics.

At worst, SEC big wigs should be pulled in from
Wall Street corporate pools.

With the SEC being an enforcement body, those in
corporate law should be leading. A most logical
choice is Spitzer.

We do not need ignorant criminal politicians
keeping an eye on corporate criminals.

Jeesshh... politicians are so utterly stupid.
Posted by glassman on :
this is funny....
Posted by charger on :
Grade This:
"You are well aware Cox was named a defendent in the First Pension scam, which is California's worst case of elderly abuse in our state history. Some of Cox's associates are now serving prison terms"

I have followed you Gurl(like a sheep) and have sent letters' to all the senate having signed them all Bozo the Clown.
Posted by glassman on :

Posted by Purl Gurl on :
Posted by SHARK357 on :
what's going on with this board??? [Confused]
Posted by Peaser01 on :
Originally posted by glassman:
yeah anybody who reads Art regularly knows he's a sheep guy... [Big Grin]

he likes to sneak up on'em when they aren't paying attention


Hmmm. You didn't hire these clowns did ya Glass?
Posted by bdgee on :
A typical devoted republican worshiping his god.
Posted by Dustoff101 on :
[QUOTE]Originally posted by bdgee:
A typical devoted republican worshiping his god.

What God do the democrats worship?......Or being a democrat do you have one.
Posted by Peaser01 on :
Go KERRY!!! U Can Do it!

Oh wait, sorry.
Posted by bdgee on :

You asked. "What God do the democrats worship?......Or being a democrat do you have one."

Best answered by a Republican:

"....government of the people, by the people, and for the people.......".

Actually, I think myself to be a libertarian (but not one of that collection of mental flotsam using such a title for a political party) who long ago realized that my dream of a world where governmental restriction is not necessary is beyond the reach (and scope) of human beings.
Posted by glassman on :
hire these clowns? i assume you mean the rioters? should be ashamed of yourself for even thinking that...
i suspect their parents will all be getting their internet services canceled for a time....
might be hard to find a service that will accept them too..once they go on THE LIST......
Posted by Purl Gurl on :
I captured a picture, through a video-cam, of
one of those children.

Posted by glassman on :
hey purl lady? did any of those fools try to log into your dungeon? [Big Grin]

i see you invited them in... [Big Grin]
Posted by Purl Gurl on :
Nope. My androids would have dealt with them.
People like that, if they annoy me enough,
I will knock down their system as a lesson,
although I do that as a last resort because
of possible legal problems.

During all that, I had my systems present a
scrolling screen of accesses to be sure.

Karma takes care of people like that, quite well.
Posted by Purl Gurl on :
Speaking of Karma, yesterday's car chase over in
Los Angeles, the guy who tried to kidnap a woman,
at gunpoint, because of an internet deal, in the
end the sheriff's department blasted him with a
concussion grenade, shot him, then turn a police
dog lose on him which dragged him out of his van
and promptly ate him.

Instant Karma.

I like that, a lot.
Posted by glassman on :
you have mail...

pretty rude of that guy...
how many hours were lost due to his blocking the 10?
one or two lifetimes?
Posted by Purl Gurl on :
At least one is a registered member you know,
and I know.

Some are actively reading this thread.

Charter Net is very good about suspending accounts.
I've work with them in the past. Send in copies
of posts, date, time, IP and such, within one day
those accounts will be suspended.

It is important to file formal complaints, with
all service providers, to establish a history of
behavior. Eventually accounts will be closed.
Posted by Purl Gurl on :
Incidently, off camera reports have it that dog
which mangled the kidnapper, was rewarded for
such good work; he was allowed to hump the man's
leg before he was hauled off to hospital jail.
Posted by charger on :
California Democrat Senator Feinstein to introduce Cox to the Senate Banking Comittee:

Cox on Thursday assumed the voice of a regulator, decrying financial misconduct as a threat to the vitality of the U.S. economy. "The natural enemies of this economic marvel are fraud and unfair dealing," he said after his introduction by Bush.

While some anticipated a tough confirmation process, no one Thursday predicted that he would be blocked. Indeed, Democratic California Sen. Dianne Feinstein, who had held back supporting Cox when he was a possible judicial candidate for the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, agreed to introduce him to the Senate Banking Committee that will consider his nomination.

"I have no reason to oppose him and believe he's qualified to do the job," Feinstein said.
Posted by charger on :
But former SEC Chairman Arthur Levitt said those already lining up to criticize Cox "are going to be pleasantly surprised."

Levitt said that although he has disagreed politically with Cox on issues over the years, "I know he will put an emphasis on investor issues. He's smart enough not to polarize the diverse constituencies the commission deals with, and he knows the securities business. He's not a blind ideologue."
He is with it
Posted by Purl Gurl on :
Glassman gave advice,

"if you wish to "flirt" with roberta? i suggest you
watch your language, don't be a potty mouth bozo..."

Some did not listen! There are a few regulars here
who are very hardcore potty mouth bozos! Glassman
warned you!

Interesting thread on chatterbot visitors, read
these in the order presented,

Purl Gurl
Posted by Purl Gurl on :
"...The Wall Street Journal suggests that Cox's
opponents may question his relationship with First
Pension Corp., which once was accused by regulators
of cheating investors out of more than $120
million. Before he became a Republican congressman
from conservative Orange County, California, Cox
was a securities lawyer for the law firm of Latham
& Watkins. According to the Journal, Cox did work
for First Pension and its founder, William E.
Cooper, who subsequently pleaded guilty to felony
charges in connection with the scandal and was
sentenced to prison. A White House spokeswoman told
the paper that Cox had been dismissed from a civil
lawsuit over the matter...

