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Posted by urnso77 on :
Dear Al Qaeda:

We know that things in Iraq have been a bit tough for you lately. President Bush's determination to bring stability to Iraq through an increase in the number of troops has been showing results .. and even more troops are on the way. Because of the troop surge you have seen a decline in the number of American troops you and your Islamic fascist buddies have been able to kill. Because of the increased level of security in Baghdad the Iraqi people were starting to feel better about their future. You know this, even though the American people may not. You're close to the situation so you can readily see the changing conditions. The American people are insulated from this reality by a media apparatus that is more concerned with the destruction of President Bush than to the success of our efforts in Iraq.

All in all, it was getting to be a pretty depressing picture for you and your terrorist pals.

Well ... cheer up. Things are about to change. After a rather close vote in the U.S. Senate today you are one step closer to knowing an exact de upon which all U.S. troops will be withdrawn from Iraq. As we're sure your political analysts will tell you, setting a specific date for withdrawal. We're sure you realize that you cannot commit yourself to victory and to a date-specific withdrawal at the same time. You select one course of action, or the other.

Take heart, too, in the fact that other nations and regimes in the Middle East have now seen further evidence that the United States does not have the political will to commit itself to victory. Your tactic of waging a war of attrition against American troops has been validated. The American people, having heard a preponderance of negative news from their media, are calling for capitulation. They've become complacent after five years have passed since 9/11 with no terrorists attacks in our country. Oh, there have been some isolated incidents of mad Muslims shooting up shopping malls and mowing innocents down with their cars ... but nothing major to rekindle their determination. Was this your plan all along? Somehow we think that you are that clever ... and if that's the case, this element of your grand plan has also worked very well.

You now realize that you can advance your radical Islamist goals throughout the Middle East, and perhaps into Europe, without any fear of retaliation or interference from the United States. The will to fight is lost. The desire for victory has died. The American people have become fat, lazy and complacent. They no longer see either their freedom or their culture as something they are willing to fight for. It must be heady days indeed in your caves and tents. Hard to imagine, isn't it? Al Qaeda actually has more determination to see their cause through than the great United States of America! Perhaps that's because you're dedicated to the cause of the spread of Islam, while the American people have lost their dedication to the cause of liberty. Complacency will do that to you.

We do have one word of caution for you. You and your Islamic terrorist buddies have been the beneficiaries of the aftermath of the 2000 presidential election in the United States. That election, and the close vote in our State of Florida, created a sense of hatred and resentment in Democrats against our president such as has never been seen before in our history. From that moment on Democrats and liberals in the U.S. were steadfastly dedicated to the idea of the destruction of the Bush presidency. Oh, to be sure, there were a few weeks of solidarity following your attacks of 9/11, but it didn't last. When the panic subsided Democrats suddenly realized that any measure of success in the war against you might actually strengthen the Republican hold on power. It didn't take Democrats long to decide that their hatred of George Bush, and their desire to see his presidency destroyed, absolutely outweighed any concerns they had about protecting our people from another one of your vicious attacks. Democrats have convinced themselves that, once they have gained full control of our government, a few "we feel your pain" comments directed at your murdering Islamic followers will be all that is needed to put the Western world and the wonderful, peaceful, serene religion of Islam around a desert campfire singing rousing renditions of Kumbaya. You just need to be aware that there is a chance, though slight, that the Democrats might actually decide that our culture is worth fighting for ... if they can first rid our country of the Bush pestilence.

At any rate .. the Senate has now set a deadline. If the bill makes it to the president's desk he says he will veto it. Some feel, however, that when the president realizes that the legislation merely sets a date certain for our capitulation to you in Iraq, and doesn't open the doors to any additional stem cell research, he will decide that a veto is not warranted. So ... just sit tight. Save your energy. Catch your breath. Cool it. You may soon know the exact date that you one day commemorate as the date you chased the infidels out of Iraq. This could well be the date you will remember as the beginning of the final steps toward your 12th Caliphate and the cause of world domination under Islamic law.

You are small but determined to see your dreams of domination come true. America is strong but complacent and unwilling to fight for the cause of liberty. Time to ferment some goat's milk for a toast!

Yours truly

America the Timid.
Posted by Gordon Bennett on :
Open letter to Bush

24 March 2007

Dear Mr President,

IT’S been four years since the Coalition of the Willing led by you invaded Iraq to bring down the Baathist regime of Saddam Hussein. This war had been necessary, of course.

As you had rightly enlightened us in the Middle East and the Muslim world on the eve of the Invasion, the late Iraqi dictator possessed a fearsome arsenal of Weapons of Mass Destruction. And the dictator’s deadly weapons that he cleverly kept hidden from the rest of the world including the UN weapon inspectors, threatened America, its Western allies and rest of the world.

Your wise friend and trusted ally, Mr Tony Blair, even calculated the time — 45 minutes — it would take the rogue regime in Iraq to strike at peace-loving people of Britain.

