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Posted by tigertony on :

Thought I would share this email from one of the silent majority.

Liberals hate big business. Yet they LOVE big cities. Just take a look at the blue territories on the county map - they're all counties with big cities. Interesting part - you don't find "nature loving" liberals outside of big cities. Big cities are the epitome of unnatural, "big corporation" living. They absolutely love to live in the big industrial concrete jungles they claim to hate. After all, cities stand where nature once flourished. Nature had to be ripped, burned, plowed and chopped down to build large cities. So where do these "nature activists" choose to live? Yup - cities. The bigger the better, for some reason. And I've never met a liberal who wanted to live out in the country. With all that nature/environment talk, they sure are bedazzled by city life. Go figure. The only time you meet a liberal out in the countryside is when you bump into them as they are in the process of driving from one big city to another, and even then, they prefer to fly (hence the liberal term "fly-over country", otherwise known as the red states).
Speaking of red states: With much weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth, heathen liberals everywhere are labeling all the "red" territories as "Jesus Country". Darned straight! Besides, how else would you expect these sniveling, godless weasels to react? A key point to keep in mind: In grudgingly naming the red zones "Jesus Country", the liberals have inadvertently judged themselves to be the godless heathen we have always claimed them to be. Their utter disgust for religion is now on parade for all to see (and as we already know, this is only the beginning).
No matter how much the libs whine and snivel about how the entire country slam-voted gay marriage, they're simply going to have to get used to the fact that the vast majority of all humanity is not homophobic (we don't fear homosexuality at all) we just HATE it. It sickens us, it repulses us, and it turns our stomachs to even have images of it in our minds. Homosexuality is a direct assault on nature itself. We will NEVER be open to it, no matter how much the liberal media tries to ram it down our throats.

The libs can go right ahead and move up to Canada, the country that likes to lead people to believe that it's superior to the United States (they turn their noses up at us - what do you you expect from a country that speaks french?). On their way out the door, remind your liberal friends that 85% of the entire Canadian population and nearly all of it's major cities are right up against the United States border. Who's your daddy, Canada?
It just tickles me pink to see the liberal reaction. I mean, we're talking Sauron when Frodo destroys the ring. They just discovered that they have been dead wrong about what this country really thinks and what it believes. The libs have been believing their own lies for a long time now, and they just found out that they are a very small number compared to the "rest of us", otherwise known as the silent majority. It's beautiful.

[This message has been edited by tigertony (edited November 16, 2004).]

[This message has been edited by tigertony (edited November 16, 2004).]

Posted by keithsan on :
whats the big city on the top right??????

mooseville? been up that way in a float plane, no towns just numbers....

i get the picture though.

Posted by Kate on :
Newsweek has those maps in it in the exclusive addition! Bought it for my husband! Has a lot of statistics in there too! For instance, this small chart! I will try to copy it without messing it up, lol!

Who voted:
Bush Kerry Nader Total
Men 54% 45% 1% 46%
Women 47 52 1 54
White 57 42 1 77
Black 11 89 0 11
Hispanic/Latino 42 55 2 9
Did not finish HS 49 50 0 4
High School 51 48 1 22
College Grad 51 47 1 26
City 50,000+ 43 56 0 30
Small city/Rural 56 43 1 24

What voters cared about the most:

Moral values 79% 18% 2 22
Economy/jobs 18 80 1 20
Terrorism 86 14 0 19
Iraq 25 74 0 15
Health Care 22 78 - 8
Taxes 56 44 0 5
Education 25 75 - 4

This chart seems to be a reflection, to me, on how a moral society thinks! From my own faith, I believe that if you put God first in your life, give Him his tythe first, he will provide you with all of your needs, so you don't have to worry about most of these things! Not your wants, your needs! Ok Glass! Your turn!

Posted by Kate on :
Sorry, the chart scrunched together, I think you can figure it out!
Posted by Art on :
Those who put the God of religion first ignore the realities of life and get lost in delusional ideas.

We are each God - each of us a part of a cosmic quantum computation process that runs the materialization of the universe.

It is not about acting morally. It is about becoming wise. Put your faith in yourself and learn from your experience. Then you will get in harmony with the flow of the universe - in harmony with all-that-is or God. This is how you participate in the cosmic process some call God.

The God of religion, where morality is part of ontology, is a myth. You might as well believe in Santa Claus.


Posted by glassman on :
don't hold back Art...LOL

i don't think they are ready for ALL of that in such a concise statement...

Posted by glassman on :
i think that chart just shows that the political unvierse is out of balance, and we are in for some stressful times...

i hope it doesn't come down to who prays harder......
how many time do the Muslims face Mecca each day?

[This message has been edited by glassman (edited November 16, 2004).]

Posted by Ric on :
Your red/blue doesn't hold water anyway. Yes there was more blue in the big cities and red everywhere else. But you make it sound like, everyone in the blue voted Democrat and everyone in Red voted Republican which is far from the truth. Because its red only means Repulican won by more then one vote. And if it was Blue Democrats won by at least one more vote. This assumption is crazy. Besides most counties in the midwest might be lucky to have 50 people in them. Just because 53% voted Republican means little.

You have 4 circle all three being 10 miles wide. 3 circle have 1 person in it and one circle has 100 in it. The 3 with 1 are red and the 1 with 100 are blue. If you only looked at the color then the Red would be overwhelming. Thats the Midwest.


[This message has been edited by Ric (edited November 16, 2004).]

Posted by Ric on :
What surprises me most is the amount of blue in Texas.
Posted by glassman on :
lot of that going around isn't there?

the interesting part is how the rhetoric is so violent..
"endangered species"? those are fighting words...LOL


Posted by Ric on :
From 1st post

"Speaking of red states: With much weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth, heathen liberals everywhere are labeling all the "red" territories as "Jesus Country". Darned straight! Besides, how else would you expect these sniveling, godless weasels to react?"

I consider myself a christian but this kind of talk is why I think the church is going down hill. Hatred is in so much of the christian's talk in American now. Not all of them but a lot. Its like the ones that kill the abortion doctors in the name of God.


Posted by glassman on :
they will destroy the church from the inside out.....
just another reason the forefathers wanted to keep the separation from the State distinct...religious fascism, hmmm, isn't that what sam is about too??????

it does take two to tango....


Posted by tigertony on :
LOL Hope everyone is well,Have'nt had much time,New that post would get this thread a little juice.LOL Glassman i could have made a fortune betting on your response.Hope you are making some money.Glassman free tip,start making religious glass items,i will be part of your pipeline.TO DA MOON LOL
Posted by Dardadog on :
In God I Trust.......In Dar I Trust........YEP!!!! Makes sense Art.

'wid ma mind on ma money an' ma money on ma MIND!!!!!!!

Do Da Due!!!