Shareholder groups, however, are not simply
standing by. Rich Ferlauto, director of pension
investment policy at the American Federation of
State, County and Municipal Employees, recently
opined that 'Cox's track record in Congress should
concern investors,' Added Ferlauto: 'Cox voted to
gut FASB's efforts to require the expensing of
options and in 1995 advocated an early version of
the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act that
would have repealed the recklessness standard in
shareholder suits. This proposed standard would
have let Bernie Ebbers and Ken Lay off the hook for
the financial manipulations at WorldCom and Enron.'..."

How Might Rulemaking Change under Cox?
Stephen Taub,
Posted by charger on :
Poor Gurl has few stocks to watch so she has to beat a dead horse ... over and over again.
Posted by Purl Gurl on :
My email address is easy to figure out,

Be sure your mail is in plaintext only, does not
have image links, no attachments, no html, no
quoted printable and does not contain the word,
viagra! I run very severe spam filters.

You can also reach me at,


Roberta is challenging, yes?
Posted by Krysten911 on :
Roberta is pretty cool. I could see how some of the answers worked. Very ingenious. And thanks for the info.
Posted by Purl Gurl on :
"official AOL voice"

You Got Mail
Posted by Purl Gurl on :
Contacting senators can make a difference.


Dear Ms. Schilitubi:

Thank you for writing to me with your concerns
about the nomination of Representative Christopher
Cox (CA-48) to be Chairman of the Securities and
Exchange Commission (SEC). I appreciate the time
you took to write and welcome the opportunity
to respond.

As you know, President Bush has nominated
Representative Cox to succeed William Donaldson
as Chairman of the SEC. I will carefully review
Rep. Cox's record and the proceedings in the
Senate Banking Committee when the committee
considers his nomination. Please know that while
I am not a member of the Banking Committee, I
appreciate hearing your concerns and will keep
your thoughts in mind should Rep. Cox's nomination
come to the Senate floor.

Again, thank you for your letter. I hope that
you will continue to share your thoughts and
ideas with me. If I can be of further assistance,
please do not hesitate to call my Washington,
D.C. staff at (202) 224-3841.

Sincerely yours,

Dianne Feinstein
United States Senator
Posted by charger on :
DICK Durbin = sleaze squared... this guy makes Cox look like an angel. Durbin should get a job with Al Queda. Dont get in the way when a Dem is bashing Bush... cause they will take anyone down on the way... even our military.
Posted by SHARK357 on :
AMEN!!! Charger.
Posted by mryj2000 on :
Originally posted by charger:
DICK Durbin = sleaze squared... this guy makes Cox look like an angel. Durbin should get a job with Al Queda. Dont get in the way when a Dem is bashing Bush... cause they will take anyone down on the way... even our military.

Posted by Purl Gurl on :
Another round of email to all senators.

Please join me to resist the nomination of Cox
to chair the SEC. Please write senators. Copy
my email, if you like.


Quite a contrast here. Ms. Gadziala of the SEC speaks of a dire need to
maintain confidence of American stock investors, while George Bush
nominates Christopher Cox to chair the SEC.

As you know, Christorpher Cox has a long history of being associated
with financial crime, twice indicted under the First Pension Fund scam,
responsible for legislation leading to Enron and Worldcom, along with
accepting large fund contributions from special interests known for their
involvement in corporate scandals.

Many of us investors hold a very low opinion of Christopher Cox.

When you vote to confirm Christopher Cox to chair the SEC,
you, personally, will send a message to the American public
which contradicts Ms. Gadziala's empty meaningless words.

Your personal message, upon "yes" vote, will be,

"I support financial crimes against the American public."


Bozo the Clown


"In conclusion, the effective functioning of our capital markets, is highly dependent
on maintaining the confidence of investors. Rebuilding and maintaining ethics and
compliance in the securities industry is critical to maintaining the confidence that our
markets are fair and honest, thus continuing to support a strong and vibrant U.S. economy."

Mary Ann Gadziala
Associate Director, Office of Compliance Inspections and Examinations
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
June 23, 2005


"...First Pension Corp., was a fraud. In 1985, when Cox assured state securities regulators
that a new Cooper investment scheme would be "low risk" and an absolute boon to small
investors trying to save for recall that First Pension was one of the most flagrant
con schemes in Orange Country history, costing thousands of investors — most of them people
with small nest eggs — as much as $130 million...."

"Cox's Past Ties to Con Man Raise Questions"
Michael Hiltzik
Los Angeles Times
June 9, 2005,1,1629186.column?coll=la-headlines-business


"Mr. Cox - a devoted student of Ayn Rand...A major recipient of contributions from business groups,
the accounting profession and Silicon Valley, he has fought against accounting rules that would give
less favorable treatment to corporate mergers and executive stock options...he helped to steer through
the House a bill making investor lawsuits more difficult...criticized by consumer and investor organizations.
They say its adoption in 1995 contributed to an unaccountable climate that fostered the big accounting
scandals at companies like Enron and WorldCom a few years later...."

"Bush S.E.C. Pick Is Seen as Friend To Corporations"
Stephen Labaton
New York Times
June 3, 2005
Posted by Purl Gurl on :
Spell Check - "Christorpher" to "Christopher"
Posted by Purl Gurl on :
Just finished sending my email to every senator.

What have you accomplished today which benefits
all investors?

Purl Gurl
Posted by BuyTex on :
What have you accomplished today which benefits
all investors?

Aside from all the play, bs, wham-backing, short-noodling, pish-to-posh personality contests...that single question is lightning...
Posted by Purl Gurl on :
Speaking of lightning, a man attending a funeral,
recently, was killed by a bolt of lighting. He
was holding a large metal cross.

Posted by BuyTex on :
Originally posted by Purl Gurl:
Just finished sending my email to every senator.

What have you accomplished today which benefits
all investors?

Purl Gurl


My New Mantra...

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