Moreover, as you had so kindly pointed out to us, the evil regime in Baghdad had close ties with Osama Bin Laden’s Al Qaeda and a legion of terror groups around the world — from Palestinian militants to Afghan enemy combatants.

More importantly, it was the former Iraqi regime that had planned and executed the September 11 terror attacks against America.

This fact about Saddam’s links to 9/11 terror strikes has of course been conclusively established and proved by your numerous highly skilled and qualified investigation agencies.

Which is why it was absolutely critical to invade Iraq and eliminate the clear and present danger facing the West and the civilised world.

Four years on, we cannot thank you enough for the priceless gifts of freedom and dignity you have bestowed on the Middle East and Arab and Muslim world.

It is thanks to your vision and noble action, Mr President, that Iraq and its people have been liberated from the clutches of the late Baathist regime.

It is thanks to the timely intervention by the Coalition of the Willing that Iraqi people today are free and enjoying their freedom and dignity like free people everywhere. Why, they even have a democratically elected government of their own — thanks to you and the free and fair elections your friends and allies have managed to conduct in Iraq.

In fact, as you had rightly promised before the Invasion, with its new-found freedom and dignity Iraq has emerged as the inspiring example of hope and promise to the rest of the Arab and Muslim world. No wonder many in the neighbourhood are now pining for and looking forward to similar liberation and freedom at the hands of America the Almighty.

Dear Mr President, the people of Iraq and the Middle East will forever remain indebted to you for this yeoman service. Your short-sighted detractors and critics who question this great war of liberation and great humanitarian mission and all that they have achieved do not realise that all lofty missions and accomplishments do demand a little price.

So what if some Iraqi people have died as a consequence. The killing of over 655,000 Iraqis is too small a price for the great gifts of democracy and freedom that they have received. So what if a hundred people get killed on a daily basis, caught as they are in the crossfire between the Coalition of the Willing and the insurgents and militias.

So what if some American soldiers and coalition troops have been killed in the war. Four thousand lives of coalition soldiers is an insignificant cost for the noble cause of freedom and democracy.

So what if Iraq has been turned into a large battlefield with the Sunnis, Shias and Kurds shedding each other’s blood like a pack of hungry wolves. So what if millions of Iraqis have fled the country, to take refuge in neighbouring states and nearly 100,000 flee their homes daily.

So what if some Iraqi girls have been raped and killed before their loved ones. So what if women and children daily get killed as terrorists at checkpoints across Iraq. This is collateral damage. And this happens all the time in all wars. Okay, this may be a bit on higher side in this war. But stuff happens, you see. Happens all the time.

So what if a couple of hundreds of thousands of innocent people have ended up behind bars. So what if hundreds of prisoners at Abu Ghraib have been tortured, electrocuted and physically and mentally abused.

After all, all this was necessary to ‘shock and awe’ the terrorists in Iraq and around the world. Who can now ever forget those iconic images of hungry dogs being unleashed on a pile of naked prisoners? Who can now dare to question and challenge America and its right to rule the world?

So what if the whole of Iraq and its once formidable infrastructure and institutions have been destroyed. So what if the people of Iraq, once one of the richest and largest oil producing nations, are craving for the basics such as water, electricity, fuel and security, of course.

So what if the Sunni-Shia fratricide in Iraq threatens to replicate itself across the Muslim world, from the heart of the Middle East to the edge of Asia.

I understand, Mr President, this collateral cost is nothing considering what the people of Iraq have got in return.

The Iraqi people now find themselves free of the Baathist regime of Saddam Hussein. And now they have so much freedom and dignity that they do not know what to do with.

Dear Mr President, we cannot thank you and your neocon and Zionist friends enough for turning Iraq around to make it an enduring and shining example for the rest of the world. More importantly, what you have done in Iraq and for its oppressed people has won hearts and minds around the world. It has especially impressed ordinary Arabs and Muslims like me who grew up admiring America and all that it stands for.

It’s hardly surprising then that now oppressed and enslaved people everywhere are dying to be similarly liberated and empowered by America. And tyrants everywhere are afraid, very afraid of what you would do next. They think long and hard before daring to question your worldview.

A big thank you to you, Mr President! Long live freedom! Long live democracy! And long live America!

Yours truly,

An ardent admirer of America.

Posted by bdgee on :
What a pack of loaded bs!

Damn, urnso77, at least keep your disgusting hero worship somewhere in the vague area of reasonably possible.

Iraq ia a mess and will be that way got generations and veryone that was halfway honest and 1/10th smart knew that before dubya invaded the place.

Iraq was free of any part of 9/11 and none of those involved in 9/11 were in iraq.

Al Qaeda had no representation or presence in Iraq before the invasion.

Al Qaeda had been kept completely out of Iraq until our fearless leader destroyed the whole structure of Iraq's ability to function by invading.

It isn't the wayit is simply because your hero screwed up the fighting, it is that way simply because he invaded.

There is nothing else wrong in Iraq that isn't because of Bush.