Posted by glassman on :
glad you think this is funny elTigre....

personnally i am only surprised that i so severely overestimated the IQ of the country....

as i post, they are announcing confirmation of another murder of a TRUE humanitarian in Iraq....

no LOL

i think it's time to re-consider the embedded journalists with the marines too... this kid is a hero, wounded the day before and right back to work...
and i don't think ANYBODY needed to hear about the shooting of the "captive"

PS... Art, did you ever notice the anagram for santa?...LOL just another of the subliminal battles raging in the "group mind"

[This message has been edited by glassman (edited November 16, 2004).]

Posted by Kate on :

There is no way, I could ever convince you that God exists, unless you want to believe in Him, and you are set on believing that the power is within yourself, and around you, because YOU want to be in control, but I can tell you,from my own testimony, that I know Jesus, on a very personal level, and there is no doubt in my mind, that HE exists, and I have given HIM control! God has shown me that he is here, in supernatural ways, many times, and my husband could attest to it, because he has been involved on several occasions! I leave it up to my husband, to deny anything I ever say on this board, if I'm not saying the truth, if he so chooses; because we keep our identities separate, so we can voice our own opinions, but if it comes down to it, he can deny what I am saying, if I am not being truthful!

My husband has physically been picked up, held in mid air, and dropped, by an unseen force, right in front of my eyes, after he just got done saying he didn't know why God never answered his prayers! When this happened, my husband was an alcoholic. I prayed for seven years for God to heal him. Right after it happened,(him being physically picked up in mid air, held, and then dropped without being injured) we questioned the evidence of what happened to him, and what I had seen, and I blurted out that maybe God was trying to tell him to quit drinking! We were both in shock, afterward! We both started to explain it away like it didn't happen, and we were sitting and holding our Bibles, which we had pledged to read so many chapters a night from our sunday school class, when the Lord moved a book mark, from his Bible, to mine, and back to my husbands, without either one of us opening them up, just looking down on the top of them. We each had our own marker, and when I looked down on mine, there were two in there, and he was looking for his, and asked me where his marker was, and I looked up at him, and said, it is in my Bible, and when I looked down again, it was gone, and back in his Bible. When he looked at where his Bible was marked, it was in Matthew, Chapter 22, where it says, Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all of thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets. That night, my husband was healed of alchololism! He hasn't had a drink since! It has been over fourteen years!

I have felt Gods physical presence in my body, as sort of an electrical charge, on many occasions, and touched others, without telling them, and have had them tell me they could feel it coming from my hands! There is such a feeling of joy, and peace when this happens! I have also prayed with someone on the internet, and touched the monitor, and they have felt the same thing! You can think this crazy, but it really happens!

The Lord healed me physically, within seconds one day, while I was canning with a friend, and accidentally dumped boiling water down over my arm, and was in agony! It was red, and blistering, and I was asking her to take me to the emergency room. My friend prayed for me,and we sat and watched the burns physically go away, within seconds!

I've seen rainbows in my home, when the sun wasn't shining!

The Lord has given me knowledge about people, and things on occasion, that defies any other answer! My husband took me to a race one evening, and he asked me who I thought was going to win, and I prayed and asked God, and he told me who was going to win the first thirteen races! My husbands face was in shock, and I was scared, because I didn't know what God wanted from me, telling me what I asked, but I have since learned that He is just proving to me, that He is right here with me, and sharing with me, and telling me things to help others! Nothing bad ever comes of it, only good! God has told me the numbers before they have fallen in the lottery! I've told people who were injured, what was wrong with them, and that they would be healed, and the doctor verifies what I've said. And no, I would never use this gift, for financial gain, it is just proof the the Lord is with me!

I've prayed with a friend, with cancer cells, and she was healed!

I was at the deathbed of a very dear old friend, who could actually see Jesus, standing behind my shoulder, as I was standing beside her, holding her hand! Her eyes followed the beautiful light,(she said) from the foot of the bed, up the side of the bed, until she was looking behind me! I couldn't see Him, but I could feel His presence in my body! I asked her who she saw, and she said "Jesus"

My father, who HAD melanoma cancer, has had brain surgery, twice, since finding it in his chest, and glands, and having surgery, and we had so many people praying, the first tumor was completely dead, which the surgeon has never seen, and the second completely contained! He has been cancer free, for eight years now!

My forty eight year old aunt, is alive today, because of the faith of my grandmother! She was three, and was dying in the hospital, with a noncurable disease, which is like leukemia, and causes brusing, and bleeding from the nose, ears, mouth, when near death, and my grandmother wanted to take her home for one more weekend, so the doctor allowed her to do it, since he didn't think she would make it through the next week, and she took her to a tent meeting healing service, and they all watched, as the bruises disappeared, and she stopped bleeding! The doctors were amazed, and said it was a miracle!

I have a famous friend, who has a rare form of bone cancer, and was given until 1999 to live, and he is still going strong! He lives in California, and I met him on the internet, through a prayer chain! He is a Christian, and is traveling the USA, sharing his lifes story! He is a famous author, and was the manager for the most famous rock group ever! He made it to the east coast, and visited me and my church, to share his story! He and his wife and I, had a wonderful day together, and took several pictures! His cancer has been in remission, and doing better each time the doctors test his blood! I continue to pray for his healing, so he can continue to share what the Lord has done in his life!

There is no way anyone will ever convince me, that there isn't a God! I will continue to share my testimony, because I care about you, and want you to know the joy that I feel, at the risk of what you think of me, because to be honest, what God thinks of me, is much more important than what anyone on this earth, thinks of me! There is absolutely no debate here, on this subject, with me! I pray that someday, you will know Him, like I do!

[This message has been edited by Kate (edited November 16, 2004).]

Posted by thinkmoney on :
Seems like you Kate have really been conditioned. There is a god but to say HE. That is sexist!
Posted by thinkmoney on :
God ia the positive energy in this world and beyond...
Posted by glassman on :
Kate, i don't know what to say, but i am suspicious about the race thing.....
healing is a good thing, but predicting racewinners? sounds like the dark one to me...
Posted by Art on :
Kate: There is no way, I could ever convince you that God exists, unless you want to believe in Him, and you are set on believing that the power is within yourself, and around you, because YOU want to be in control,...

Art: Assume that God is the underlying non-material source of the material universe, the question is not "Does God exist?", but "What is the nature of God's existence?".

Religion asserts that morality is a part of ontology (the basis of existence), and this is nuts. Morality is restricted to being a function of human personality - it has no existence in the universe outside of personality. It is an evaluation of actual/predicted reward/punishment consequnces, and generates many kinds of good and bad feelings.

The material universe is continually unfolding in descrete steps of quantum leaps. This is produced by a quantum computation process which regulates energy to manifest physical waves and particles. Our brains particiapte in this computation, as does all things, and the sum total of this is God.

