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Posted by Dustoff101 on :
Well, where the communists failed, these gangs are filling the void with good old fashioned capitalizum...LOL

Murder, Rape, Drugs, Kidnapping, extortion, Robberies....." Seems like a new great society " LMAO...

Stalin is alive and doing well! LOL


Buenos Aires, Argentina - 09/04/2006

Inteligencia y Seguridad

29/12/2005 | Gangs-Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13) , Tiny Rascals, Latin Kign, Crazy Riders, Sur-13, Vatos Locos and the Mexican Mafia
De Nuestra Redacción

Roundup nabs 13 alleged gang members-"I was surprised that more gang members were picked up in Tucson than L.A.", an official says.

Thirteen gang members in the country illegally were arrested in Tucson over the past week as part of a national roundup that resulted in 66 arrests, federal officers said.
Russell Ahr, a spokesman for Immigration and Customs Enforcement in Phoenix, said arrests were made in seven cities.

Tucson had the highest number of arrests. In Los Angeles, a task force made nine arrests.

Only one arrest in Tucson was made in connection with an alleged criminal offense. The others arrested were detained on suspicion of being in the country illegally, a civil offense.

"I was surprised that more gang members were picked up in Tucson than in L.A.," Ahr said.

The arrests were made by a task force including ICE and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms. However, Ahr said, the Tucson arrests were done by ICE without the assistance of ATF.

The task force focused on suspects who had a gang affiliation and a history of violence-related arrests such as assault or homicide and who were known to be in the country illegally, Ahr said.

He said the task force arrested members of 19 gangs, including Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13), Tiny Rascals, Latin Kings, Crazy Riders, Sur-13, Vatos Locos and the Mexican Mafia.Seven alleged gang members in Greensboro, N.C. — representing the Latin Kings, Boys in Style, Tiny Rascals, and Mara Salvatrucha, or MS-13. One of those charged had an AR-15 assault rifle and a Cobray M11 9mm machine pistol at the time of the arrest.

"By combining forces, ICE and ATF are dealing serious blows to criminal street gangs and working to reduce violence in communities throughout the nation," John P. Clark, acting assistant secretary for ICE, said in a statement.

The names of those arrested were not available. ICE's Operation Community Shield was launched in February to disrupt and dismantle violent international street gangs by bringing to bear ICE's full spectrum of immigration and customs authorities, including drug and financial investigative expertise, against these criminal organizations, according to the agency's Web site.


• Albuquerque, N.M 2

• Baltimore . 9

• Greensboro, N.C. 7

• Tucson 13

• Los Angeles . 9

• Minneapolis. 10

• Tulsa, Okla. 5

• District of Columbia . 9

• Las Vegas 2

Source: ICE's Operation Community Shield (Argentina)

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Posted by Dustoff101 on :
Washington DC is a growing stronghold of the Latino Gang MS 11....There has got to be some Irony in that fact..

These Latino gangs are giving the Costa Nostra and Ruskie Gangs a real run for the money..

Japan, China, Central and South America are adding there experts from their own Gang community to these Gangs as consultants...

Criminal "think tanks"?
Posted by The Bigfoot on :
10 in Minneapolis?!

I shouldn't be too surprised. Things have been declining there for years now. Guess it's time to pull out the club again.

Maybe I should wear a cape this time... [Smile]

Nah, big hairy thing in a cape would be funnylooking, not scary.

Posted by buckstalker on : in Detroit
Our gangs don't like other

Clubs aren't effective here...45 calibers work well though....don't leave home without it...
Posted by DWE on :
Don't forget about the Gambino Family, the Bonanno Family (now known as the Massino Family), the Colombo Family, the Genovese Family, the Lucchese Family.....

STILL the TOP 5 Crime Families that rule New York City and beyond!

Fresh Air from WHYY, September 19, 2005 · The aftermath of the September 11th attacks have revitalized New York City's mafia organizations.

That's one of the revelations of former New York Times crime reporter Selwyn Raab's new book, Five Families: The Rise, Decline, and Resurgence of America's Most Powerful Mafia Empires.

In it, Raab provides a history of the city's organized crime, from its beginnings to its present.

Also... Santo Trafficante's legacy LIVES ON in Tampa, Florida!!!

No matter how much people want them to go away and disappear..... They just keep coming back again and again again!

Posted by bdgee on :
Someone here hasn't learned a lesson!!!
Posted by Gordon Bennett on :
Don't forget the gangs of wealthy white men that are destroying our world more effectively than any Latino Gang could dare to dream.
Posted by paulbest on :
The latino's are rebuilding new orleans. Flocking in from honduras and mexico. There were many latinos before katrina and now many more have arrived.
I fear there will be some gang activity going on there eventually.
Not sure how that will go down with the displaced black gangs that once prowled the hood pre-katrina.
Could get messy if the locals return to new orleans.
I ain;t going back so I wish my old city lots of luck in its future.

"wealthy white men destroying us"
Sure there is some evil in all ethnic groups. But we are talking latino gangs at the moment.
Posted by DWE on :
FUHGEDDABOUDIT!!!!! All these Spanish speaking, so called, "Latino Gangs" make themselves look like NOBODYS compared to "LA COSA NOSTRA". The Italian MOB is alive and well, is strong and if the FBI can't take em' down, then who can???.....

Answer: NOBODY!!!