There was no reason to invade.

There is no reason to stay in Iraq.

There is an answer.
Posted by Gordon Bennett on :
Bush will now veto, stalling the funding for our troops, and against the will of the people.

Ironic, ain't it?
Posted by bdgee on :
Nah, Gord......typical and stupid.
Posted by bdgee on :
These are not the rantings of a Rosie or the musings of some tree hugger that just hates Bush. These are the considered finding of the very highest and best intellegence officers working for our military and CIA. It is time some of you learned to listen to the actual facts rather than hyping along with the RNC band wagon.

Ben Laden had a plan.

He stated it out in the open.

It is the same technique he used to defeat and bring about the destrucion of the U.S.S.R.

For every dollar he spends to wage war on the U.S., the U.S. must spend millions to counter. At such a rate, he can, as he did to the Russians, bankrupt us.

"Some experts warn that the successes of Bush's war on terrorism have been undercut by huge security costs, strains on the U.S. military from wars in
Iraq and
Afghanistan and resentment of the United States abroad."

"The Iraq war has been described by U.S. intelligence as both a cause celebre for new al Qaeda recruits and a militant training ground in explosives and urban guerrilla tactics."

"Look at al Qaeda's plans," said Michael Scheuer, who once led the CIA team devoted to finding al Qaeda leader
Osama bin Laden. "They're very simply defined in two phrases: spread out America's forces and bleed the United States to bankruptcy. I'd argue America has been under attack successfully every day since 9/11 from that perspective."
Posted by urnso77 on :
I love the defeatist mentality you got there. way to go!
Posted by bdgee on :
There is mentality there, which amounts to a vast improvement to the opposing viewpoint of "I'm John Wayne and I'll kill all them little baZtards and make our country safe."

Hey, wake up. John Wayne is dead and all that bravado of his was just acting, not doing. Anyway, there are more of them little baZtards than there are of us and most of them only want to work for a living and raise their children and be what other normal people want to be.
Posted by NaturalResources on :
What's wrong with a John Wayne mentality? [Razz]

Posted by bdgee on :
Good shot, NR.


You got 'im fingered.
Posted by urnso77 on :
"Anyway, there are more of them little baZtards than there are of us and most of them only want to work for a living and raise their children and be what other normal people want to be"

who are you referring to here? Our enemies? Last I checked our enemies raise their children to be suicide bombers and have no intentions of working for a living and do what "normal" people do. Get real. We have the biggest threat to our civilization possibly ever and you are basically taking the sides of the terrorists. Good Grief. Were you in a coma when 911 happened?
Posted by Gordon Bennett on :
911 "happened" on whose watch?
Posted by bdgee on :
You must have checked at the RNC, which lies just to be lying or with Fat Rush the Doper and Super Hypocrite, who makes millions feeding far rightwingers the BS they relish rather than truth.

Yes, might be the biggest threat to our civilization ever, save global wearming., the mechanisms of which and its consequences are outside the limits of your ability to fathom (which is no reason to excuse you for spreading that false rightwing BS about it).

The threat you speak of, the "terrorist" threat is 90% because of invading Iraq, which was 100% the fault of that idiot in the White House, who did so to disuade attention from proper and thorough investigation of the election fraud in the Florida 2000 presidential primary..

With every day we occupy Iraq, we increase the hatred for the U.S. across the world.

We must, for the sake of our country and the world, get the devil out of Iraq and put him back in Crawford (oh, how it pains me to want that crook in one of my alltime childhood play grounds).
Posted by Gordon Bennett on :
The truth, though rare, is so refreshing!

Originally posted by bdgee:
The threat you speak of, the "terrorist" threat is 90% because of invading Iraq, which was 100% the fault of that idiot in the White House, who did so to disuade attention from proper and thorough investigation of the election fraud in the Florida 2000 presidential primary..

With every day we occupy Iraq, we increase the hatred for the U.S. across the world.

Posted by urnso77 on :
Originally posted by Gordon Bennett:
911 "happened" on whose watch?

they waited until our national defense was weakened enough by the Clinton Administration.
Posted by NaturalResources on :
Originally posted by urnso77:
Originally posted by Gordon Bennett:
911 "happened" on whose watch?

they waited until our national defense was weakened enough by the Clinton Administration.
Hey... we had to fund our "budget surplus" somehow... I mean, after all, since the USSR broke up, there was no need for the military anymore. Peace dividends right?
Posted by bdgee on :
Yeah that's true, NR.

Ben laden broke the bank of the USSR in Afganistan and Clinton built up U.S. treasury reserves to level hardly imagined by Reagan/Bush, all to have Ben Laden fade and feint so dubya would squander that surplus in Iraq, sending Ben Laden's plan well along the trail of bankrupting the U.S.
Posted by Gordon Bennett on :
...squander that surplus in Iraq and funnel a good portion of it from the treasury to Halliburton, Bechtel, et al.
Posted by bdgee on :
and the family bank accounts in Switzerland.

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