Kate:... but I can tell you,from my own testimony, that I know Jesus, on a very personal level, and there is no doubt in my mind, that HE exists, and I have given HIM control!

Art: You are nuts, in this area of your belief.

Kate: God has shown me that he is here, in supernatural ways, many times, and my husband could attest to it, because he has been involved on several occasions! I leave it up to my husband, to deny anything I ever say on this board, if I'm not saying the truth, if he so chooses; because we keep our identities separate, so we can voice our own opinions, but if it comes down to it, he can deny what I am saying, if I am not being truthful!

Art: Paranormal events do occur, but thay are really rare but natural manifestations of underlying non-material realities.

Kate: My husband has physically been picked up, held in mid air, and dropped, by an unseen force, right in front of my eyes, after he just got done saying he didn't know why God never answered his prayers!

Art: Yes, such things have happened, as well as far stranger things, but has nothing to do with God as you conceptualize God.

Kate: I have felt Gods physical presence in my body, as sort of an electrical charge, on many occasions, and touched others, without telling them, and have had them tell me they could feel it coming from my hands!

Art: Yes, non-materrial energy can be communicated.

Kate: There is such a feeling of joy, and peace when this happens! I have also prayed with someone on the internet, and touched the monitor, and they have felt the same thing! You can think this crazy, but it really happens!

Art: Something really happened, but your interpretation of it is crazy. Same applies to the other things you describe.


Posted by Kate on :
The day of the race, is the day that I prayed, and asked God to let me feel his presence, and it had happened for the first time! No evil there, Glass! Only a sense of joy! If I used it for my own gain, it would be evil, but I only use it, to give glory to God! I only say HE, because he calls himself, Our Father, which art in heaven, Hallowed by thy name!

[This message has been edited by Kate (edited November 16, 2004).]

Posted by Kate on :
Sorry Art, I've never been more sane! NOTHING you say, can change my mind! It might sound crazy to you, because you don't know any better, but Jesus is my best friend!
Posted by Kate on :
I know what I say isn't very popular here, but Jesus wasn't popular either! They killed Him, for being a perfect person! I'll continue to live my life for Him, and try to be as much like Him as I can! I will never be perfect, but can only strive for that perfection every day of my life!
Posted by glassman on :
Kate, listen to Art, you won't get a better explanation than that one (IMO)....
the creator is neither good nor evil, male nor female...
Posted by Kate on :
Sorry Glass, can't do it!
Posted by glassman on :
Kate, how many people die in MISERY each year from bacteria created by god?
Posted by Kate on :
And how many cause it, by not living the way they should? Who dumps chemicals into our water, and buries poisons in our land? In our food? People, with free will! Who smokes cigarettes, gets lung cancer, drinks alcohol, gets liver disease, has sex with multiple partners, gets Herpes, Aids, and any other number of diseases, because they don't want to listen to God? People with the free will God gave them!! You can't blame God, for something that WE have done!
Posted by thinkmoney on :
I wonder if we ever can live in peace. So many have diff beliefs and all claim it as truth.
I also know that god is gender..and my knowing is in the heart. I have no doubt that god is all. But, kate says god is a he and she is right. That is why we have wars...I live for peace but no one can tell me and preach to me. I say truth is in the heart and for all to find it vs being dicated to or we as a human race have been.
Who really is free?? Free of the evolutionary conditioning that shape your thoughts and yet no acknowledgment that those thoughts keep you in chains.

Posted by glassman on :
Art, you crack me up man.....

what good is it to be right in THESE matters if nobody believes you? LOL

it takes time to de-program people...LOL
if you haven't read Dune, and you enjoy reading, pick it up, pay special attention to the Bene Gesserit practice of seeeding planets with myth to prepare them for future visits...if you know the code, you can easily pick up the reins of power....

Posted by Kate on :
The God who created everything, gave us charge over the earth, and all living things! It is up to us, what we do with it! If we all took it seriously, we would'nt have all these problems!
Posted by thinkmoney on :
maybe if we lightened up there would be no problems. Look at children, and you sse the kingdom of heaven. Children are not serious, very light...
Posted by glassman on :
Originally posted by Kate:
And how many cause it, by not living the way they should? Who dumps chemicals into our water, and buries poisons in our land? In our food? People, with free will! Who smokes cigarettes, gets lung cancer, drinks alcohol, gets liver disease, has sex with multiple partners, gets Herpes, Aids, and any other number of diseases, because they don't want to listen to God? People with the free will God gave them!! You can't blame God, for something that WE have done!

Kate? all those things are mans laws....we can overcome each of those problems simply by studying them...that is what the Fruit of the tree of knowledge was....

you just can't do it

Posted by Kate on :
If you believe God created everything then you have to believe that there is nothing in the Bible, His Word, that he doesn't want in there! Sure there are a few tiny things that weren't interpreted right, but not significant enough, to change anything important to the main wording and message that He wants us to know! It is the Bible, that says He! In Genesis, He said that He created man in His own image! He created Adam first! That is why I believe He is in the form of a man! If you believe God exists, and created everything, why not believe in His Word? It says many many times, in the Bible, that it is God's inspired Word! That means, he told the men what to write! He calls himself, our Father!
Posted by thinkmoney on :
Kate, you can have your HE god but it is your narrow mind that i see. anyways, i mean no harm, just that my mentality is not like yours and I resent folks like you who preach but yet condemn others.
Let others be free of your chains. God bless..and i know god but the god i know is notthe same god you know. I feel god inside and see it in all..
Posted by glassman on :
Kate, remember the FREE will thing? there was/is quite a bit of free will used in "building and interpreting" the bible....
Art's statements can be supported by interpreting the Bible too but you have to ask yourself DIFFERENT questions about what the parables mean....
the bible has been used by men to take control of women, just as the Koran has....
it's an ancient struggle for don't have the same power of creation that women do, so they need something to make themselves feel more important...LOL
simple inferiority complex...

[This message has been edited by glassman (edited November 16, 2004).]

Posted by glassman on :

and in general the women SHOULD be content to allow the men to feel this becasue it encourages them to behave better...LOL ruff ruf, oink oink...LOL

[This message has been edited by glassman (edited November 16, 2004).]