Attempting to get rid of the Italian Mob is like attempting to get rid of the tobacco industry! [Big Grin]

Look at ticker symbol, MO

The Altria Group (formerly Phillip Morris Companies), makers of Marlboro is stronger than ever!!! NOBODY can in their right minds can put Phillip Morris Companies down ever! If an idiot who gets cancer from smoking Phillip Morris cigarettes and sues Phillip Morris Companies, he or she may win the case for a few million bucks! The Altria Group's price per share keeps going higher and higher. Currently ticker symbol, "MO" is priced at $69.59 and it keeps getting higher and higher and higher.

Try taking down tobacco companies such as The Altria Group, RJ Reynolds, and even New York City Crime Families..... They just keep getting stronger and stronger EVERYDAY!!!


[ April 13, 2006, 06:01: Message edited by: DWE ]
Posted by jordanreed on :
im shakin in my boots!! gotta have a smoke...Dino Martini resurrected??!!! Whats this world comin to?...wont be long till the full-blown idiot returns completely to his former bigoted ranting and raving...
Posted by bdgee on :
Yep, jordanreed. I see the illogical, discourteous, loud, and opinionated already has re-emerged from whatever foul place those sorts dwell, determined to drive the rest of us to other websites......
Posted by Gordon Bennett on :
Like this one?
Posted by Dustoff101 on :
" Give War a chance " to frigging funny.

Reminds me of " Screwing up a perfectly good War " LMAO
Posted by bdgee on :
I wasn't intending any thing all to deep and philosophical. I was pointing out that "it" is amongst us again and posting openly.
Posted by Peaser01 on :
Originally posted by DWE:
FUHGEDDABOUDIT!!!!! All these Spanish speaking, so called, "Latino Gangs" make themselves look like NOBODYS compared to "LA COSA NOSTRA". The Italian MOB is alive and well, is strong and if the FBI can't take em' down, then who can???.....

Answer: NOBODY!!!

Attempting to get rid of the Italian Mob is like attempting to get rid of the tobacco industry! [Big Grin]

Look at ticker symbol, MO

The Altria Group (formerly Phillip Morris Companies), makers of Marlboro is stronger than ever!!! NOBODY can in their right minds can put Phillip Morris Companies down ever! If an idiot who gets cancer from smoking Phillip Morris cigarettes and sues Phillip Morris Companies, he or she may win the case for a few million bucks! The Altria Group's price per share keeps going higher and higher. Currently ticker symbol, "MO" is priced at $69.59 and it keeps getting higher and higher and higher.

Try taking down tobacco companies such as The Altria Group, RJ Reynolds, and even New York City Crime Families..... They just keep getting stronger and stronger EVERYDAY!!!


I see that after two years of hiding out that the head of the Sicilian Mafia was apprehended by the Sicilian Police finally. He was hiding out in a "safe house".
Posted by Pagan on :
Originally posted by Peaser01:
Originally posted by DWE:
FUHGEDDABOUDIT!!!!! All these Spanish speaking, so called, "Latino Gangs" make themselves look like NOBODYS compared to "LA COSA NOSTRA". The Italian MOB is alive and well, is strong and if the FBI can't take em' down, then who can???.....

Answer: NOBODY!!!

Attempting to get rid of the Italian Mob is like attempting to get rid of the tobacco industry! [Big Grin]

Look at ticker symbol, MO

The Altria Group (formerly Phillip Morris Companies), makers of Marlboro is stronger than ever!!! NOBODY can in their right minds can put Phillip Morris Companies down ever! If an idiot who gets cancer from smoking Phillip Morris cigarettes and sues Phillip Morris Companies, he or she may win the case for a few million bucks! The Altria Group's price per share keeps going higher and higher. Currently ticker symbol, "MO" is priced at $69.59 and it keeps getting higher and higher and higher.

Try taking down tobacco companies such as The Altria Group, RJ Reynolds, and even New York City Crime Families..... They just keep getting stronger and stronger EVERYDAY!!!


I see that after two years of hiding out that the head of the Sicilian Mafia was apprehended by the Sicilian Police finally. He was hiding out in a "safe house".
Wasn't he in hiding for something like 40 years? Isn't he the guy who got caught in Corleone?
Posted by johnny14511 on :
hey DUSTOFF here a little something for you ....
Posted by Dustoff101 on :
Daytraders!!!!!!!!! LMAO
Posted by johnny14511 on :
oh youll be surprsied most of thoose guys are daytraders some are brokers

there nice
Posted by johnny14511 on :
hey dustoff do any of thoose pics inspire you in any way??

Wich pic is the best one in your opinion ?
Posted by johnny14511 on :
look at hoose pics one by one qand tell me dustoff?
Posted by johnny14511 on :

let me know dusty ?
Posted by DWE on :
La Cosa Nostra RULES!


Still the TOP 5 La Cosa Nostra Crime Families in N.Y.C.!

The Italian Mafia of America.....

Take em' down and they keep getting stonger and stronger everyday!

And don't forget about Tampa, Florida's own Santo Trafficante and San Francisco's own Jimmy Lanza!!!
Posted by Gordon Bennett on :
La Cosa Nostra RULES!


Still the TOP 5 La Cosa Nostra Crime Families in N.Y.C.!

The Italian Mafia of America.....

Take em' down and they keep getting stonger and stronger everyday!

And don't forget about Tampa, Florida's own Santo Trafficante and San Francisco's own Jimmy Lanza!!!

Posted by DWE on :

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