Posted by Kate on :
I don't see God in the terrorists! I don't see him in those who rape others; those who have deliberately murdered their own people, or deliberately murdered innocent people, just because they are different, and I believe in a place called hell! You may think of me as narrow-minded, but Jesus mentions it several times in the Bible! Matthew 7 13 and 14. Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, (hell) and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and (narrow) is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. Matthew 13:42, 49 and 50 So shall it be at the end of the world: the angels shall come forth, and sever the wicked from among the just, and shall cast them into the furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth. There is also a heaven! The way to heaven is also narrow! As it says in Luke 18:25, For it is easier for a camel to go through a needle's eye, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God. Those not in the book of Life! Revelation 20:7 to 15. These are not my words, but if you believe in a God, they are the Words that God claims are His!!
Posted by Kate on :
Where have I ever condemned anyone in this forum? Please show me, because I only want to be a witness for Jesus!
Posted by Kate on :
My husband corrected me! He has been healed of alcoholism, for over seventeen years now!
Posted by Art on :
God and Satan are partners - part of the same process of cosmic counsciousness where good and evil both emanate, and wher both are purpose-serving (evil is good in the big picture). War is necessary, and will always be, until the last person standing.

A material present is a holonomic interference precipitate created by quantum computation of the non-material past (wave function collapses) and the non-material future (wave functions uncollapsed). Each such "material present" pulses on in succession - the universe blinks on and off in quantum leaps.

We are connected to All via quantum entanglement (where everything is ONE).

David Bohm had it right!

Posted by glassman on :
it is all about the spin....the electron can never be separated from the space around it....
BECAUSE space has mass...LOL so simple...
Posted by glassman on :
the trinity shows up everywhere too.....


Posted by Kate on :
Oh yes, that's so simple! God will be the last one standing!
Posted by glassman on :
Kate, i told you early on that i had deep reservation about the Faith of ANY politician....

" St. Peter asserts the same identity when he thus remonstrates with Ananias (Acts 5:3-4): "Why hath Satan tempted thy heart, that thou shouldst lie to the Holy Ghost . . . ? Thou hast not lied to men, but to God."

the Holy Ghost is what conects the universe's all in there if you know the right questions to ask....

Posted by Kate on :
Yes, the Holy Spirit is the power! He also lives inside each true Christian believer! It is true, you have to answer to God, for your lies, but I don't believe Bush has lied! If he has, on Judgement Day, he will answer to God for it, and so will we!
Posted by glassman on :
NOT ME---I tried to warn you....


Posted by Kate on :
Why not you? Are you better than other people?
Posted by Kate on :
Sorry, I misunderstood! Hubby pointed out what you meant! I think I've said all I can say about this subject for now! It is up to each one of us, what we want to believe, or not want to believe. I can only pass on what is in my heart!
Posted by glassman on :
no, i mispoke, i meant that i won't answer for the blood that has been spilled....
Posted by glassman on :
Kate, i understand why you don't want to talk anymore, but i want you to think very hard about this.....

the Holy Ghost is in EVERYBODY.....

Posted by Kate on :
I don't believe that is true Glass, because the Holy Spirit won't be going to hell someday, and there are people that the Bible says are going to go to hell! If he is living in them, they will go to heaven. If he is not, they will go to hell!
Posted by Kate on :
Look, I only share this stuff with you, because I care about you all! I don't like to argue about it, Glass! Like I said, I can't really say anything else, because I've said everything I felt led to say! It is up to you guys, what you believe!
Posted by glassman on :
i apreciate that Kate...and---right back at you....
remember awhile back when i said the bible was written as if to children and that we are improving, but not very grownup yet?

i don't like people that take advantage of other peoples faith very much....

Posted by keithsan on :
your all a bunch of whackjobs,

I am god!

I love that, i've said it before too, scary.

Art, I love the conversational work you do.

Ric, the funniest part of that map was california was so red i couldn't find the state lines.

i had to skip a lot of the religous argument etc.... it gets a little slow on me, i'm more of a believe what you want kind of guy. just behave so we don't have to kill you.

enjoy the day, art, i like one of them swingers....

Posted by glassman on :
i think it was that tything thing that got everything so whacked.....

been trying to figure out how they pull that part off so smooth...

everybody complains about taxes to
the government, but church taxes? they just line up and fight to give the most......


Posted by Kate on :
Yes, the Bible was written as for children, what I can't understand, is why so many supposedly intelligent people, can't understand the most simple things in it! It's not all written in parables! Jesus point blank told them the way it is, but no one pays attention!
Posted by Ric on :
Got to remember too, that most people think of California, they think people everywhere. Its not true. If you live in San Diego, LA, or San Francisco and the surrounding areas, yes. But most of California is mountains and desert.


Posted by thinkmoney on :
Let's not confuse the actions with who we are. The actions of the terrorists i condemn. But the terrorists think weare terrorists killing their children.
Who are we to be in the muiddle east? I rather see this country use the resources to develop solar energy and no dependency on those that use the money we give them to harm us.
But, at the core we all have an innocence. We all are conditioned but if we break thru the chains, we all are godlike.
My little one got angry at me cause i made her wear warm pajamas and tried to hit me. But, I know that her actions are not who she is. In 2 minutes she wanted to be held.
Anger she used because I did something she did not like but as a mom, i want her warm when she sleeps.
The terrorists have anger and hatred towards us partly because we have created the picture.

All reality is cocreated and we reap what we sow.
I will defend this country but the policies we have i dont think are i the best interests of the american folks.


Posted by thinkmoney on :
The evolutionary conditioning will not be put into awareness in this lifetime. Hatred breeds hatred and war goes on...
But hope for humanity is in the awareness of who we are. What is necessary is consciousness raising among the masses.
There is hope because at eh essence we all are good. Thats my beief. In the meantime, in this temporal existence, I will defend myself and all i love against anyone that poses harm.

But, I will not add to the hatred. I teach my kids to be good people but assert themselvews. I teach them early on good and bad in the world. In the end, maybe all is good and in our collective experience, all is necessary for the collective awareness of who we are.
we all choose between good and bad deeds daily an d i try very hard to be the best person i can to add to the positive energy in this world. But i am human,and i can be angered but as i grow, i am angered less.

Posted by DuncanIdaho on :
i have two things to say...

1. As for this whole red state versus blue state thing, people who get all inflamed about it and call one "color" a bunch of nasty names seem to be forgetting one thing...Every one of these people is a human, and they are just as smart as you, so before you get all angry and call half of the country city-dwelling, know-nothing atheists who don't care about America and prefer Canada, just remember that those "blue" people are just as American as you, they were born here too, and they love their country too. So get a grip, it is not red against blue. That is a tribal mentality of "us versus them" and it tends to influence how you perceive the world but doesn't actually change reality. So for the love of America, stop calling people red and blue.

2. Listening to a group of Christians argue about the nature of God is like listening to a group of children argue about the nature of a Unicorn. At the end of the day, has anyone actually seen it? (aside from Kate of course, who converses daily with her best friend Jesus). There is humanity, art, and beauty in religion, but when you start acting righteous about it and when you turn your brain off (ahem KATE) you are missing out on all of it.

sorry I know you guys hate me but for some reason I sometimes really feel like posting....

Posted by glassman on :
Duncan the whole religion issue had to be played to keep people from thinking about the real issues....
like the deficit,the war, and the prices of everything we buy....
the grocery store prices are double, but the govt. has been saying that inflation is down...they are liars....
i used to eat rib-steak TWICE a weak when it was 3.99/lb....
now i (almost) pay that for hamburger....
and tomatoes? they cost more than the burgers.....LOL

it's a shell game....

[This message has been edited by glassman (edited November 17, 2004).]

Posted by Kate on :
Yes, I do talk to my best friend Jesus in prayer every single day of my life! And apparently, lots of people have seen unicorns, if you believe in scripture! Numbers 23:22 God brought them out of Egypt; he hath as it were the strength of an unicorn. Numbers 24:8 God brought him forth out of Egypt; he hath as it were the strength of an unicorn;he shall eat up the nations his enemies, and shall break their bones and pierce them through with his arrows. Deuteronomy 33:17 His glory is like the firstling of his bullock, and his horns are like the horns of unicorns; with them he shall push the people together to the ends of the earth and they are the ten thousands of Ephraim, and they are the thousands of Manasseh. Isaiah 34:7 And the unicorns shall come down with them, and the bullocks with the bulls; and their land shall be soaked with blood, and their dust made fat with fatness. I have five more if you want them! I'm not being righteous, I'm just sharing the scripture! God loves you, just the same as He loves me! I've no problem with that, why do you?
Posted by Kate on :
Luke 6:22 Blessed are ye, when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you from their company, and shall reproach you, and cast our your name as evil, for the Son of man's sake. Rejoice ye in that day, and leap for joy: for, behold, your reward is great in heaven: for in the like manner did their fathers unto the prophets. But woe unto you that are rich! for ye have received your consolation. Woe unto you that are full! for ye shall hunger. Woe unto you that laugh now! for ye shall mourn and weep. Woe unto you, when all men shall speak well of you! for so did their fathers to the false prophets. But I say unto you which hear, Love your enemies, do good to them which hate you, Bless them that curse you, and pray for them which despitefully use you. And unto him that smiteth thee on the one cheek offer also the other; and him that taketh away thy cloke forbid not to take thy coat also.
Luke 6:40 The disciple is not above his master; but every one that is perfect shall be as his master. And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brothers eye, but perceivest not the beam that is in thine own eye?
Posted by glassman on :
Kate, doesn't it bother you that the God of the old testamnet is the satan of the new testament....

Posted by timberman on :
Glass you really should quit smoking that stuff. To come up with that, I just don't know about ya.

[This message has been edited by timberman (edited November 17, 2004).]

[This message has been edited by timberman (edited November 17, 2004).]

Posted by Kate on :
Not when Jesus is the same as the Father! And the Holy Spirit. They are all God! That is the trinity! Three in one! The God of the Old Testament, is the same as the one in the New, and the one in the future! Doesn't bother me at all! It's hard to understand sometimes, but I can't presume to know what God is thinking, so I just watch Him do whatever, and trust Him, and have faith.
Posted by glassman on :
timberman, you don't need to be rude, you guys are letting too much steam build up in your boilers....not safe.......i can show you dozens of SERIOUS, FAITHFUL, biblical scholars that support that idea...i didn't make it up....
eye for an eye or turn the other cheek?

and since when does fasting for 40 days NOT cause serious hallucinations?....heck, after that you don't even need to breathe any of the smoke from the burning bush to have a vision....stone tablets or not...

Posted by Ric on :
Well, I have a question. If we all come from Adam and Eve or better yet Noah since everyone was supposed to be wiped out in the flood and Noah's family replenished the earth. Why are we not all Jewish? Why was god's children slaves under Egypt? Wouldn't Egyptians be gods people too? Aren't they decendants of Noah?

Also, why doesn't Jews embrace Islam as jews. I mean that Islam was started when the son of Abraham and his son's servent mother left after Abrahams wife had a child. His son and his mother went out to now Iraq and found a dry well. Abraham's son dropped a stone in the well and water sprang forth and the Islam faith began.

So why are the jews the choosen people. Was it that they wrote the text that became the bible. Sorta of like the christians wrote the new testament. Just questions. I mean The Jews wrote the old testament (at least what we christian want to translate), Christian's wrote the new Testament, and Muslium's wrote the Koran. Yet we are to believe that man did not write these without bias. And if that is true and the bible is to be taken literally then a women has no place to tell a man what to do, at least thats what the bible says.


[This message has been edited by Ric (edited November 17, 2004).]

Posted by Kate on :
Moses didn't fast for forty days, to get the ten commandments Glass! Exodus 19 And it wasn't just him, that heard the Lord. He traveled with the children of Israel, as a cloud by day, and fire by night, because the people couldn't look upon Him, and live! Exodus 40
Posted by timberman on :
Glass biblical scholars is a vary losely used term now days. Too many people have volumes of information stored up in there brains but when it comes to common sense the old circuit is just open somewhere. I could get into a long discussion about this but I'll cut to the quick. God in Exodus 21:24 was setting up a government for the recently freed people of Isreal from Egypt. Eye for an Eye was part of the Rights of Persons. Jesus was speaking to a more personal level between people. As in to be forgiving to each other. Matt. 5:39, Luke 6:29. Its like this! Being angry at someone harms the one holding the anger, more than the one who caused one to be angry. Which can in turn cause evil or harm. On another note I'm sorry about the smoking thing. I've said before I'm not the most eloquant writer and sometimes come across to strong. I apologize.
Posted by Kate on :
Yes Ric, we are all descendants of Noah, which comes from Adam! We were all one race, until God split us all up in Genesis 11. The whole earth, was of one language, and one speech. They built a tower, called the Tower of Babel, and they wanted to reach the heavens with it, but God saw what they were doing, and confounded their language, and scattered them all over the face of the earth! These are what is referred to, as the twelve tribes of Israel! It is where the different races come from! That is why, in the end times, they will be returning to Israel, and they will be of all different races, but practicing the Jewish religion! God is the one who said, when talking to Zechariah, in the Second Chapter, to measure Israel, and that would be their homeland, and in verse 8 He warns anyone that touches Israel, by saying, He that toucheth you toucheth the apple of his eye. It goes on to say that the many nations shall be rejoined to the Lord in the day of His return.

There are pilgrimages of Jews that have been going to Israel, the last several years! They have accounted for at least nine different tribes, that have started back! If you want to check further about them, look online for the Twelve tribes of Israel!

I don't know why the Lord chose the Jewish people, except for the fact that Jesus was born a Jew! The Jewish people, for the most part, are still waiting for Jesus to come! They were in the crowd, that had Jesus crucified, because the High Priests, couldn't imagine how a plain gentle man, could command such an audience, and that he was able to do miracles, so they hated him, because he said He was the Son of God, and wanted Him dead, so they could continue on, thinking they were better than everyone else! The Jewish crowd, had their choice, between Jesus and Barabus, and they chose the criminal to be set free! I guess it is like a parent is now! God loves his children, even when they do wrong! He is waiting to forgive them, like the Father in the Prodigal Son!

Posted by Ric on :
Still leads to the same overall question Kate. If the Jews wrote the old testament (what at least the christians wanted to translate), how are we to take it literally when they couldn't even believe God when he sent us his son. And if there is human bias then why wouldn't the scholars of the times want to include events and laws to suit there needs and not just Gods laws. Example, pork. It went bad quickly without refrigeration. Many probably died before someone said that might kill you. Did that play into the bible as not eating pork, it is unclean. How do we know for sure about Adam and Eve and Noah when they were past down stories that were eventially written. Because man could not write for thousands of years even since our modern development.
Posted by Kate on :
Well, if you read the very beginning of Genesis, it says,In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. The Holy Spirit, was the Spirit of God.He was the power that created in the God Head! Jesus at that time, was in Heaven with the Father. Then, this is where I believe many people get confused. It goes on to say that God created the light and the darkness and said it was the first day! It never says how long the earth was here, before God possibly started it over again, and started counting the days! I believe that God may of created the earth, and it was here for thousands of years, and the dinosaurs were here, with Cro Magnon man, etc, until they were destroyed with an ice age, and God started over in the beginning of the earth as we know it, in the scriptures, with Genesis! This is where Adam and Eve came into the picture, and then our mammals! When satan was thrown out of heaven, he was supposed to have gone to a planet named Rahab. Here, this explains it better than I can.

In the pages of the Bible, we read in the opening words of the book of Genesis: "And God created the heavens and the earth. And the earth was [the Hebrew word can just as easily be translated "became"] without form and void" (Gen.1:1-2). This word usually translated "was" as it is in this verse in the King James Version, is translated "became" in Genesis 19:26 regarding Lot's wife: "and she became a pillar of salt."

The words translated "without form and void" are from the Hebrew tohu va vohu, and mean, "empty, chaotic, confused." The word tohu is #8414 in Strong's Exhaustive Concordance, and is defined as "be waste, a desolation (of surface), i.e., a desert," figuratively "a worthless thing," "in vain, confusion, empty place, waste, wilderness." The word vohu is #922 and means "to be empty, a vacuity, an undistinguishable ruin."

But did God create the Earth originally in such a condition? Or did it become that way due to some ancient cosmic event, which could have included a collision with another celestial body, such as a massive planet with an elongated orbit, such as that of a comet?

In the book of Isaiah, we read:

"For thus saith the LORD that created the heavens; God himself that formed the earth and made it; he hath established it, he created it not in vain, he formed it to be inhabited: I am the LORD; and there is none else" (Isaiah 45:18).

In this verse we see that God did NOT create the Earth "in vain." The Hebrew word here, also, is tohu, and means -- as above -- "a waste, desolation, desert, a worthless thing, empty place," etc. So we see that originally God did NOT create the Earth in a condition of tohu! Therefore, the logical explanation is that somehow, in the process of time, at some point after it was originally created, the Earth BECAME tohu -- a vain, empty, wasted desolation and ruin!

The logical question is -- what happened?


Text: I Thessalonians 2:9-12

Unexplained things:

There are many things on this earth (megaliths, pyramids, the heads on Easter Island, perfectly round stones some bigger than man is tall, iron poles that never rust, the drawing at Nazacas in Peru, etc.) And off this earth (Mars face and city) that are unusual and unexplainable by our normal way of thinking. Yet, these things demand an answer that fits very well into what the Bible records. Always remember that there is much we don’t understand and most probably never will be able to explain with all certainty. However, as a Christian, I feel a need to explain to the best of my ability with help from God’s Word what these unusual things are. For my own faith and belief I need to be able to place such unusual unexplained things on earth as well as in space with some logic into the order of God’s things. To simply say, "I don’t believe such things exist is foolish." Because some thing is there, we can often see them, feel them, and even see their remains. And the world tries to explain these things in ways that leaves God completely out of it, which is unacceptable.

The question is "what?" To say , "Such things are from hundreds of millions of years ago " blows the Word of God away. The Bible records only about 6,000 years since Adam and Eve were created. I believe that God’s Word, if it is to be believed, must allow some kind of explanation.

The question is "when?" To say, "I don’t understand" and leave it at that is to close one’s mind to new ways of glorifying God.

The question is "how?" God never intended for us to stop thinking, but to think with a view towards faith and with a spiritual end in mind.

The "what’s", "when’s", and "how’s" can be answered if we will look into God’s Word with a new openness. And through it all our faith will not be shaken, but fortified and made ready to endure the never ending questions of an unbelieving world.

The angelical world includes the entire solar system:

To understand the real existence of the world before ours is to blow just about every orthodoxy wide open. Yet, there are too many things in the heavens and on this earth that we cannot explain in any reasonable way. What we have chosen to do is ignore these unexplainable mysteries. To attempt to explain them is to reach beyond our present belief structure.

In the early 1970's NASA sent the Viking 1 space craft to Mars to photograph the planet. Two of those fly by’s revealed a human looking face staring upward into space along with several monuments that look very much like the pyramids of earth. What are these structures? Are they real? Where did they come from? Who made them? Does this prove that the Bible is wrong and can no longer be believed? Many fear that if the face on Mars is determined to be human like, then the Christian religion is doomed. That is exactly what Satan desires to do.

In my opinion there is a logical, reasonable answer for the face and pyramids on Mars. An answer that fits very well into what the Bible records.

Satan’s great civilization of angels:

Lucifer (Satan) was created to lead the angelic hierarchy, ruling over physical civilizations of angels on many planets in our solar system before God recreated everything (Genesis 1:3-2:25). He and the other angels were stewards of creation, building civilizations on the terrestrial planets of our solar system designed to glorify God and His Word.

Satan’s original name was Lucifer (Isaiah 14:12) which means "O shining star, son of morning ". We know that Lucifer was the most beautiful and greatest angel that God ever created. He "sealed the measure" of perfection and beauty of all creation (Ezekiel 28:12). His nature reflected the glory of God, thus his name "shining".

The actual Hebrew words "O shining star" mean "bright, clear sounding or shining" and "boastful and pride". And the Hebrew words "son of morning" means "son of dawning, or earliest, of first". So the correct interpretation of Lucifer is "O clear sounding, boasting son from the beginning". Or what we all understand Lucifer and Satan to be - the boasting angel. This portrays a much clearer picture of this rebellious angel whose realm was destroyed by God.

When Satan rebelled (Isaiah 14:13-14) God destroyed his realm, his literal dwelling places. According to scripture this destruction was swift and decisive. There was a fifth planet between Mars and Jupiter named Rahab (meaning boaster and pride) which God obliterated:

"The pillars of heaven tremble, and are astonished at His (God’s) rebuke. He stirs up the sea with His power, and by His understanding He breaks up the storm. By His Spirit He adorned the heavens; His hand pierced the fleeing serpent (Satan)" (Job 26:11-13).

"You (God) have broken Rahab in pieces, as one who is slain; You have scattered Your enemies with Your mighty arm" (Psalm 89:10 also see Psalm 87:4).

"Awake, awake, put on strength, O arm of the Lord! Awake as in the ancient days, in the generations of old. Are You not the arm that cut Rahab apart, and wounded the serpent (Satan)?" (Isaiah 51:9).

Are not these scriptures speaking of a time before man when God put down Satan’s rebellion? If so, then what is Rahab? For sure it was "broke in pieces" and "cut apart" by God has He destroyed Lucifer’s (Satan’s) rebellion. Could Rahab been Lucifer’s headquarters? Could that headquarters been on a planet which now the asteroid belt?

This could be two different planets or the same one. These names along with Mars are called the "stones of fire" and were capable of supporting some form of life. These were the seat of Satan’s civilization (Ezekiel 28:14-18). And it was a great civilization of angelic beings. It is here that the scripture tells us he reigned over a literal material kingdom known as "Eden the garden of gems and stones" (Ezekiel 28:13).

Before the creation of Adam, the civilization of angels existed and created habitations on the terrestrial planets Rahab, Mars, Earth, and maybe the moon. Throughout scripture there is a consistent reference to the first dwelling places of some of the ancient sons (angels) of God (II Peter 2:4 and Jude 6).

The rebellion of Satan plunged all of creation into a state of corruption, where before it was perfect and glorified (Romans 8:20). God brought fire out of Satan’s midst and the planet Rahab exploded, sending planetesimal and asteroid size pieces of itself into the orbits of the interior terrestrial worlds (Mars and Earth). The present asteroid belt is all that is left of Satan’s planet. Scientist have stated for a long time that the asteroid belt must have been a planet which was destroyed millenniums ago. Present studies have concluded that these asteroids show evidence that they once possessed an atmosphere and water. Presently only planets contain these two elements. Because this planet was totally destroyed, could it be that this was actually Lucifers head quarters.

The force of the explosion destroyed the angelic habitation on Mars and left it a lifeless planet. We presently can see the remains in the Cydonia faces and city. The face on Mars, represents an angelic or cherubim wearing a headdress. Satan is referred to as the "cherub that covers" (Ezekiel 28:14 and 16). Could this face been that of Satan? It is interesting to note that it seems to have the same type of headdress as worn by the Egyptians and Mayan royalty. Further more, the face on Mars is half cherubim and half lion. Just as the Sphinx is half cherubim and half lion.

Even Earth was effected by this destruction. Earth was placed in a deep freeze. "And the earth had become (was something else before) without form and void (to lie waste, desolation, empty, in vain, wilderness, nothing, confusion) and darkness (absence of light and heat) was upon the face of the deep (bringing a sudden deep freeze)" (Genesis 1:2).

Jeremiah’s (4:23-26) description must be of the world before Adam. He looked into the ages before Adam and described the destruction of the earth and heavens. "There were no men, (descendants of Adam), yet there were cities which had been obliterated." The inhabitants of these cities were in fact the angelic host and their leader was Satan, before this rebellion.

Isaiah (34:11) tells us of a earth that was a "line of confusion and stones of emptiness".

Peter (II Peter 3:5-) also describes "the earth standing out of water and in the water, by which the world that then existed perished, being flood with water". This couldn’t be Noah’s flood, because every mountain was covered by twenty-two and one-half feet of water (Genesis 7:19-20).

God’s original creation must have been perfect:

God created the entire universe, which was a perfect universe (Genesis 1:1). Even the Morning (Day) Star and sons of God (angles) shouted (sung) with joy over the creation (Job 38:7). They would not rejoice over a creation of confusion. God would not nor could He create chaos. God is not the author of confusion (I Corinthians 14:33). He would not create confusion out of nothing. He would create order and harmony (Isaiah 45:18). Yet, that is exactly what Genesis tells us. The earth "became formless and void" (Genesis 1:1). To become something means it was something different before. Genesis tells us that earth was "laid to waste". Some kind of cosmic cataclysmic event took place in the distant past that we have little record of. But what? God’s judgment and destruction of the earth and heavens before the re-creation of earth and the creation of man. When God decided to recreate, this time with humans, He choose planet Earth because it was best suited for mankind. A new creation for a new beginning (Genesis 1:3+). The purpose of the creation of the human race was so they should rule the earth under God.

[This message has been edited by Kate (edited November 17, 2004).]

Posted by glassman on :
Kate, you got sore fingers from all that typing?...LOL

Babel...another good one...let's see?? tower of Babel: to reach the heavens? God doesn't want us to reach the heavens? hmmm maybe it was a rocket ship....they would look like a this prophecy or is it something else....

no matter how you translate it Kate, it can be translated in multiple ways....self righteousness is the problem here

Posted by Ric on :
tower of Babel: to reach the heavens?

I think this is a perfect example on why you can't take the bible literally. I am not saying the bible dosen't teach us lessons but to take it as fact? It was written in a time when there were no scientist and they tried to explain the logic of the universe in the only way they could. Its like folk tells passed down through generations. It changes a little each time and becomes a grand event long before it is ever written down. The scriptures in the bible were written by scholers of the times to give the people a sense of direction and laws of god. Fables are used to teach lessons on what will happen if you disobey these laws. Of course you can't see God. If that wasn't told to the people then they would wonder why God doesn't appear to them. Put what always gets me is those who said they were healed by God while there are so many that suffer and pray for help and never recieve it. Yet God says in the bible that he has no respect of person. But the worst thing is there is so much proof out there on how the earth took shape but since its not in the Bible its untrue. Come on. God will punish a group of people trying to build a tower to the heavens but not a man that goes to the moon in a spaceship. God destroyed the earth by a flood yet there has been no evidence of a mass flood in fossil records. And many have tried to prove it with no luck. Evolution is a proven fact, they have the fossil records. Yet we can't have evolved because the bible says so. Man wrote the sciptures for the masses. You can claim that God gave them the message but there is no evidence of this except our own belief. And the ones that wrote it made themself more superior then other races. You know believing in God dosen't mean you have to take the bible literally. It means living your life by example and love your neighbors as yourself and excepting god in your life.


[This message has been edited by Ric (edited November 18, 2004).]

Posted by Kate on :
Skip this one, and go to the next. It is a repeat. Don't know why it did that. Maybe God wanted you to read it twice!

You could'nt of even read what I painstakenly copied, for you to read! Why won't God heal some, while he heals others? My mother died of cancer, but my Dad didn't. Is one of them better than the other? Does God love one of them more than the other? Why did God answer the prayers for one, and not the other? Because there is a time for everything! My mother went to live with God, and that is the ultimate healing! Her time on this earth was done! She is in the best place she could ever be! My Dad was healed in his earthy body, to be a witness to others, for the time he has left on this earth, before he goes to be with the Lord too! To share with others, how God has healed him, and to give them hope. He can be of comfort to someone, who is going through what he went through! It isn't all for nothing! We all have one life to live! If we choose to have Jesus as Savior, we will live eternally with him in heaven someday! Do you realize what eternity is? This life is NOTHING, except what we do for Jesus! Pfhhhhhhht, it's gone, and where will be be after? What will be have to tell God, that we can be accountable for?

[This message has been edited by Kate (edited November 18, 2004).]

Posted by Kate on :
You could'nt of even read what I painstakenly copied, for you to read! Why won't God heal some, while he heals others? My mother died of cancer, but my Dad didn't. Is one of them better than the other? No, God is no respector of persons! Does God love one of them more than the other? No, God is no respector of persons! Why did God answer the prayers for one, and not the other? Because there is a time for everything! My mother went to live with God, and that is the ultimate healing! Her time on this earth was done! She is in the best place she could ever be! My Dad was healed in his earthy body, to be a witness to others, for the time he has left on this earth, before he goes to be with the Lord too! To share with others, how God has healed him, and to give them hope. He can be of comfort to someone, who is going through what he went through! It isn't all for nothing! We all have one life to live! If we choose to have Jesus as Savior, we will live eternally with him in heaven someday! Do you realize what eternity is? This life is NOTHING, except what we do for Jesus! Pfhhhhhhht, it's gone, and where will be be after? What will be have to tell God, that we can be accountable for? Being a "good" person?
If you read what I posted in the above post, it completely blows away the evolution theory! I didn't want to get into it before, because it is very deep, but you asked me!

I don't read where God punished the people, at the Tower of Babel! He just separated them, all over the world! If he is powerful enough to create the universe, why wouldn't he be able to do this? You guys contradict yourselves, when you say you believe in a God, but that he can't do this or do that! It all comes down to faith!

2Corinthians 5:6 Therefore we are always confident, knowing that, whilst we are at home in the body, we are absent from the Lord: for we walk by faith, not by sight: We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord. Wherefore we labour, that, whether present or absent, we my be accepted of him. For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad. Knowing therefore the terror of the Lord, we persuade men; but we are made manifest unto God; and I trust also are made manifest in your consciences.

2 Corinthians 6:17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new!

Ephesians 2:8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:

Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

Hebrews 11:3 Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the Word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.

James 2:14 What doth it profit, my brethren, though a man say he hath faith, and not have works? can faith save him?

James 2:17 Even so faith, if it hath not work, is dead, being alone.

James 2:20 But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead?

Just read my post, THEN we can discuss!

Posted by glassman on :
Kate, the answer to your question? i already told you that Art explained it.
re-read his statements... can not be lost or gained, only transformed...

if you need to call on Jesus to invoke your power, that's fine.....
but when you start trying to tell everybody else that it's Jesus doing it for you and we must worship him as you do, well, you are gonna get some greif girl.....

the lessons are all in the bible, the guys that are making money off it by controlling and manipulating your life with it are not nice people......

pastors and ministers, i'm not talking about....but millionaires and multi's that are trying to gain political favor???????

you do not have the corner on interpreting the bible...

and some of the references you made to to Satans home being destroyed have scientific merit, and some don't....
ice ages didn't destroy the world...
but 65 million years ago it ALMOST got destroyed....and Mars may very well have gotten peeled like an orange by an NEO.....
and i am more than a little ticked off that we can spend hundreds of billions to fight over the name of God, but we can't get our act together long enough to set up a defense system to protect ourselves from the next big rock to come along...

[This message has been edited by glassman (edited November 18, 2004).]

Posted by Ric on :
Kate, I did read it. Thats why I said what I did. There are proven facts that the church is brainwashing people into believing isn't true. And on the healing note. My wife nearly died before we were married. Her father, a paster, says that god saved her life and healed her of the disease that was killing her. At one point, the doctor started to pronouce her dead when she started breathing again. Yet she lives in so much pain now. She just lost a transplant she had to have after the disease damaged her kidneys beyond repair. She back on dialysis after being in the hospital for over 180 days with complications. Why did god save her life only to let her live in pain? Well I degress. The point is that the bible was written by priest commissioned by King James so he could read it and not have to take the work of the priest. The scripts that were translated were sometimes misquoted because of the difficulty of translating latin to english. The original scripts were not even in latin, they were translated. And it still comes down to the fact that old Jews wrote those old scripts. After all that not all were translated, only the ones that the priest wanted to translate were.

But yet some take it as the literal word of god and refuse to except facts that a modern era has proven. Oh well, no one is changing here. Just stating not all believe blindly in something. Yet because we don't believe blindly in it, dosen't make us less of a believer in god.


Posted by Kate on :
I don't agree with Art, Glass, and I don't agree with you either about this issue! I have been posting what I believe, for the last month. That is part of free will! I never said you had to worship Jesus like I do, I'm only sharing my own faith! As far as the Bible being literal, try reading some modern day books, on what computers have discovered about the Bible! Read a book called, The Mysterious Bible Codes, by Grant Jeffrey. This book shows where there are words and sentences, running through the Bible, that only a computer could find! He's got several more out, that support the Bibles history, and you can read them if you are so inclined. He wasn't a Christian either, before he started looking for the truth! I can't see you guys doing it though, because you think I'm a nut case, and you want to believe what you want to believe! Like I 've said before, if you want to believe your family came from apes, that is ok, but I believe mine came from Adam!

Ric, I'm sorry your wife is in pain! Nothing about that, is easy to live with! All I can say, is there is a reason for God to allow things like this, not because he is mean, but because He sees the larger picture, and knows that this life is but an instant! What people has she affected around her, during her life? Who has gained strength, from her strength. I don't know the answer here, as I don't know why my friend who prayed with me, to have the burns go away on my arm, is steadily declining with MS, and praising God, because she knows Him, and wants to be used by Him, to help others! Why did Joni Eriksen Tada, become totally paralyzed from the neck down, to spend the rest of her life Praising God, and sharing her lifes story? Only God knows these things! We are only to accept them on faith! If you read the chapter of Job, it has a remarkably good example of putting God first, no matter what happens to you, and having God make it all up to you, whether in this life, or the next. It's ok that you guys feel different than I do, I just want us all to be sure that we are right, so no one ends up in the wrong place! I think I've hit a nerve with Glass, so I'm going to stop discussing this now! God bless!

Posted by Kate on :
Oh, and one of the gifts of the Spirit, is interpretation!

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